Create a painless web tail for containers based on logstash / fluentbit
See the subject for further description.
name | role |
filebeat | log collection - fetch logs from containers, either by mapping the docker sockets/directories to filebeat, or deploy as a kubernetes pod |
logstash | centralize, parse and enrich logs |
rabbitmq | access point for logs through the topic exchange called logs |
flog | open source log generation tool |
I highly advise running each items one after the other, to ensure everything is running smooth.
docker-compose up -d broker
docker-compose up -d logstash
docker-compose up -d filebeat
docker-compose up log-generator
(in order to have it in the foreground)
The Exchange is automatically created by Logstash at startup time, based on the
- Connect to RabbitMQ
- Create a Queue (NOTE: define if queue have to be exclusive and/or durable)
- Bind your Queue to the Exchange, specify if needed a routing key
- Consume the messages from your Queue
See the log schema.