Welcome to the Kubernetes community documentation. Here you can learn about what's happening in the community.
Kubernetes uses Slack for community discussions.
Join: Joining is self service. Go to slack.k8s.io to join.
Access: Once you join, the team can be found at kubernetes.slack.io
Archives: Discussions on most channels are archived at kubernetes.slackarchive.io. Start archiving by inviting the slackarchive bot to a channel via /invite @slackarchive
To add new channels, contact one of the admins. Currently that includes briangrant, goltermann, jbeda, sarahnovotny and thockin.
Many important announcements and discussions end up on the main development group.
Users of kubernetes trade notes on:
The weekly community meeting provides an opportunity for the different SIGs and other parts of the community to come together.
Much of the community activity is organized into a community meeting and numerous SIGs. Each of those groups operates a little differently which is reflected in how they capture notes, examples, and other information. Each groups material is in its subdirectory in this project.
The SIG meeting calendar is available as an [iCal to subscribe to] (https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/cgnt364vd8s86hr2phapfjc6uk%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics) (simply copy and paste the url into any calendar product that supports the iCal format) or [html to view] (https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=cgnt364vd8s86hr2phapfjc6uk%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/Los_Angeles).
- Propose the new SIG publicly, including a brief mission statement, by emailing kubernetes-dev@googlegroups.com and kubernetes-users@googlegroups.com, then wait a couple of days for feedback
- Create a group with at least 2 owners (and one of which should be sarahnovotny at google.com): kubernetes-sig-foo@googlegroups.com
- Put a description of the topic in the welcome message
- Set "Join the group" and "Post" to "Public"
- Ask a repo maintainer to create a github label, if one doesn't already exist: area/foo
- If you wish, request a new kubernetes.slack.com channel (#sig-foo) from @sarahnovotny. New users can join at slack.kubernetes.io.
- Organize video meetings as needed. No need to wait for the Weekly Community Video Conference to discuss. Please report summary of SIG activities there.
- Request a Zoom account from @sarahnovotny if you expect more than 30 attendees or attendees from China.
- Add the meeting to the community meeting calendar by inviting cgnt364vd8s86hr2phapfjc6uk@group.calendar.google.com.
- Use existing proposal and PR process
- Announce new SIG on kubernetes-dev@googlegroups.com and ask a repo maintainer to create a kubernetes/community directory and github team for the new group
- Submit a PR to add any SIG-related docs, schedules, roadmaps, etc. to your new kubernetes/community/SIG-foo directory.
- Slack activity is archived at kubernetes.slackarchive.io. To start archiving a new channel invite the slackarchive bot to the channel via
/invite @slackarchive