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change SUPER NEW RELEAS VERSION: change 11

client (mostly Beta)

Generic openEHR Client and Objekt-mapper:

  • Define entity classes for openEHR-Templates (v1.4) in a jpa like way
  • Map entity <-> Archie RM objekts.
  • RestClient for openEHR Rest-API
  • AQL-Query generator (Alpha)

generator (Beta)

  • Autogenerate entity classes from template

opt-1.4 (Beta)

  • Opt 1.4 xmlbeans

response-dto (Beta)

  • DTO's representing the response for the ehrsacpe and openEHR Rest API

terminologie (Beta)

  • Mini openEHR terminologie implementation

validation (Beta)

  • Validation of Compositions against templates

test-data (Beta)

  • Example templates and Composition for tests

serialisation (Beta)

  • map Compositions from and to JSON;XML

Release Notes (v0.3.6)

  • CircleCI pipeline w/ Jacoco code coverage and analysis
  • semi automated version updating via [major] / [minor] / [patch] flags in merge commit title of Github PR
  • updated test dependencies to use Junit5

Release Notes (v0.3.0)

  • RestClient for DIRECTORY endpoint
  • Improved clean-up of empty elements
  • Improved generation of EVENT classes
  • Automated generation of PARTICIPATION classes
  • Added support for PARTY_PROXY
  • Moved to EHRbase 11



mvn clean install


Entity generation

To generate an entity class from a template use

 java  -jar generator-version.jar
 -h               show help
 -opt <arg>       path to opt file
 -out <arg>       path to output directory
 -package <arg>   package name

Use The SDK in your projekt

You can include the SDK via

Map entity <-> Archie RM objekts

see FlattenerTest and UnflattenerTest

RestClient for openEHR Rest-API

  • ehr : see DefaultRestEhrEndpointIT
  • composition: see DefaultRestCompositionEndpointIT
  • template : see DefaultRestTemplateEndpointIT
  • directory : see DefaultRestDirectoryEndpointIT


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
