Welcome to my GitHub profile! techysanoj I'm a passionate software engineering student, constantly exploring the realms of technology. Here, you'll find a mix of my projects, skills, and a little bit about me.
I'm a dedicated software engineering student currently pursuing my degree. My journey in the tech world involves a blend of machine learning, competitive programming (primarily in C++), and front-end web development.
- Machine Learning: Applying algorithms and models to extract insights and build intelligent systems.
- Competitive Programming: Solving complex problems efficiently using C++ on various competitive coding platforms.
- Web Development (Front-end): Crafting visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces for the web.
I'm always eager to expand my knowledge, and currently, I'm diving deeper into:
- Exploring advanced machine learning techniques.
- Enhancing problem-solving skills through competitive programming.
- Learning about modern web development frameworks.
Feel free to reach out for collaboration, discussions, or anything else! Connect with me on LinkedIn and check out my portfolio here.
Happy coding! π