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JavaScript - Objects, Scopes and Closures


Quick Info:

Objects, Scopes and Closures are javascript features or constructs that work together in building scalable, modular, and maintainable JavaScript code such that objects organize data and behavior, scopes manage variable visibility, and closures provide a way to capture and preserve the state of a function.

General Requirement Info

  • All the files will be interpreted on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS using node (version 14.x)
  • All the files should end with a new line
  • The first line of the codes are exactly: #!/usr/bin/node
  • The code is semistandard compliant. Rules of Standard + semicolons on top. Also as reference: AirBnB style
  • All the files are executable
  • The length of the files are tested using wc and var is not used