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"11001": "आ, ऐ and औ are called वृद्धि।",
"11002": "अ, ए and ओ are called गुण।",
"11003": "In the absence of any special role whenever गुण or वृद्धि is enjoined about any expression by using the terms गुण or वृद्धि, it is to be understood to come in the room of the इक् (इ, उ, ऋ, लृ) of that expression.",
"11004": "The गुण and वृद्धि substitutions which otherwise would have presented themselves do not take place, when such an आर्धधातुक [[3.4.114]] affix follows, which causes a portion of the root to be elided.",
"11005": "And that, which otherwise would have caused गुण or वृद्धि, does not do so, when it has an indicatory क् , ग् , ङ्।",
"11006": "The गुण and वृद्धि substitutions which otherwise would have presented themselves do not however come, in the place of the vowels of दिधि 'to shine' and वेवि 'to go', and of the augment called इट् ।",
"11007": "Consonants unseparated by a vowel are called conjunct consonants.",
"11008": "That which is pronounced by the nose along with the mouth is called अनुनासिक or nasal.",
"11009": "Those whose place of utterance and effort are equal are called सवर्ण or homogeneous letters.",
"11010": "There is however no homogeneity between vowels and consonants, though their place and effort be equal.",
"11011": "A dual case affix ending in ई or ऊ or ए is called प्रगृह्य , or excepted vowels which do not admit सन्धि or conjugation.",
"11012": "The same letters after the म् of the pronoun अदस् are प्रगृह्य।",
"11013": "The affix शे (the Vedic substitute of the case-affixes) is a प्रगृह्य।",
"11014": "A particle [[1.4.56]] consisting of a single vowel, with the exception of the particle आङ् is प्रगृह्य।",
"11015": "The final ओ of a particle is a प्रगृह्य।",
"11016": "The final ओ of a vocative singular [[2.3.49]] before the word इति according to शाकल्य , in a secular or non-vedic literature is a प्रगृह्य।",
"11017": "The particle ऊञ् before इति , according to शाकल्य is a प्रगृह्य।",
"11018": "The particle ऊँ replaces उञ in non-vedic literature and it is a प्रगृह्य in the opinion of शाकल्य।",
"11019": "The final ई and ऊ of words giving the sense of the locative case are प्रगृह्य।",
"11020": "The words having the form of दा 'to give' and धा 'to place' are called घु।",
"11021": "An operation should be performed on a single letter, as upon an initial or upon a final.",
"11022": "The affixes तरप् and तमप् ae called घ।",
"11023": "The words बहु 'many' , गण 'class' and the words ending in the affix वतु -- यद्तदेतेभ्यः परिमाणे वतुप् [[5.2.39]] and डति -- किमः संख्यापरिमाणे डति च [[5.2.41]] are called numerals (संख्या).",
"11024": "The संख्या-s having ष or न as their final are called षट्।",
"11025": "And the संख्या-s ending with the affix डति are called षट्।",
"11026": "The affixes क्त and क्तवतु are called निष्ठा।",
"11027": "The words सर्व 'all' and the rest are called सर्वनाम or pronouns.",
"11028": "The above words are optionally सर्वनाम when they occur in a बहुव्रीही compound signifying direction -- दिङ्नामान्यन्तराले [[2.2.26]].",
"11029": "The words सर्व etc. are not सर्वनाम when they occur in a बहुव्रीही compound.",
"11030": "In the Instrumental Determinative Compounds the words सर्व etc. are not सर्वनाम।",
"11031": "And in Collective Compound -- दिङ्नामान्यन्तराले [[2.2.26]], the words सर्व etc. are not सर्वनाम।",
"11032": "Their द्वन्द compounds are optionally सर्वनाम when the nominative plural termination जस् follows.",
"11033": "And also the words प्रथम 'first', चरम 'last', words with the affix तय -- संख्याया अवयवे तयप् [[5.2.42]], अल्प 'few', अर्ध 'half', कतिपय 'some' and नेम 'half' are optionally सर्वनाम , before the Nominative Plural termination.\n",
"11034": "The words पूर्व 'prior', पर 'after', अवर 'posterior', दक्षिण 'south', उत्तर 'north', अपर 'other', अधर 'inferior', when they discriminate relative position, not when they are appellatives, are optionally सर्वनाम before the affix जस्।",
"11035": "The word स्व 'own', when it does not mean a kinsman or property is optionally सर्वनाम before the affix जस्।",
"11036": "The word अन्तर always being a सर्वनाम , when meaning 'outer' or 'lower garment', is optionally so before the affix जस्।",
