diff --git a/Vagrantfile b/Vagrantfile index 94c7b3db72..0048f72890 100644 --- a/Vagrantfile +++ b/Vagrantfile @@ -5,35 +5,47 @@ VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION = "2" Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| - config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v| - v.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--natdnshostresolver1", "on"] - end - # For now we have a custom built vagrant image. It was built in the following manner: - # - # - Use 'precise64' as a base. - # - perform a 'vagrant up' using this vagrantfile: - # https://github.com/gratipay/gratipay.com/blob/83312e60c6b31c298ffca61036baa9849044c75e/Vagrantfile - # - drop database gratipay - # - drop role gratipay - # - # Here are some instructions for modifying an existing box: - # - # http://www.pvcloudsystems.com/2012/10/vagrant-modify-existing-box/ - # - # I used that successfully on https://github.com/gratipay/gratipay.com/pull/2815. + # We use multi-machine config here. First one to rebuild the box from scratch + # (it is normally commented) and second (faster) that download built version. - config.vm.box = "gratipay" - config.vm.box_url = File.exist?("gratipay.box") ? "file://gratipay.box" : "https://downloads.gratipay.com/gratipay.box" + # Previous configs are: + # - https://github.com/gratipay/gratipay.com/blob/83312e60c6b31c298ffca61036baa9849044c75e/Vagrantfile + # - https://github.com/gratipay/gratipay.com/blob/fc0b4395e85259cdd17d9fe8560bf654abd756ce/Vagrantfile - # Sync the project directory and expose the app - config.vm.network "private_network", ip: "" - config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", type: "nfs" + + # --- [ common access parameters ] --- + + # Gratipay app is accessible at http://localhost:8537/ from host + # config.vm.network :forwarded_port, guest: 8537, host: 8537 - # TODO: Pin apt-get packages to the same versions Heroku uses + # Current folder is available as /vagrant from guest. + # We speed up access by installing and using NFS as described here: + # https://docs.vagrantup.com/v2/synced-folders/nfs.html + config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", type: "nfs" + config.vm.network "private_network", ip: "" + + + # --- [ boxes ] --- + # after you bootstrap this box, saving it into a gratipay.box is as easy as + # $ vagrant package --output gratipay.box + config.vm.define "basebox" do |base| + # using Ubuntu 14.04, because it is what our hosting (Heroku) uses + # (search cedar-14 for details) + base.vm.box = "ubuntu/trusty64" + + # [ ] use the same package versions as Heroku + + end + + # disable snapshot box for now + #config.vm.define "gratipay" do |box| + # box.vm.box = "gratipay" + # config.vm.box_url = File.exist?("gratipay.box") ? "file://gratipay.box" : "https://downloads.gratipay.com/gratipay.box" + # + # config.vm.provision :shell, + # :path => "scripts/vagrant-setup.sh" + #end - # Installed dependencies are already part of the base image now - config.vm.provision :shell, - :path => "scripts/vagrant-setup.sh" end