A scheduling system for hair stylists that allows a user to choose a style, book the style and send a message for a stylist to accept and book the appointment.
Usage Information
List of Authors
Contribution Guidelines
Testing Instructions
navigate to root folder and npm install to install all dependencies. Then npm start to start both backend and frontend servers
Use to schedule and order hair style appointments
use the issues tab in github
see installation instructions
📧Email: terahjequinn@gmail.com, jd9913@gmail.com, aklobby@gmail.com
GitHub Username: terahje, jd9913, aksmith5239
🔗 Repository Link: https://github.com/terahje/the-cutting-edge-final-cut
This application is covered under the following license(s):
click [here](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/) to read about these licenses.
Made with love 💝 by jd9913 terahje aks5239.
©️ 2021