Secure Generation of Invite links for Private Telegram groups
How to create your own bot using this repository:
- Clone or Fork this repository.
- Create a heroku app and connect to your forked repository.
- Create a redis database in or use Redis addon on heroku.
- Rename the sample.env file to .env and fill in all the required details.
- Create a bot in @Botfather and get the BOT_TOKEN and paste it in .env
- Customize the bot messages in according to your wish.
- Start the bot.
- Admins can generate inline links using "@ link"
- Users can generate links that expire in specified number of days/hours/seconds and is only valid for them (customizable to allow more users per link, check sample.env).
- Admins can view the logs in their log channels (NOTIF_CHANNEL_ID needs to be specified in .env) where the bot should added as an admin.
- Admins can reset the limit to generate more invite links in the bot PM using /resetlimit command.
- Admins can revoke any link by just sending the invite link to be revoked in the bot PM and using /revoke command as a reply to the invite link.
- Admins can view stats related to how many users have started the bot and generated invite links.