This project was created to convert Box Notes to Microsoft Word Documents. It can handle both the 'old' and 'new' Box Note formats. It uses the adjunct custom-reference.docx file to inform the pypandoc library regarding the reference-doc to use (e.g. to add borders to tables).
To use, download this project and point to a boxnote to be converted:
boxnote2docx -b path/to/boxnote
Specify folder to place Word doc(s) (recommended):
boxnote2docx -b path/to/boxnote -d directory-to-place-converted-docx
Example of a batch run:
find /path-to/boxnotes -type f -name '*.boxnote' -print0 |
while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do
./boxnote2docx -b "$file" -d /path-to/converted-dir/ 2>&1
done | tee boxnote2docx.log