Welcome to the Login Demo! This project showcases a simple, functional authentication flow using React and Firebase. Deployed live at: tejas-logindemo.vercel.app
- Authentication: Sign up and log in using:
- Email & Password
- Third-party providers: Google, GitHub, Twitter, and Yahoo
- User Interface: Built with a combination of Material UI for components and Tailwind CSS for styling.
- Routing: There are four pages:
- Landing Page: Introduction and navigation.
- Login Page: Simple form to log in or redirect to third-party providers.
- Sign Up Page: Register with an email and password.
- Dashboard: A protected page visible only after logging in.
- React: Frontend framework.
- Vite: Fast build tool for development.
- Firebase: Backend for authentication and user management.
- Material UI: For responsive and accessible UI components.
- Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework for easy styling.
To run the project locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/tejasnasa/Login-Page.git
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd Login-Page
- Install dependencies:
npm install
Create Firebase App
Create a Firebase project and add your Firebase configuration to the project. You can find more about Firebase setup here.
Create a .env file and add your Firebase API credentials:
VITE_FIREBASE_API = your-api-key
VITE_SENDERID = your-sender-id
VITE_APPID = your-app-id
VITE_MEASUREID = your-measure-id
VITE_AUTHDOMAIN = your-auth-domain
VITE_PROJECTID = your-project-id
VITE_STORAGE_BUCKET = your-storage-bucket
- Start the development server:
npm run dev
- Sign Up: New users can register with their email and password or log in via one of the supported third-party providers.
- Login: Existing users can log in using their credentials or via third-party providers.
- Protected Routes: Once logged in, users can access the Dashboard, which is restricted to authenticated users only.
Check out the live version here: Login Demo
For any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out!
- Email: tejasnasa2005@gmail.com
- Portfolio: tejasnasa.vercel.app
- GitHub: tejasnasa