LiveWeb is a server side rendered web application framework for Smalltalk. It is based on Zinc HTTP server and WebSockets.
The components live on the server and can send updates to clients through the web socket.
You can try the examples in a docker with
docker run -p 8080:8080 antitadex/liveweb-examples
and opening examples: http://localhost:8080/examples/clock
(and counter
, wordle
Metacello new
repository: 'github://tatut/LiveWeb/src';
baseline: 'LiveWeb';
The main endpoint is an instance of LWPage
subclass. The page will create the head (optional) and
body (required) components for each page render. The page will register itself with a random UUID
so the client can connect to it.
Creating a simple counter component.
LWPage subclass: #CounterPage.
CounterPage >> body: args [
^ CounterComponent new
The create the component.
LWComponent subclass: #CounterComponent
instanceVariableNames: 'counter'.
CounterComponent >> initialize [
super initialize.
counter := 0
CounterComponent >> renderOn: h [
h div: { #id->'myBody' } with: [
h button: { #onclick -> [ self counter: counter - 1] } with: '-';
div: counter asString;
button: { #onclick -> [ self counter: counter + 1] } with: '+'
CounterComponent >> counter: newValue [
counter := newValue.
self changed "this causes the component to rerender"
Then you need to register the page into the Zinc server delegate.
ZnServer default delegate
map: #counter
to: [:req | CounterPage new value: req ].
See the LiveWeb-Examples
package for more elaborate examples and
examples of using the styling package.