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tensorflow/api-owners review practices


This is an attempt to gather commonly discussed topics when doing API reviews. It’ll hopefully be a useful resource to both API owners and people proposing API changes. TF API Owners team (@tensorflow/api-owners) meet twice weekly to discuss changes. We try to get to PRs on the next meeting, but we don’t always make it all the way through. If your change is particularly urgent, please ping the PR to notify us of any urgency.

Please note that also if the TF API team is public Github public teams are only visible and mentionable by TF organization members.


We only look at changes which have already been approved by other reviewers. If there are major outstanding comments, we will wait with API review until those are resolved. If there are questions for API owners, explicitly raise this in the comments to get an answer.

High level points

Python Versions

TensorFlow supports a range of Python versions and changes need to be compatible with all of them. This means that language features not available in any of TensorFlow's supported versions cannot be used.

We regularly reconsider the range of supported versions based on the number of affected users (estimated via pip downloads by Python version), and the default installed version of Python on important platforms (Linux distributions, OSX, ...), but these are large, breaking changes to the ecosystem which are not triggered by reviews of individual features.

Backward and forward compatibility

We avoid backwards-incompatible API changes. We also avoid backwards-incompatible behavior changes, such as restricting the set of valid inputs to a function or extending the set of valid outputs of a function. Adding support for previously not supported behavior is okay, as are changes to explicitly experimental APIs (see section below). When needing to provide a new or different behavior, we strongly prefer a new version of the API over breaking backwards compatibility. Note that we are free to deprecate APIs; we just cannot break code which relies on their documented behavior. We need to worry about backward compatibility both of our python APIs and of the serialized GraphDefs, and in general breaking serialized GraphDefs is worse than breaking the python APIs.

Forward compatibility is more subtle: we should avoid changing the graph produced by currently correct python code without a three weeks notice. This comes up most frequently when adding new ops, but also applies to non-obvious things such as the graph emitted by gradients or pfor.

TensorFlow 1.x and 2.x

When adding new API end points, we use the @tf_export decorator. For new endpoints, expose them to the v2 API only: @tf_export("some_name", v1=[]). This prevents unnecessarily diverging the compat.v1 namespace in future releases from what is published in TensorFlow 1.15.


TF APIs should have comprehensive documentation in the form of docstrings. If at all possible these docstrings should have runnable examples, and these examples should form a doctest so they stay correct. The examples should demonstrate an end-to-end user workflow, such that it’s clear how to generate the necessary inputs for the API and what to do with the outputs. The docstring should be understandable by someone who is not familiar with TF. See the guide to writing TF docstrings for more information.

Our documentation generator for classes only sees methods, so prefer defining members as properties instead of assigning them in __init__.

Docstrings should only refer to other public TF API symbols (i.e. do not refer to other symbols defined in the same file as a function which is just now being made public) and should refer to public API symbols by their full exported name.

Common names

Prefer keepdims over keep_dims. Prefer axis over dim. Data types are called dtype. name is a common last argument of ops but backward compatibility mandates that new arguments are added after the last existing argument, even if that results in name not being the last argument.

We generally prefer spelling things out over using abbreviations except when abbreviations are more standard than spelling things out (i.e. don’t spell out linalg or svd). When in doubt we ask domain experts or use web search to see what spelling is most common.

If possible we prefer to name things in a similar way to numpy (e.g., we would not pick einsum as a name, but numpy and others before it have, and that precedent is very strong).

We prefer experimental namespaces (i.e. over experimental-prefixed names (i.e. except when adding an experimental class method, or an experimental argument. Experimental endpoints should be deprecated in a minor release before they can be removed in the next. We would like new experimental symbols to be things which will eventually end up in core TF as opposed to things we expect will be phased out with no clear replacement. The best expectation to have for an experimental endpoint is that the “experimental” will simply be removed. If you don’t believe that’ll work, it should probably not be added in its current form.


Generally, follow Google style.

