Module for updating CodeIgniter 4 projects
- Install with Composer:
> composer require --dev tatter/patches
- Use the command to update:
> php spark selfupdate
Patches helps keep your CodeIgniter 4 projects up-to-date when there are framework or other upstream changes that affect your project source. Use one easy command to patch your development instance and update dependencies all at once.
The library will initialize and locate any source files in {namespace}/Patches. Legacy
files identified by the source files are copied into the workspace prior to running the update.
After running updates (e.g. the equivalent of composer update
) any files that changed are
compared with their equivalent version in your project root. Any eligible files are automatically
merged and then you are guided through conflict resolution in cases where a file could not be
merged automatically.
Install easily via Composer to take advantage of CodeIgniter 4's autoloading capabilities and always be up-to-date:
> composer require --dev tatter/patches
Or, install manually by downloading the source files and adding the directory to
Note: While Patches can be run in a production environment it is strongly recommended
that you install it in development (using --dev
) and then apply changes manually to production.
The library's default behavior can be altered by extending its config file. Copy bin/Patches.php to app/Config/ and follow the instructions in the comments. If no config file is found in app/Config the library will use its own.
By default Patches will use its own built-in handlers for updating (Composer) and merging
(Copy). You can change to another bundled handler (or write your own) using the config values.
You can also disable unwanted aspects of the patching process (like Events). Patches will
also auto-detect source files and use any available, but you can specify ignoredSources
their shortname (e.g. "Framework") to prevent using a source.
Patches works best alongside your project's repository management. It is highly recommended that you add the workspace to your .gitignore file (default: writable/patches) and that you include composer.lock in committed code. This way you can run patches against a dedicated branch without affecting the rest of your workflow.
Patches comes with a CLI Command to run patches and guide you through the process. After the module is installed and configured, run "selfupdate" from the command line:
php spark selfupdate
Follow the prompts to complete the patch process. Copies of the files are left in the workspace (default: ROOTPATH/writable/patches/{datetime}) along with codex.json, a copy of the run log.
Below is a guided example of the patch process. This shows taking CodeIgniter Playground
from an earlier release of the framework up to version 4.0.3
Add Patches to the existing project in a development setting
> composer require --dev tatter/patches
All defaults are fine so kick off the patch process, which will begin with an overview of the configuration
> php spark selfupdate
CodeIgniter CLI Tool - Version 4.0.0-rc4 - Server-Time: 2020-05-27 19:23:15pm
Beginning patch process
Detected sources: Framework
Using the following configuration:
| Updater | Tatter\Patches\Handlers\Updaters\ComposerHandler |
| Merger | Tatter\Patches\Handlers\Mergers\CopyHandler |
| Base Path | /var/www/ |
| Project | /var/www/ |
| Deletes? | Allowed |
| Events? | Allowed |
| Sources | Framework |
| Ignored | None |
The prepatch process will copy existing source files and run the update
66 legacy files copied to /var/www/
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Package operations: 0 installs, 1 update, 0 removals
- Updating codeigniter4/framework (v4.0.0-rc4 => v4.0.3): Checking out 6d019e5354
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files
After the files are updated Patches analyzes changes and presents a menu based on your project's differences
7 changed files detected
0 added files detected
0 deleted files detected
What would you like to do:
(P)roceed with the merge
(L)ist all files
Show (C)hanged files (7)
Show (A)dded files (0)
Show (D)eleted files (0)
Selection? [p, l, c, a, d, q]:
You can view which files were affected by typing "l" (L)
| File | Status | Diff |
| app/Config/Autoload.php | Changed | 5 |
| app/Config/Boot/development.php | Changed | 3 |
| app/Config/Boot/production.php | Changed | 3 |
| app/Config/Boot/testing.php | Changed | 3 |
| app/Config/Events.php | Changed | 13 |
| app/Config/Exceptions.php | Changed | 6 |
| app/Config/Services.php | Changed | 3 |
No added files
No deleted files
If everything looks correct, typing "p" will proceed with merge
Selection? [p, l, c, a, d, q]: p
5 files merged
2 conflicts detected
If there were conflicts then an additional menu will prompt for conflict resolution
2 conflicts detected
What would you like to do:
(L)ist conflict files
(G)uided resolution
(O)verwrite all files
(S)kip all files
In this case Playground has a few config files with trivial modifications
Selection? [l, g, o, s, q]: l
| File | Status | Diff |
| app/Config/Autoload.php | Changed | 5 |
| app/Config/Services.php | Changed | 3 |
No added files
No deleted files
We will use the guided resolution to view each diff then overwrite the files
Selection? [l, g, o, s, q]: g
This file was changed but your copy does not match the original.
(D)isplay diff
Selection? [d, o, s, q]: d
-require_once SYSTEMPATH . 'Config/Services.php';
Selection? [d, o, s, q]: o
Upon completion the path to the workspace will be displayed so you can review what was accomplished
Workspace with codex and files:
If your code is tracked you can easily see what changes were made during the patch
> git status
On branch patches
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: app/Config/Boot/development.php
modified: app/Config/Boot/production.php
modified: app/Config/Boot/testing.php
modified: app/Config/Events.php
modified: app/Config/Exceptions.php
modified: app/Config/Services.php
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
> git diff HEAD