Gameserver is a simple implementation of a REST-based API that allows a user to play simple games. It is intended as an personal demonstration project and will be updated on an ongoing basis to capture ideas and best practice.
The following are the key limitations, but please see the issues list for known problems and planned improvements :
- The game server currently only supports the game Hangman.
- The game server currently stores data in a simple in-memory datastore implementation, so the server is not stateless.
- There is currently no support for authentication or user identity, so all games are public.
The gameserver uses are a number of sub-packages the godocs can be found at
- The core domain logic is implemented in /pkg/domain (godoc)
- The data store is implemented in /pkg/store (godoc)
- The REST api is implemented in /pkg/server (godoc)
To build run
go build ./cmd/...
Then to run an example server using english words run
./cmd/server/server --config ./config/english_config.yaml
From there you access the api from the root :
curl -s
"_links": {
"hangman:list": {
"title": "Hangman game list",
"href": "/hangman",
"method": "GET"
"self": {
"title": "Game server",
"href": "/",
"method": "GET"
The hangman main index is given by :
curl -s
"games": [],
"_links": {
"hangman:create": {
"title": "Create hangman game",
"href": "/hangman/create",
"method": "POST"
"hangman:join": {
"title": "Join hangman game",
"href": "/hangman/{id}",
"method": "GET"
"hangman:list": {
"title": "Hangman game list",
"href": "/hangman",
"method": "GET"
"self": {
"title": "Hangman game list",
"href": "/hangman",
"method": "GET"
Create a new game with :
curl -s -X POST
"game": {
"id": {
"id": "bf6qi6et5bvre3dv5t7g",
"version": 1
"current": " ",
"turns": 6,
"state": "play"
"_links": {
"hangman:create": {
"title": "Create hangman game",
"href": "/hangman/create",
"method": "POST"
"hangman:list": {
"title": "Hangman game list",
"href": "/hangman",
"method": "GET"
"hangman:play:letter": {
"title": "Guess a letter",
"href": "/hangman/bf6qi6et5bvre3dv5t7g/1/letter/{letter}",
"method": "PATCH"
"hangman:play:word": {
"title": "Guess the word",
"href": "/hangman/bf6qi6et5bvre3dv5t7g/1/word/{word}",
"method": "PATCH"
"self": {
"title": "Create hangman game",
"href": "/hangman/create",
"method": "POST"
Guess a letter with :
curl -s -X PATCH | jq
"game": {
"id": {
"id": "bf6qi6et5bvre3dv5t7g",
"version": 2
"current": " A ",
"turns": 6,
"state": "play",
"success": true
"_links": {
"hangman:create": {
"title": "Create hangman game",
"href": "/hangman/create",
"method": "POST"
"hangman:list": {
"title": "Hangman game list",
"href": "/hangman",
"method": "GET"
"hangman:play:letter": {
"title": "Guess a letter",
"href": "/hangman/bf6qi6et5bvre3dv5t7g/2/letter/{letter}",
"method": "PATCH"
"hangman:play:word": {
"title": "Guess the word",
"href": "/hangman/bf6qi6et5bvre3dv5t7g/2/word/{word}",
"method": "PATCH"
"self": {
"title": "Guess a letter",
"href": "/hangman/bf6qi6et5bvre3dv5t7g/2/letter/{letter}",
"method": "PATCH"
Guess the word with :
curl -s -X PATCH | jq
"game": {
"id": {
"id": "bf6qi6et5bvre3dv5t7g",
"version": 3
"current": "ORANGE",
"word": "ORANGE",
"turns": 6,
"state": "win",
"success": true
"_links": {
"hangman:create": {
"title": "Create hangman game",
"href": "/hangman/create",
"method": "POST"
"hangman:list": {
"title": "Hangman game list",
"href": "/hangman",
"method": "GET"
"self": {
"title": "Guess the word",
"href": "/hangman/bf6qi6et5bvre3dv5t7g/4/word/{word}",
"method": "PATCH"
Note that both actions increment the game version, which implements an optimistic offline lock.
List the games of hangman with :
curl -s | jq
"games": [
"id": {
"id": "bf6qi6et5bvre3dv5t7g",
"version": 3
"current": "ORANGE",
"word": "ORANGE",
"turns": 6,
"state": "win"
"_links": {
"hangman:create": {
"title": "Create hangman game",
"href": "/hangman/create",
"method": "POST"
"hangman:join": {
"title": "Join hangman game",
"href": "/hangman/{id}",
"method": "GET"
"hangman:list": {
"title": "Hangman game list",
"href": "/hangman",
"method": "GET"
"self": {
"title": "Hangman game list",
"href": "/hangman",
"method": "GET"
Alternatively use the test command-line client tool :