Avoid redundancy. Do not write arguments of the form function(..., enable_feature=False, feature_config=None) if you can also write function(..., feature_config=None), where implicitly, enable_feature = feature_config is not None.

Try to embed well with the ambient language. Think about how your API interacts with language idioms (e.g., in Python: can it be hashed, i.e., used as a dict key? Is it iterable? Is it a mapping? Can it be equality compared? Ordered?). Think about how your API interacts with other pieces of the Python ecosystem as well— is there an analogue in Numpy or PyTorch that we should consider aligning with?

Use language-native constructs wherever you can. In Python, a tuple should be a tuple. The bar for custom configuration objects is relatively high, a dict or namedtuple goes a long way.

In particular, do not expose protobufs directly as part of an API. You can use protobufs for serialization or to encode network traffic. Protobufs should always be an implementation detail, and never visible on the API surface. Use language native constructs (dicts or classes for Python, structs for C/C++) if you need configuration objects.

Avoid global (or any non-local) state as much as possible (this includes Python 'with' scopes). If you need global context, consider whether it can be thread-local. The TF API is supposed to be thread-safe. Avoid stateful operation (mutability) if you can. Both features make it hard to reason about code, and make composability harder to achieve.

We prefer strings ("auto", "never", etc) over enums (tf.namespace.AUTO, etc). Strings are easier to type, and forces us to document all possible values and their semantics in the docstrings of all places which accept the string, as opposed to only in the enum definition, which is a little friendlier.

Orthogonality and integration with the existing APIs

Is the new API implementable in terms of existing APIs? If so, we might want to consider pointing users to using the existing APIs. Does the new API add enough value over a combination of existing APIs? Does the API solve only a specific problem (that’s usually a sign combinations of existing APIs would be preferred)?

If not, are existing APIs implementable in terms of the new API? If this is simple, we might want to steer users towards the new and away from the old API (possibly, old APIs should be deprecated along with introducing the new API).

If neither is the case, it might be possible that there is a more general API which makes both the existing API and the new API easy to express. We try to keep global consistency of our API in mind when reviewing new changes.

How will this API work together with others? Does it do something slightly differently than others? Does it expect inputs which match what other parts of TensorFlow produce? Does its output match what other parts of TensorFlow can consume?

Does it do things the same way other similar pieces in TensorFlow do it? E.g., if a common pattern to achieve a behavior is an extra argument, don't use a function decorator to achieve the same in a different area of the API.

Two wrongs don’t make a right. That is, if a bad API already exists in TF, that does not give license to new APIs to be bad in the same way. Improvement must be balanced with consistency, however, and sometimes it’s okay to carry small imperfections into new APIs for the sake of consistency with old APIs.

Optional arguments with default values

Many APIs have optional arguments with a default value. Our recommendation is to use None as the default value of any optional arguments and have the implementation be responsible for handling it as opposed to using a default value that directly represents the behavior (e.g. aggregate='sum'). The latter prevents the implementation from distinguishing between the caller not setting the argument vs. the caller setting the argument to the default value, which may be needed when the default behavior is changing.

Documented types

Arguments and return values to public APIs must be either public types, or inherit from a public type. This ensures that the argument types and return value types are documented and gives users clear guidance on what can be passed to a public API, and what can they do with the returned values. If it is not desirable for the user to construct these types on their own, one can choose to expose superclass with no constructor, but adequate docstrings.

Does it belong in TF at all?

As TF evolves there’s a tendency to put everything inside of it, with costs compounding over the long term. If there is a reasonable home for a new API outside core TF (say in addons, io, TFP, or other projects entirely) that can be strongly preferrable. If new code can be released as independent libraries, it should be. This is especially true for APIs that are actively evolving; core TF imposes many restrictions, so it’s far better to trial new APIs outside of the core library.

Adding new ops

Adding new ops to TF should be done with care. We generally prefer not adding new ops if possible, but performance, hardware compatibility, and other concerns often do require new ops.