"11037": "The words स्वर् 'heaven' etc. and the particles -- निपात एकाजनाङ् [[1.4.56]], are called अव्यय or indeclinables.",
"11038": "And the words ending in तद्धित or secondary affixes -- तद्धिताः [[4.1.76]], which are not declined in all the cases are also अव्यय or indeclinables.",
"11039": "The words formed by those कृत् or primary affixes -- कृदतिङ् [[3.1.93]], which end with a म् or in a ए , ओ , ऐ and औ are also अव्यय or indeclinables.",
"11040": "The words ending in क्त्व , तोसुन् -- भावलक्षणे स्थेण्कृञ्वदिचरिहुतमिजनिभ्यस्तोसुन् [[3.4.16]], and कसुन् are अव्यय or indeclinables.",
"11041": "The compound called अव्ययीभाव is also अव्यय or indeclinable.",
"11042": "The affix शि [[7.1.20]] is called सर्वनामस्थान।",
"11043": "The first five case affixes comprised in the प्रत्यहार सुट् (i.e. the three case-terminations of the Nominative, and the singular and dual of the Accusative) are also called सर्वनामस्थान , except the case-affixes of the neuter gender.",
"11044": "May or may not' is called विभाषा or option.",
"11045": "The इक् vowels which replace the semi-vowels यण् are called सम्प्रसारण।",
"11046": "Of whatsoever the augments enunciated are distinguished by an indicatory ट् or क् , they precede or follow it accordingly.",
"11047": "The augment that has an indicatory म् comes after the last among the vowels and becomes the final position of that which it augments.",
"11048": "Of एच् vowels, इक् is the substitute, when short is to be substituted.",
"11049": "The force of the genitive case in a sūtra is that of the phrase 'in the place of', when no special rules qualify the sense of Genitive 6th-Case.\n",
"11050": "When a common term is obtained as a substitute, the likest of its significates to that in the place of which it comes, is the actual substitute.",
"11051": "When a letter of अण् प्रत्यहार comes as a substitute for ऋ it is always followed by र्।",
"11052": "The substitute takes the place of only the final letter (of that which is denoted by a term exhibited in the Genitive 6th-Case.",
"11053": "And the substitute which hs indicatory ङ् (even though it consists of more than one letter) takes the place of the final letter only of the original expression.",
"11054": "That which is enjoined to come in th room of what follows is to be understood as coming in the room only of the first letter thereof.",
"11055": "A substitute consisting of more than one letter and a substitute having an indicatory श् take the place of the whole of the original expression exhibited in the Genitive 6th-Case.",
"11056": "A substitute (आदेश) is like the former occupant (स्थानी) but not in the case of a rule the occasion for the operation of which is furnished by the letters of the original term.",
"11057": "A substitute in the room of a vowel caused by something that follows, should be regarded as that whose place it takes when a rule would else take effect on what stands anterior to the original vowel.",
"11058": "Not so, in rules relating to the finals of words, to the doubling of letters, to the affixing of वरच् , to the elision of य , to accent, to homogenous letters, to अनुस्वर , to the lengthening of vowels and to the substitution of जस् and चर् characters.",
"11059": "Before an affix having an initial vowel, which causes reduplication, the substitute which takes the place of a vowel is like the original vowel even in form, only for the purpose of reduplication and no further.",
"11060": "The substitution of a blank (लोप) signifies disappearance.",
"11061": "The disappearance of an affix when it is caused by the words लुक् , श्लु or लुप् are designated by those terms respectively.",
"11062": "When elision of an affix has taken place (लोप), the affix still exerts its influence and the operations dependant upon it, take place as if it were present.",
"11063": "Of the base (अङ्ग), whose affix has been elided by the use of the three words containing लु , the operations dependant on it do not take place, regarding such base.",
"11064": "The final portion of a word, beginning with the last among the vowels in the word, is called टि।",
