View Résumé
- Exploration of data preparation techniques for wine quality prediction
- Computer vision techniques for analyzing a side-profile video of an individual doing exercise
- Responsive portfolio website that uses the Flask micro web framework. Blog application and contact form also built within. Uses GitHub REST API to display public repositories as projects.
- Cryptocurrency paper-trading bot that uses Kraken exchange's REST API to receive Open, High, Low and Close data and then takes a decision to either buy or sell.
- Group project; Data pre-processing; Hyper-parameter tuning; Model performance over dataset.
- Group project: Software Engineering course; Quoridor board game; Java; Unit testing; Javadocs.
- Computer-Aided Design projects using Dassault SolidWorks - Engineering Graphics course.
- Group project; MS-DOS application written in C++; Calculates typing speed of a sample text; Also displays a leaderboard.