Releases: theBowja/genshin-db
added materials search. added upgrade materials to talents
added a bunch of materials. genshin.materials(query)
removed talentmaterialtypes from characters data. (backwards incompatible)
index by upgrade materials for talents (see
updated index.d.ts
update 1.6
kaede, new foods, new weapons
add typescript typings
v3.5.0 assemble and update version
added param values for talents
v3.4.1 reduced file size for talent params
fixed foods, verboseCategories setting, and missing talentmaterialtypes
v3.3.0 Update package.json
Genshin 1.5 update and foods
includes genshin 1.5 update (eula, yanfei, etc)
added some images
added every cookable food + translations
added "foods" function
removed "recipes" function
added weapon stat calculator
added stat calculator for characters. changed options.
added stat calculator for characters
- check it out in the file
changed some options. they are now camel-case. this is backwards-incompatible.
reorganized images. fixed 'names'
fix 'names' not being a valid query
- fyi putting 'names' as query will return a list of all results
version-breaking changes
moved some images around. check the examples file to see updated property paths.
changed image paths in constellations, artifacts, etc
added translations and images for all artifact sets
data structure of artifacts changed a little:
- rarity is now an array of all possible rarities for the artifact set.
- image property is now icon property
- removed drop information