"11065": "The letter immediately preceding the last letter of a word is called penultimate (उपधा).",
"11066": "When a term is exhibited in the seventh case in these sūtras, the operation directed, is to be understood as effecting the state of what immediately precedes the which the term denotes.",
"11067": "An operation casused by the exhibition of a term in the Ablative 5th case, is to be understood to enjoin the substitution of something in the room of that which immediately follows the word denoted by the term.",
"11068": "In this Grammar, when an operation is directed with regard to a word, the individual form of the word posesssing meaning is to be understood, except with regard to aword which is a definition.",
"11069": "The letters of the प्रत्याहार अण् i.e. the vowels and semi-vowels and a term having उ for its indicatory letter, refer to their own form as well as to their homogeneous letters, except when they are used as प्रत्यय-s or affixes.",
"11070": "The letter which has त् after or before it, besides referring to its own form, refers to those homogeneous letters which have the some prosodial length or time.",
"11071": "An initial letter, with a final इत् letter as a final, is the name of itself and of the intervening letters.",
"11072": "An injunction which is made with regard to a particular attribute, applies to words having that attribute at their end as well as to that attribute itself.",
"11073": "That word, among the vowels of which the first is a वृद्धि , is called वृद्धम्। ",
"11074": "The words त्यद् etc. are called वृद्धम्।",
"11075": "A word that has the letters ए and ओ as the first among its vowels, gets also the designation of वृद्धम्।",
"12001": " All affixes after the verb गाङ् 'to study' and the verb कुट् 'to be crooked' and the rest, are as if they had an indicatory ङ् (ङित्), except those affixes which have an indicatory ञ् (ञित्) or ण् (णित्).",
"12002": " An affix which begins with the augment इट् -- आर्धधातुकस्येड् वलादेः [[7.2.35]], is ङित् after the root विज् 'to fear, to move'.",
"12003": " After the verb ऊर्ण 'to cover', the affix beginning with the augment इट् is regarded optionally like ङित्।",
"12004": " A सार्वधातुक -- तिङ्शित्सार्वधातुकम् [[3.4.113]], affix not having an indicatory ङित्।",
"12005": " The affixes of लिट् (Perfect Tense) not coming after a conjunct consonant, are as if they had an indicatory क् (कित्).",
"12006": " The लिट् (Perfect Tense) affixes after the roots इन्धि 'to kindle' and भू 'to become' are also कित्।",
"12007": " The affix क्त्वा is कित् after मृड् 'to be gracious', मृद् 'to squeeze', गुध् 'to wrap up', कुष् 'to tear', क्लिश् 'to suffer', वद् 'to speak' and वस् 'to dwell'.",
"12008": "The affixes क्त्वा and सन् [[3.1.7]] are कित् after रुद् 'to weep', विद् 'to know', मुष् 'to steal', गृह् 'to seize', स्वप् 'to sleep' and प्रच्छ् 'to ask'. ",
"12009": "The affix सन् beginning with a letter of the प्रत्यहार झल् is like कित् after the verbs ending in इक् vowels.",
"12010": " And after a root ending in a consonant and preceded by a vowel of the प्रत्यहार इक् , the affix सन् beginning witha झल् consonant, is like कित् ।",
"12011": " After roots ending in a consonant, that adjoins a vowel of इक् प्रत्यहार , the substitutes of the -- विधिनिमन्त्रणामन्त्रण अधीष्टसम्प्रश्नप्रार्थनेषु लिङ् [[3.3.161]] and सिच् -- च्लेः सिच् [[3.1.44]], when they begin with a consonant of झल् प्रत्यहार , are कित् when the आत्मनेपद affixes follow.",
"12012": " And after the verbs ending in ऋ , the substitutes of लिङ् and the affix सिच् , are कित् , when they begin with झल् and the आत्मनेपद affixes follow.",
"12013": "Optionally after the verb गम् , the लिङ् and the सिच् beginning with झल् consonants, in the आत्मनेपद , are कित्।",
"12014": "The सिच् आत्मनेपद affixes are कित् after the root हन् 'to kill'.",
"12015": "The affix सिच् before आत्मनेपद affixes is कित् after the verb यम् when meaning 'to divulge'.",
"12016": "The affix सिच् before आत्मनेपद affixes is कित् optionally when यम् means 'to expose'.",
"12017": "The affix सिच् before आत्मनेपद affixes is कित् after स्था 'to stand' and घु मृषस्तितिक्षायाम् [[1.2.20]] verbs, and these verbs change their आ into इ before these terminations.",
