These examples are based on the TensorRT samples published at
It is recommended to compile the examples in NVIDIA TensorRT docker container.
docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/data -w /data
Let input be a float tensor. main1a.cpp defines the following network:
- x = shape(input)
- y = x + x
The shape op changes the input type to INT32, the elementwise addition keeps the same shape.
nvcc main1a.cpp logger.cpp -lnvinfer
Let input be a float tensor. main1b.cpp defines the following network:
- x = shape(input)
- y = - x
The shape op changes the input type to INT32, but elementwise - operation does not support INT32 type. The engine construction fails:
nvcc main1b.cpp logger.cpp -lnvinfer
[07/01/2020-11:37:04] [I] Building and running inference engine for shape example
[07/01/2020-11:37:05] [E] [TRT] B: operation NEG not allowed on type Int32
[07/01/2020-11:37:05] [E] [TRT] B: operation NEG not allowed on type Int32
[07/01/2020-11:37:05] [E] [TRT] Layer B failed validation
[07/01/2020-11:37:05] [E] [TRT] Network validation failed.
&&&& FAILED Type1a # ./a.out
Let input be an INT8 tensor. main1c.cpp defines the following network:
- x = RELU(input)
- y = - x
While the RELU op supports INT8, the elementwise op does not. The network is still built and executed successfully due to automatic type conversion. Note that the output type is FP32.
nvcc main1c.cpp logger.cpp -lnvinfer