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frontend / DMR.Tools

1、MD-380 has two versions, new vocoder and old vocoder, so please check version first in the radio, check menu-utilities-radio info-versions and if you find the version is D002 and D003, it should the old vocoder and the latest firmware is MD380-D3.20, while if the version is D013, the firmware should be MD380-D13.20 2、MD-446 has two versions, new vocoder and old vocoder, so please check version first in the radio, check menu-utilities-radio info-versions and if you find the version is D002 and D003, it should the old vocoder and the latest firmware is MD446-D3.20, while if the version is D013, the firmware should be MD446-D13.20 3、MD-390 has three firmware, old vocoder and new vocoder with GPS and new vocoder without GPS, so please check version first in the radio, check menu-utilities-radio info-versions and if you find the version is D002 and D003, it should the old vocoder and the latest firmware is MD380-D3.20, while if the version is D013, and radio has GPS, the firmware should be MD390-S13.20 and if radio doesn’t have GPS, it should be MD380-D13.20 4、MD-380G has two firmware, new vocoder with GPS and new vocoder without GPS, so please check version first in the radio, check menu-utilities-radio info-versions and if the version is D013, and radio has GPS, the firmware should be MD390-S13.20 and if radio doesn’t have GPS, it should be MD380-D13.20

automatic scanlist generation and association based on zone

Channels should be seprate from codeplug entirely until literally writing the radio Website database and local manually input channels should be king try not to manually have users inputting channels into the radio memory, too limiting but allow for advanced users to modify all settings anyway?

Need a robust subscription+tags concept for repeaters and channels channels should be tagged with a license country, commercial location state, lat,lon, country connected networks owning organization Zones should be built from tags somehow

webserial adapter already written using electron:

channel/contact hashes to match stuff read from radio to online versions

UI Ideas I like


codeplug sources:
	create a new codeplug from a template
	import a codeplug from a file
	import a codeplug from a link
	read a codeplug from a radio

Codeplug storage:
	my cloud
	local save

output formats:
	csv (compatible with which programs?)
	json (compatible with which programs?)

List of codeplugs
	(or a network of codeplugs with diffs applied between them?) (That's a complicated idea, but very powerful, as evidenced by git)
When a codeplug is selected, we load it
We can also somehow add new codeplugs from the various sources
then, we make_editor for it so we can edit it
Then, we have different tools - 
	encryption key generator, 
		higher level encryption management tools and key derivation ideas
	codeplug id generator
		given a bunch of DMR IDs, generate codeplug for each ID
			and save it all as one .zip
			and program them to each radio in succession
	mass programmer
		given a mapping of DMR IDs to serial numbers, program each with the correct DMR ID based on a template codeplug

##TODO ✔ get USB working again 1/2✔ clean up old code to make libraries get pointing to an ssh tunnel locally so i can dev faster with usb stuff again even with doing this vue stuff figure out RDT header and footer values so i can make compatible rdts from reading a radio Make a browser/OS/platform support matrix of features vs platform



Python all-in-one static binary sentry for error reporting?


Any way to get it to work? I doubt it, right?

Remote installer using a hotspot/linux device

take advantage of all the hotspots and stuff use it to write to radio remotely so ios people can still use my shit do this before the windows one, i think




I used defineProperty to create a file format proxy with no intermediate state for the codeplugs that's now FAR too slow with Vue3 (40s!) , and while it wasn't quite as bad with Vue2 (5s), it still wasn't great. The old way was also limited- arrays, for instance, had some quirks about how they were accessed and modified that weren't great either. There has to be a way to do what I want, and luckily it turns out Vue2 -> Vue3 changed their system for the exact reasons I want to change mine, so their system is probably a good indicator of the way to go.

In Vue 2.x and earlier, when you click one of the "edit" buttons in the list item and input a new piece of a text string, the view won't be changed, because setting item with an index like this.list[index] = newItem couldn't be tracked. You should write Vue.$set(this.list, index, newItem) instead. But in Vue 3.0, it works, too. Vue3 new system: ES6 Proxys and of course the vue3 source above

So now my file format proxy would be NOT deep, actually - I just need to get a path like these guys do, but without the deep object somehow? that may not work nicely unmodified. I may have to use my existing code to parse out at least down to the fields and then proxy THAT!?

I can create an arbitrarily nested object by trapping the gets. so start there, i suppose!

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