"12018": " The affix क्त्वा when it takes the augment इट् (i.e. when it is सेट्) is not कित् ।",
"12019": " The सेट् निष्ठा affixes are not कित् after the verbs शीङ् 'to lie down', स्विद् 'to sweat', मिद् 'to melt', क्ष्विद् 'to be unctuous', and दृश् 'to offend'.",
"12020": " The सेट् निष्ठा affix is not कित् after the verb मृष् 'to forbear'.",
"12021": " The सेट् निष्ठा affix is optionally not कित् after the verbs with a penultimate उ if used impersonally or denoting the beginning of action.",
"12022": " The सेट् निष्ठा affix and the सेट् क्त्वा are not कित् after the verb पुङ् 'to purify'.",
"12023": " The सेट् क्त्वा is optionally कित् after the verbs having a penultimate न् ending in a थ् and फ्।",
"12024": " The सेट् क्त्वा is optionally कित् after the verbs वञ्च् 'to cheat', लुञ्च् 'to pluck' and ऋत् 'to dare or abhor'.",
"12025": "The सेट् क्त्वा is optionally कित् , according to the opinion of ऋषि काश्यप after the verbs तृष् 'to be thirsty', मृष् 'to sprinkle' and कृश् 'to become lean'.",
"12026": " After a verb which begins in a consonant and ends in a letter of रल् प्रत्यहार and has as its penultimate इ or ई and उ or ऊ , the क्त्वा and सन् affixes are optionally कित् ।",
"12027": " A vowel whose time is that of short उ , ऊ and the prolated ऊ , is called respectively ह्रस्व short, दीर्घ long and प्लुत prolated.",
"12028": " The short, long and prolated, when enunciated as such, by using these terms, are to be understood to come in the place of vowels only.",
"12029": " The vowel that is perceived as having a high tone is called उदात्त or acutely accented.",
"12030": "The vowel that is perceived as having a low tone is called अनुदात्तः or gravely accented",
"12031": "The vowel that has the combination of अनुदात्त and उदात्त tones is said to be स्वरित or circumflexly accented.",
"12032": "Of it (स्वरित-s) the first portion is उदात्त , to the extent of a half measure, or prosodial length.",
"12033": "In addressing a person from a distance the tone is called एकश्रुति or monotony.",
"12034": "In sacrificial works there is Monotony, except in जप (silent repetition of a formula), न्यूङ्ख vowels (16 sorts of ओम्) and the साम Vedas.",
"12035": "The pronounciation of the word वषट् , may optionally be by raising the voice (accutely accented), or it may be pronounced with monotony.",
"12036": "The monotony is optional in the recitation of the Vedas or they may be recited with accents.",
"12037": "There should be no Monotony in the recitation of the सब्रह्मण्य hymns and in those hymns, the vowels, that would otherwise have taken the स्वरित accent, take the उदात्त accent instead.",
"12038": "The words देवा and ब्राह्मण in those hymns have अनुदात्त accent.",
"12039": "The Monotony takes the place of the अनुदात्त vowels which follow the स्वरित vowels, in close proximity (संहिता).",
"12040": "The accent called सन्नतर is substituted in the room of an अनुदात्त vowel, which has an उदात्त or स्वरित vowel following it.",
"12041": "An affix consisting of a single letter is called अपृक्त।",
"12042": "A तत्-पुरुष compound, the case of each member is the same, is called कर्मधारय or Appositional Determinative compound.",
"12043": "In (this book, in the sūtras relating to) compound, the word that is exhibited in the Nominative -1st case, is called उपसर्जन or the secondary word.",
"12044": "A word which hs one fixed case, (while the word compounded with it may vary its case) is also उपसर्जन , except for the purposes of the the rule which requires the उपसर्जन to stand first in a compound.",
"12045": "A significant form of a word, not being a verbal root (धातु), or an affix (प्रत्यय) is called a प्रातिपदिक or crude-form.",
"12046": "The forms ending कृत् affixes or तद्धित affixes, or compound are also called प्रातिपदिक।",
"12047": "The short vowel is substituted in the neuter, for the final vowel, of a प्रातिपदिक।",
"12048": "A short vowel is the substitute of प्रातिपदिक which ends with the word गो 'a cow' and of that which ends with what has as its termination a feminine affix, when regarded as उपसर्जन।",
