Define regex once, use it anywhere to navigate through code
When writing a program, you always repeat the same workflow
- skim through top-level structures like class
- go into the class to skim through functions
- go into the function to skim through control flows like if, else, while, or for
- go into the control flow to edit
- function calls
- variable assignments and comparisons
- literals like string, index, key
- type annotations
- go back to 1, 2, or 3
So, shortcuts to navigate to 1,2,3, and 4 are handy
If you haven't setup such keymaps by yourself yet, Sonído is here for you to do that
they are just an example. define regex as your liking
to move to functions and type<Leader>f
to find a character in the line)
config = function() require("sonido").setup({
langs = {
-- read `Add A New Language` section for other languages and define regex
keymaps = {
angle_l = { '<', '>' },
assign_l = { '=', '_' },
class = { 'H', 'L' },
curly_l = { '<Leader>C', '<Leader>c' },
flow = { '+', '-' },
fn = { 'F', 'f' },
paren_l = { '(', ')' },
pri = {'<Leader>Fp','<Leader>fp'},
pub = {'<Leader>FP','<Leader>fP'},
ret = { '|', '\\' },
square_l = { '[', ']' },
str_l = { '<Leader>"', "<Leader>'" },
type = { 'T', 't' },
}) end
e.g. fn = {'F', 'f'}
means type F
to move to previous function, and f
to next
default features' definitions
- angle_l : left angle bracket
- angle_r : left angle bracket
- assign:
let foo = 1
foo = 2
foo += 1
etc - class :
class Foo
Struct Foo
impl Foo
etc - curly_l :
- curly_r :
- flow : control flows
for i in array
etc - fn : functions and closures
- paren_l :
- paren_r :
- pri : private
- pub : public
- ret :
for lua) - square_l:
- square_r:
- str_l : f for
- str_r : o for
- type : type annotations
- angle_l :
quote or https://url
- assign : font (bold italic underscore)
- class : # Header1 or ## Header2
- curly_l :
- flow : top-level list
- fn : # ## ### ####... all headers
- paren_l :
- square_l: link or
- str_l :
or code block
all of the settings below are optional
if you want to add a support for a new language, read Add A New Language section too.
specify features to use
all features are active by default
config = function() require("sonido").setup({
feats = {
-- and any custom features
-- 'custom_feature_1'
}) end
select file-extensions to activate Sonído
config = function() require("sonido").setup({
langs = {
'lua', 'md', 'rs',
-- and any user_defined file types
-- 'js',
}) end
To use languages other than 'lua', 'md', 'rs', you must define regex
See the Add A New Language section for detail
all the movement is repeatalbe by default
config = function() require("sonido").setup({
is_repeatable = true
}) end
normal and visual modes are active by default
config = function() require("sonido").setup({
modes = { 'n', 'v', 'i', 'o' },
}) end
Vim's default keys including [
cannot be overridden easily, as many keys starting with those keys dynamically turned on/off every time buffers are opened/closed. This plugin allows users to override these keys, and the original commands of these keys are accessible by typing with a prefix (e.g.)<EscapePrefix>[
default is <Leader>
config = function() require("sonido").setup({
escape_prefix = '<Leader>',
}) end
a feature like minimal easy-motion
instead of displaying labels, immediately move to the closest matched words after typing n chars, then type ,
or ;
to adjust the position
disabled by default
config = function() require("sonido").setup({
jump = {
-- S key to search backwards by 2 chars
-- s key to search forwards by 2 chars
-- 2 chars. change to any positive integer
}) end
add regular expressions as follows
all the patterns are very magic
. any pattern that works as /\v pattern
should work for Sonído too.
run :h pattern
and search very magic
for detail
config = function() require("sonido").setup({
-- a file extension
langs = { 'js' },
-- add keymaps for user-defined regex
keymaps = {
user_defined_custom_symbol = {
'<Leader>P', '<Leader>p'
-- define symbols for each language
symbols= {
-- a file extension
js = {
angle_l = [[\<]],
assign = [[\S+\s?[+-\*&|<>=]?(&&|||)?\=\s?\S]],
-- class = 'class ', -- move to `c`
class = 'class /;/ /;/\S', -- move to `F` for `class Foo`
curly_l = [[\{]],
flow = [[(for .* (in|of)|while|if|else) ]],
-- fn= "function .{-}|(.{-}) => ", -- move to `f`
fn= "function .{-}|(.{-}) => /;/ /;/\S", -- move to `b` for `function bar(...)`
paren_l = [[\(]],
pri = [[private /;/ /;/\S]],
pub = [[public /;/ /;/\S]],
ret = [[return.*$]],
square_l = '\\[',
str_l = [[(['"`]).{-}\1]]
user_defined_custom_symbol = 'private ',
-- a file extension
cpp = {...}
as in Vim's default search, use foo/;/bar
to move to bar
preceeded by foo
it's better to put the symbols to separate files as they grow up easily as time goes on
return {
angle_l = {},
assign_r = {},
and import it to init.lua so that it's easy to adjust settings reagardless of number of languages
config = function()
local js = require('sonido-lang.js')
langs = { 'js', 'jsx', 'cpp' },
keymaps = {
user_defined_custom_symbol = {
'<Leader>P', '<Leader>p'
symbols = {
js = js,
jsx = js,
cpp = require("sonido-lang.cpp"),