A small social platform replication in the making. This project is built on MERN Stack deployed here.
- Authentication and Authorization using PassportJS and JSON Web Tokens.
- Customized personal profile page.
- Add and Delete Notes.
- Auth using Google.
- Upload Media (Admin Only).
The App utilizes Mongo DB (Atlas) for storage and Google Cloud for Google Auth. Both of these require some private keys.
- Create a Mongo DB Cluster and within that create a new Database. Then from the security tab add a new user credentials to use the DB. Once done with these steps tap on Connect App, fill the desired info. Copy the MONGODB_URL generated.
- Note: The above steps are quite common and you can simply work them out.
- Still of you are STUCK anywhere, take help from here.
- Also make sure you white list your IP address in the Network Access tab of your Cluster. For testing purposes, you can even put to allow all requests.[CAUTION]
- (Optional) This step deals with getting Keys for Google Auth. You can skip this step and just add some random string in GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID and GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET in the steps below. Otherwise continue with the following:
- Login/SignUp to the GCP Console.
- Create a new project.
- Go to APIs and Services -> ENABLE APIs AND SERVICES.
- Select and enable Google+ API.
- Now go to Credentials from the side tab.
- Click on Create Credentials -> OAuth client ID.
- Select Web Applcation.
- Fill http://localhost:3000 under both Authorised JavaScript origins and Authorised redirect URIs.
- Note: When deployed on a Hosting service, also add that hosting URL in the above step.
- Once done, Copy the save the Client ID and Client Secret, which we use on the nect steps.
- Now create a new file inside the config folder named named as localkeys.js.
- Add the following code and replace these strings with respective keys generated above:
// Sample MONGODB KEY -> "mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>@cluster0-ncegj.mongodb.net/<dbname>?retryWrites=true&w=majority"
module.exports = {
- Save the file.
- [IMPORTANT] Now go inside the client folder, then go to src/config. Copy the same file
and paste it here.
- Comre back to root directory and run
npm install
. This installs server side dependecies. - Go to client folder by
cd client
and runnpm install
to install client side dependencies. - Now come back to the root and run
npm start
to run the server. If all goes well, you will get message on console stating MONGODB Connected. - Open another terminal and browse inside the client folder and run
npm start
to run the frontend part. - Browse to
. - Congrats! the project is now running on your local machine.
- Create an account on Heroku.
- Install Heroku CLI and Login through cli.
- Clone this repo.
- Get inside the root directory.
- Type
heroku create 'app_name'
to create a new Heroku app. Once done check the Heroku Console. Your app should be listed there. - In the console click on the 'appname', then click on Settings. Here Click Reveal Config Vars.
- Add the following two secrets exactly as given below.:exclamation:
key: MONGODB_URI, value: 'Your DB connection string from MongoDB'
key: JWT_SECRET_KEY, value: 'any_secret_key_string'
key: REACT_APP_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID: 'Insert Google Client ID'
- These variables are directly accessed isnside the code by
. - Go back to terminal.
- Make changes if you require.
- Add and commit changes by typing the following git commands:
git add .
git commit -m "Some Description"
- Push to Heroku and wait for build to complete and be deployed:
git push heroku master
. - Open the through the URL shown on terminal when the above process completes without any errors.
Feel free to open ISSUES and contrbutions via PRs.