Lightweight controller to keep your inputs visible when the keyboard is presented.
This project is maintained by Tapptitude, a Product-Focused Mobile Development Agency based in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, and London, the UK, specialised in building high-quality Native Mobile Apps on iOS & Android.
- Very easy to integrate
- Lightweight
- Works with any inputs or keyboard types
- Automatic keyboard dismiss when tapping outside of the input
- Ignore views that trigger dimissal
- Add additional distance from the keyboard
- Add any view to be visible
- Add custom animation block when the keyboard is presented.
- iOS 8.0+
- Xcode 7.3+
Swift 4.0, 3.X
pod 'TTInputVisibilityController'
github "tapptitude/TTInputVisibilityController"
Add the contents of TTInputVisibilityController files to your project.
You can add the keyboardVisibilityController to the view proerty of any ViewController.
override func viewDidLoad() {
You can add extra space above the keyboard by setting the swift extraSpaceAboveKeyboard
If you want some view to not trigger the dismissal of the keyboard(e.g. a login button) you can set
inputVisibilityController.dismissKeyboardTouchRecognizer?.ignoreViews = [myLoginButton]
You can also add provide a block to be called when the keyboard is dismissed or presented providing you the tranlation value. (e.g animating somoe constraints)
inputVisibilityController.additionallAnimatioBlock = { [weak self] translation in
self?.loginButtonBottomConstraint.constant = initialConstraint + moveUpValue
Feel free to Fork, submit Pull Requests or send us your feedback and suggestions!
TTInputVisibilityController is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.