When adding new ops, look for:

  • closure under automatic differentiation (i.e. we avoid ops which are differentiable but not twice-differentiable, or which are technically differentiable but not marked as such)
  • performant kernels (it’s better not to have an op than to have an op with a suboptimal kernel; we need to make sure kernel experts have reviewed the code)
  • broadcasting (all numerical ops should broadcast using numpy rules)
  • does support for this op have to be added to pfor/vectorized_map?
  • dtype support (in general all numerical ops should support the common integer, floating point, and complex dtypes, if they all make sense; we need to watch out for int32 on GPUs though)
  • device support (cuda kernels should be implemented if possible, and similarly a tf/xla bridge entry should be added if it makes sense)
  • attributes versus inputs (anything which can be an input to an operation should be an input, and attributes should only be used to parametrize the operation in ways that affect the output dtypes or sometimes shapes)
  • state management (is the op stateful? Can it instead be made stateless and rely on optimizations like memory reuse for performance? Can it be made to keep its state using one of the existing mechanisms like variables? If not, its state should be encapsulated using resource handles if at all possible)
  • we generally don’t like ops which are supported only on a single device (be it CPU, GPU, XLA, TPU, etc) and prefer to have at least a plan for writing device-agnostic code
  • should the python layer for this operation support raggedtensor/sparsetensor?

Experimental APIs

Experimental APIs are APIs which have the word 'experimental' somewhere in their name; for example, or, or or tf.Foo().experimental_bar(). We generally prefer experimental namespaces when possible, so prefer over

Experimental APIs are APIs intended to be added to TensorFlow as-is, but which we reserve the right to change in backwards-incompatible ways if we have to. This is different from apis in tensorflow/addons, many of which are not necessarily intended to be added to core TF as they might have a more narrow use case initially (if APIs in tensorflow/addons do become widely useful they can "graduate" to core, either using experimental or not).

No temporary APIs should be added to experimental (i.e. "we just need this until certain bugfix or certain new feature becomes available" is not a valid reason to add an API with experimental in the name.)

No API with known deficiencies should be added to experimental. Experimental APIs should, to the best of our knowledge, not be expected to change in a known way (no argument with a known bad name, etc). Experimental can, however, be used for APIs which are a work-in-progress: it's fine to add experimental methods to a base class even if those methods are only implemented on some subclasses as long as we expect all classes to eventually implement those.

The same amount of due diligence required for a real API is required for an experimental API: this means tests, benchmarks, documentation, end-to-end examples, etc

Experimental APIs are not a license to break users. This means:

  1. we do not remove experimental APIs which are widely used without an effort to help migrate users away
  2. experimental APIs are not removed without warning and don't have backwards-incompatible changes made to them without warning (the warning can be a deprecation on version 2.x and removal on 2.x+1, but plain removal on 2.x with no notice on 2.x-1 is not ok)

Small changes which are mentioned in relnotes and have obvious fixes might be made (for example if adding a new argument to a long argument list and we believe there are few pass-by-position users we might allow the new argument to be added to the middle and not the end of the parameter list).

Large backwards-incompatible changes to experimental APIs still require an experimental_foo_v2 or similar backwards-compatible evolution plan to avoid breaking users of the existing experimental API.

No API endpoint should stay in experimental forever. If a particular experimental API hasn't had major changes in two minor releases we should remove the experimental annotation from the API name or delete it. If we do want to delete it we need to have a deprecation plan that can migrate all users to some other API endpoint or composition of existing APIs. In rare cases experimental APIs can continue to be iterated on after many releases (see TPUStrategy); this only applies for fairly large API surfaces.

When removing the experimental annotation we should, if at all possible, allow escape routes to not break existing code. This means toplevel symbols and methods like tf.Class.experimental_foo should get a deprecation warning on 2.x before deletion on 2.x+1; we should use the doc_controls decorators to not pollute API docs with deprecated "graduated" experimental APIs. For experimental function arguments we should consider catching **kwargs to raise the proper warnings for at least one version (note though that **kwargs is generally discouraged from our APIs; we prefer explicitly named keyword arguments if at all possible).