"12049": "When a तद्धित affix is elided by the word लुक् there takes place the elision by लुक् of feminine affix of the उपसर्जन।",
"12050": "The short is substituted in the place of गोणी , when the तद्धित affix is elided by लुक्।",
"12051": "When a तद्धित affix is elided by using the word लुप् , then the gender and number (of the derivative word) agree with those of the original word.",
"12052": "And of adjectives (the gender and number are the same as of the word formed by लुप् elision of the तद्धित and which they qualify) so far as the जाति (or kind of species) is concerned, (or when not expressing जाति).",
"12053": "This (concord or gender and number, of primitive and derivative nouns, and of attributes and substantives need not be taught (or approved), because it has the authority of संज्ञा (conventional term or idiom).",
"12054": "The sūtras declaring लुप् elision need not also be taught, because of the non-currency of the etymological meaning of the words supposed to be formed by लुप् elision.",
"12055": "And if the etymological meaning 'be held authoritative', then when such meaning is absent, the word also should vanish.",
"12056": "(Nor need be taught) the rule relating to the dependance of the meaning of a word on the principal (प्रधान in a compound) or on the affix (प्रत्यय) because the authority of the meaning (of a word, compound or derivative) consists in something else.",
"12057": "And a rule fixing the meaning of Tense (काल) and उपसर्जन (sequence) is equally (unnecessary, and need not be taught).",
"12058": "In (a common) name (expressive of) class, in denoting the singular, the plural is optionally used.",
"12059": "The plural of the pronoun अस्मद् 'I', is used optionally, though the sense requires a singular or a dual number.",
"12060": "And the dual of फाल्गुनी and प्रष्ठपदा , when signifying asterisms, (also connotes optionally plural).",
"12061": "In the Vedas, the two stars, पुनर्वासू , may optionally be singular, (and connote a dual).",
"12062": "In the Vedas, the two stars विशाखा may optionally be in the singular number.",
"12063": "In the द्वन्द compounds of the stars तिष्व and पुनर्वसू , the dual constantly comes in place of the plural.",
"12064": "Of the words having the same form and all in the same one case-termination, the last one is only retained.",
"12065": "The वृद्ध (or patronymic गोत्र word becomes एकशेष and is retained, when compounded) with a patronymic word युवन् , provided that the specific difference in form between them be in their signs (affix) only.",
"12066": "And so also a feminine word, ending with a वृद्ध affix, when similarly spoken along with the same word but which ends with a युवन् affix, is only retained and it is treated like a masculine.",
"12067": "A word in the masculine gender, similarly spoken along with the same word, but ending with the feminine affix, becomes एकशेष and the latter is dropped.",
"12068": "The words भ्रातृ 'brother' and पुत्र 'son', when spoken of along with स्वसृ 'sister' and दुहितृ 'daughter' respectively are only retained and the latter are dropped.",
"12069": "A neuter noun, which has the same form, only differing in affix, is optionally retained and the other is dropped and it is like a singular number.",
"12070": "The word पितृ 'father' is optionally only retained when spoken of along with मातृ 'mother'.",
"12071": "The word श्वशुर 'father-in-law', is optionally only retained, when spoken of along with श्वशुरू 'mother-in-law'.",
"12072": "The pronouns त्यद् etc. when spoken of along with any other noun, (pronoun other than त्यद् etc.) are always retained as एकशेष (to the exclusion of others).",
"12073": "The feminine noun is only retained when denoting a collection of domestic animals, not being young.",
"13001": "The words beginning with भू 'to become' and denoting action, are called धातु or verbal roots.",
"13002": "The nasalised vowels are इत् in उपदेश or original enunciation.",
"13003": "In उपदेश , the final consonant of roots etc. is इत्।",
"13004": "The final dental consonants and the final स् and म् are not इत् , in affixes called विभक्ति or inflective affixes.",
"13005": "The initial ञि , टु , डु are इत्।",
"13006": "The initial ष् of an affix is indicatory.",
