This is the PocketMine plugin that generates the terrain for Minecraft Java Edition v1.17
- je_overworld
- je_nether
- je_end
- je_large_biomes
- je_amplified
- je_single_biome ※
- je_caves ※
- je_floating_islands ※
※ These can use the biome option (default plains)
When used in server.propertie
, generator-settings=biome=plains
When used in pocketmine.yml
, preset: biome=plains
Biome list
- ocean
- plains
- desert
- mountains
- forest
- taiga
- swamp
- river
- nether_wastes
- the_end
- frozen_ocean
- frozen_river
- snowy_tundra
- snowy_mountains
- mushroom_fields
- mushroom_field_shore
- beach
- desert_hills
- wooded_hills
- taiga_hills
- mountain_edge
- jungle
- jungle_hills
- jungle_edge
- deep_ocean
- stone_shore
- snowy_beach
- birch_forest
- birch_forest_hills
- dark_forest
- snowy_taiga
- snowy_taiga_hills
- giant_tree_taiga
- giant_tree_taiga_hills
- wooded_mountains
- savanna
- savanna_plateau
- badlands
- wooded_badlands_plateau
- badlands_plateau
- warm_ocean
- lukewarm_ocean
- cold_ocean
- deep_warm_ocean
- deep_lukewarm_ocean
- deep_cold_ocean
- deep_frozen_ocean
- legacy_frozen_ocean
- bamboo_jungle
- bamboo_jungle_hills
- sunflower_plains
- desert_lakes
- gravelly_mountains
- flower_forest
- taiga_mountains
- swamp_hills
- ice_spikes
- modified_jungle
- modified_jungle_edge
- tall_birch_forest
- tall_birch_hills
- dark_forest_hills
- snowy_taiga_mountains
- giant_spruce_taiga
- giant_spruce_taiga_hills
- modified_gravelly_mountains
- shattered_savanna
- shattered_savanna_plateau
- eroded_badlands
- modified_wooded_badlands_plateau
- modified_badlands_plateau
- soul_sand_valley
- crimson_forest
- warped_forest
- basalt_deltas
- small_end_islands
- end_midlands
- end_highlands
- end_barrens
- the_void
- Install java17 and set
environment variable - Download server.jar here
- Arrange the files as in the tree below.
├── bin/
│ └── php/
│ └── ext/
│ └── php_calljava.dll
├── plugin_data/
│ └── JEGenerator/
│ ├── JELoader.jar
│ └── server.jar
├── plugins/
│ └── JEGenerator.phar
└── PocketMine-MP.phar
- Add the following text to the last line of php.ini
- Add the following text to the
environment variable
- Arrange the files as in the tree below.
├── bin/
│ └── php7/
│ └── bin/
│ └── ext/
│ └──
├── plugin_data/
│ └── JEGenerator/
│ ├── JELoader.jar
│ └── server.jar
├── plugins/
│ └── JEGenerator.phar
└── PocketMine-MP.phar
- Add the following sample text to the last line of php.ini
extension_dir should be the absolute path of bin/php7/bin/ext
- Add the following text to the
environment variable
- Start pmmp once and agree to eula from the eula.txt file generated in plugin_data/JEGenerator
Takes a long time to start up
Generating a few chunks after startup is a bit slow
This error may occur in some environments, but it is not a problem
Illegal format in tzmappings file: illegal non-newline character found at line 1, offset 46.