Create CICD pipeline using Jenkins, Nexus, Gitea deployments on Kubernetes.
⚡ Gitea self-hosted git service:
- Gitea docker uses
as a DB by default. - A configMap is created to hold the environment variables used in the gitea pod.
gitea.env content
# Create a ConfigMap to hold the env vars
k create cm gitea --from-env-file=gitea.env -o yaml --dry-run=client > gitea-cm.yml
k apply -f gitea-cm.yml
# Create a secret to hold db password
k create secret generic gitea --from-literal=DB_PASSWD=admin -o yaml --dry-run=client > gitea-secret.yml
k apply -f gitea-secret.yml
# Generate gitea deployment spec
k create deploy gitea --image=gitea/gitea:1.12.6 -o yaml --dry-run=client > gitea.yml
k apply -f gitea.yml --record
# Use the generated cm and secret
k set env deploy/gitea --from=cm/gitea
k annotate deploy gitea"Use gitea ConfigMap"
k set env deploy/gitea --from=secret/gitea
k annotate deploy gitea"Use gitea secret"
# Display revisions
k rollout history deploy/gitea
# Create a service to access gitea
k create svc nodeport gitea --tcp=222:22 --tcp=3000:3000 -o yaml --dry-run=client > gitea-svc.yml
k apply -f gitea-svc.yml
k port-forward deploy/gitea 3000:3000 --address &
git init
git add .
git commit -m "add Dockerfile"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin master
- A custom built image is used where all the needed tools are installed.
repos are enabled to allow the installation fordocker-cli
.- Jenkins image was built using the following commmand:
docker build -t jenkins:ci .
jenkins war file is located at
The ENTRYPOINT in the docker file uses this war file with an additional -Djenkins.install.runSetupWizard=false to skip initial setup screen.
ENV variable is set to/data
, inside it existsinit.groovy.d
init hook, any groovy script found here gets executed by jenkins after it starts up. -
Jenkins runs the
which does the following steps:- Audit the tools: Just simply printing the versions of the current tools available in this container.
- Builds the image using the given Dockerfile found on gitea
- Pushes the image after building into sonatype Nexus
- Deletes the sample-task pod so that a new one gets created with the latest image version.
from the host is mounted into the container usinghostPath
volume type to allow access to docker daemon running on the host.
- a
object is created and the pod is configured to use this SA.
# Generate serviceAccount yaml file
k create sa jaxon -o yaml --dry-run=client > serviceAccount.yml
k apply -f serviceAccount.yml
# Update the serviceAccount file to include the label
k label sa jaxon app=jenkins -o yaml --dry-run=client > serviceAccount.yml
k apply -f serviceAccount.yml
# Create a cluster role
k create clusterrole jenkins --resource=po,po/exec,deploy,svc,cm,secrets --verb=create,delete,get,list,update,watch -o yaml --dry-run=client > clusterRole.yml
k apply -f clusterRole.yml
k label clusterrole jenkins app=jenkins -o yaml --dry-run=client > clusterRole.yml
k apply -f clusterRole.yml
# Create a cluster role binding
k create clusterrolebinding jenkins --clusterrole=jenkins --serviceaccount=default:jaxon -o yaml --dry-run=client > clusterRoleBinding.yml
k apply -f clusterRoleBinding.yml
k label clusterrolebinding jenkins app=jenkins -o yaml --dry-run=client > clusterRoleBinding.yml
k apply -f clusterRoleBinding.yml
# Confirm that the permissions were granted to the service account
k auth can-i get po --as=system:serviceaccount:default:jaxon # returns yes so we're good to go
# Set serviceAccount to jenkins deployment
k set serviceaccount deploy/jenkins jaxon
Tools List |
buildah |
docker-cli |
git |
jenkins |
kubectl |
podman |
# Add dockerhub as a registry to be able to pull the images
vi /etc/containers/registries.conf
registries = ['']
Since gitea is running in a different pod, jenkins pod is able to resolve the service name using kubernetes DNS so all we need is to add the address as follow:
# Create Nexus deployment
k create deployment nexus --image=sonatype/nexus3 -o yaml --dry-run=client > nexus.yml
k apply -f nexus.yml
# Create Nexus SVC
k expose deploy/nexus --type=NodePort --port=8081 --target-port=8081 -o yaml --dry-run=client > nexus-svc.yml
k apply -f nexus-svc.yml
# Port forward to access from outside vagrant
k port-forward deploy/nexus 8081:8081 --address &
k port-forward deploy/nexus 8123:8123 --address &
⚫ Add docker repository in Nexus:
click on Create repository and select docker (hosted) as the option
Add nexus as an insecure registry in /etc/docker/daeomn.json
"insecure-registries" : [""]
From activate Docker bearer token realm
- Tag the image
# Tag the image
docker tag jenkins:ci
# Push the tagged image
docker push
- Create a secret containing credentials for Neuxs private registry.
# Not secure but that's not a production env
k create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-server= --docker-username=admin --docker-password=admin
- Refer to this secret using imagePullSecrets to gain access to Nexus private registry and fetch the image.
k create deploy sample-task --image= -o yaml --dry-run=client > sample-task.yml