SJson is a lightweight tailer made json parser for server side workloads. It tries to get optimized memory and performance with below goals.
- Optimized for Serialization, Deserialization and validation.
- Represent Json in native java format.
- No external dependencies
- Trust the validity of json documents. It is just enough to say invalid, reasoning is optional
- Utilize latest java features
Note: This is not general purpose parser. This is specifically written for REST API use cases.
- Service to Service Communications in microservices
- Client SDK such as Elastic REST Client.
Include below in your pom.xml
Below is the code to read JSON as Java Object
Json json = new Json();
Object obj = StringReader("{ \"abc\" : \"def\" }"));
Below VM Options should be added for JVM. This is required to calculate the size of the objects
-javaagent:<<PATH_TO_JAR>>/jamm-0.4.1.jar --add-opens java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.math=ALL-UNNAMED
SJson was part of the tech talk series at Bangalore Opensource Java User Group. This will give an idea behind this work.
- Setup :
- Optimization:
- Collection: