Tensor Tracking: Tracking Online Low-Rank Approximations of Higher-Order Incomplete Streaming Tensors
We propose two new provable algorithms for tracking online low-rank approximations of higher-order streaming tensors in the presence of missing data. The first algorithm, dubbed adaptive CP decomposition (ACP), minimizes an exponentially weighted recursive least-squares cost function to obtain the tensor factors in an efficient way, thanks to the alternative minimization framework and the randomized sketching technique. Under the Tucker model, the second algorithm called adaptive Tucker decomposition (ATD), which is more flexible than the first one, first tracks the underlying low-dimensional subspaces covering the tensor factors, and then estimates the core tensor using a stochastic approximation.
Both algorithms are fast and require low computational complexity and memory storage.
- Run files "demo_ACP_xyz.m" and "demo_ATD_xyz.m" for synthetic experiments.
- Run files "demo_real_video_tracking_completion.m" for the online tensor completion. Video datasets can be downloaded from Releases.
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- Streaming CP Decomposition
- Streaming Tucker Decomposition
- Video Completion
If you use this code, please cite the following paper.
[1] L.T. Thanh, K. Abed-Meraim, N. L. Trung and A. Hafiane. “Tracking Online Low-Rank Approximations of Higher-Order Incomplete Streaming Tensors”. CellPress Patterns, 2023, [CellPress], [Techrxiv], [PDF].