Tatum SDK allows browsers and Node.js clients to interact with Tatum API. You can find API documentation at
API docs Β»
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Tatum SDK V1
This repository is a monorepo with multiple packages for each blockchain.
You can select one or more blockchain packages that you want to use in your project and install them separately.
Install using npm
npm install @tatumio/eth
Install using yarn
yarn add @tatumio/eth
Currently supported blockchain sdks
Blockchain |
Package |
Examples |
Algo | @tatumio/algo | algo examples |
Bitcoin cash | @tatumio/bch | bcash examples |
Bitcoin | @tatumio/btc | btc examples |
Binance smart chain | @tatumio/bsc | bsc examples |
Celo | @tatumio/celo | celo examples |
Dogecoin | @tatumio/dog | doge examples |
Ethereum | @tatumio/eth | eth examples |
Flow | @tatumio/flow | flow examples |
KuCoin | @tatumio/kcs | kcs examples |
Klaytn | @tatumio/klaytn | klaytn examples |
Litecoin | @tatumio/ltc | ltc examples |
Polygon | @tatumio/polygon | polygon examples |
Solana | @tatumio/solana | solana examples |
Tron | @tatumio/tron | tron examples |
Stellar | @tatumio/xlm | xlm examples |
XRP | @tatumio/xrp | xrp examples |
It is possible to install the full package with all supported blockchain modules, although this is not recommended for browser environments due to the size of the dependencies.
npm install @tatumio/sdk
Installing package you also need to check if selected package is supported in your environment. Not all packages are supported both in node and browser environments.
Library is written in TypeScript with ES2017 as the target JS version. Library should work in Node.JS (current LTS) and in web.
Variable | Required | Default value | Description |
TESTNET_TYPE | - | ethereum-sepolia | For Ethereum, there are 2 testnet chains supported - Sepolia and Goerli. To enable Goerli, you need to use ethereum-goerli. |
YOUR_TRON_PRO_API_KEY | - | - | If you want to work with TRON locally, you need to enter API Key for [Trongrid] (https://trongrid.io). |
// es6
// import blockchain subpackage or full sdk package
import { TatumEthSDK } from '@tatumio/eth'
// pass API key from Tatum account available for free at https://dashboard.tatum.io/
const ethSDK = TatumEthSDK({ apiKey: '<Your API Key>' })
// pick Tatum service available from API docs
const generatedWallet = await ethSDK.api.ethGenerateWallet('<mnemonic phrase>')
Service type | Path example | Description |
Api | ethSDK.api.ethGenerateAddress | Blockchain native services |
Custodial | ethSDK.custodial.prepare.generateCustodialWalletSignedTransaction | Custodial wallet services |
Fungible tokens | ethSDK.fungible.deployToken | ERC20, TRC20, etc. |
NFT | ethSDK.nft.deployToken | ERC721, TRC721, etc. |
NFT Marketplace | ethSDK.auction.bid | NFT Marketplaces services |
NFT Auctions | ethSDK.marketplace.getMarketplaceListing | NFT Auctions services |
Multi tokens | ethSDK.multiToken.deployToken | ERC-1155 services |
httpDriver | ethSDK.httpDriver | Connect directly to Node |
KMS | ethSDK.kms.getAllPending | Tatum KMS |
Ledger | ethSDK.ledger.orderBook.newTrade | Tatum private Ledger |
Virtual accounts | ethSDK.virtualAccount.storeTokenAddress | Tatum Virtual Account services |
Record | ethSDK.record.storeLog | Blockchain log |
Security | ethSDK.security.checkMaliciousAddress | Security utilities |
Subscriptions | ethSDK.subscriptions.createSubscription | Notification services |
Tatum | ethSDK.tatum.freezeApiKey | Tatum Ledger custody services |
Transaction | ethSDK.transaction.prepare.transferSignedTransaction | Blockchain native transfer |
Wallet | ethSDK.wallet.generateWallet | Create blockchain wallet and address |
All examples of SDK usage will be found after completion at https://github.com/tatumio/tatum-js/tree/v2/examples
Usage with create-react-app (which uses Webpack 5)
Webpack v5 introduced breaking changes to Web3 library used in Tatum blockchain services. To enable Tatum SDK in React apps you need to follow workaround as per stackoverflow discussion ``
yarn add -D node-polyfill-webpack-plugin
yarn add -D react-app-rewired
2. Copy config-overrides.js to your project (next to package.json)
"assert": "npm:assert",
"crypto": "npm:crypto-browserify",
"http": "npm:http-browserify",
"https": "npm:https-browserify",
"os": "npm:os-browserify",
"stream": "npm:stream-browserify",
"url": "npm:url",
"scripts": {
"start": "react-app-rewired start",
"build": "react-app-rewired build",
"test": "react-app-rewired test",
"eject": "react-app-rewired eject"
Usage with Vite and browser extension support
To allow usage of Tatum SDK in browser extensions, you need to add additional esbuild plugins to your vite.config.js
yarn add -D @esbuild-plugins/node-globals-polyfill
yarn add -D @esbuild-plugins/node-modules-polyfill
2. Copy vite.config.js to your project
π You are ready to use Tatum SDK in your browser extension.
$ git clone https://github.com/tatumio/tatum-js.git && cd tatum-js
$ yarn
Add currency constant to the packages/api-client/src/lib/models/Currency.ts
Add blockchain constant to the packages/shared/core/src/lib/models/Blockchain.ts
Following command will generate whole structure (files and directories).
$ yarn add:chain
As a template is used blockchain-evm
generator in automation package.
Copy new api_schema.json from Tatum API and run the following command:
$ yarn generate:api
Have a bug or a feature request? Please first read the issue guidelines and search for existing and closed issues. If your problem or idea is not addressed yet, please open a [new issue]( please open a new issue).