A self-hosted notification server (like pushover).
- has mobile apps for ios and android
- interesting conceptually (simple pub-sub)
- very easy to use (from curl to php)
- notifications arrive promptly, within seconds (1 - 10) (not as instant as e.g. pushover)
- sometimes apps need to be restarted to show notifications (sometimes a notification shows up in notification center, but not in the app)
- no sync between clients - i.e. the same notification must be marked as read or dismissed in all subscribers (in pushover, when I read one on my phone - it shows as read on laptop)
# options: https://ntfy.sh/docs/config/
base-url: https://ntfy.domain.com
# needed for performance
cache-file: /var/cache/ntfy/cache.db
cache-duration: "12h"
cache-startup-queries: |
pragma journal_mode = WAL;
pragma synchronous = normal;
pragma temp_store = memory;
# This is needed for instant mobile notifications
upstream-base-url: "https://ntfy.sh"
image: binwiederhier/ntfy
container_name: ntfy
restart: unless-stopped
- serve
- TZ=Europe/Dublin
- ./cache:/var/cache/ntfy
- ./ntfy:/etc/ntfy
- 3040:80