"13007": "The initial palatals and linguals of an affix are indicatory.",
"13008": "The initial ल् and श् and the gutturals of all affixes, except , तद्धित are indicatory.",
"13009": "Of this, (namely of that which has been called इत् ), there is elision.",
"13010": "When a rule involves the case of equal numbers of substitutes and of things for which these are to be substituted, their mutual correspondence or assignment of each to each, is according to the order of enumeration.",
"13011": "In these aphorisms, when a word is marked with a स्वरित accent, by that an अधिकार or a governing rule is to be understood.",
"13012": "After a root which has an indicatory अनुदात्त vowel (अनुदात्तेत्) or an indicatory ङ् (ङित्), the affixes are those of the आत्मनेपद।",
"13013": "An आत्मनेपद affix is the substitute of the affix ल [[3.4.69]] when it denotes the action of the verb or the object of the verb.",
"13014": "In denoting the agent, when reciprocity of action is to be expressed, the affixes of the आत्मनेपद are employed.",
"13015": "After verbs having the sense of 'motion', or 'injury', when expressing interchange of action, the आत्मनेपद affixes are used.",
"13016": "And after the verbs which take the words इतरेतर 'each other' and अन्योन्य 'one another', as उपपद (or dependant qualifying words), the affixes of आत्मनेपद are not used, though reciprocity of action be denoted.",
"13017": "After the verb विश् 'to enter', when preceded by the preposition नि, the आत्मनेपद affixes are employed",
"13018": "After the verb क्री 'to purchase', when preceded by परि , वि or अव , the आत्मनेपद affix is employed, even when the fruit of the action does not accrue to the agent.",
"13019": "After the verb जि 'to conquer', preceded by वि or परा , the आत्मनेपद affix is employed.",
"13020": "After the verb दा 'to give', preceded by अङ् , and when not meaning 'to open the mouth', the आत्मनेपद affix is used, even when the fruit of the action does not accrue to the agent.",
"13021": "After the verb क्रीड 'to play', preceded by अनु , सम् , or परि as well as आङ्, the आत्मनेपद affix is used.",
"13022": "After the verb स्था 'to stand', preceded by सम् , अव , प्र , वि , the आत्मनेपद affix is used.",
"13023": "After the verb स्था 'when meaning to indicate one's intentions to another', or 'to make an award as an arbitrator', the आत्मनेपद affix is employed.",
"13024": "After the verb स्था 'to stand', preceded by उत् , when not meaning 'to get up or rise', as from a seat; the आत्मनेपद affix is used.",
"13025": "After the verb स्था 'to stand', preceded by उप , when meaning 'to adore', the आत्मनेपद affix is used.",
"13026": "After the verb स्था 'to stand', preceded by उप , when meaning 'to adore', the आत्मनेपद affix is used.",
"13027": "After the word तप 'to shine', when used intransitively and preceded by उत् or वि the आत्मनेपद affix is used.",
"13028": "After the verb यम् 'to stop' and हन् 'to injure', when used intransitively and preceded by अन् , the आत्मनेपद affix is used.",
"13029": "After the verbs गम् 'to go', ऋच्छ् 'to become hard', प्रच्छ् 'to ask', स्वर् 'to find fault', ऋ 'to go', श्रु 'to hear' and विद् 'to know', when used intransitively and preceded by सम् , the आत्मनेपद affix is used.",
"13030": "After the verbs ह्वे 'to call', preceded by नि , सम् , उप and वि , the आत्मनेपद is used, even, when the fruit of the action does not accrue to the agent.",
"13031": "After the verbs ह्वे 'to call', when meaning 'to challenge' and preceded by अङ् , the आत्मनेपद is used, even, when the fruit of the action does not accrue to the agent.",
"13032": "After the verb कृ when meaning 'to divulge', 'to revile', 'to serve', 'to use violence', 'to cause change', 'to recite' and 'to do an act tending to effect a desired purpose', the आत्मनेपद is used, even when the fruit of the action does not accrue to the agent.",
"13033": "After the verb कृ preceded by अधि , when the sense is that of 'overcoming or defeat', the आत्मनेपद is used, even when the fruit of the action does not accrue to the agent.",
"13034": "After the verb कृ preceded by वि , even when the fruit of the action does not accrue to the agent, and when the sense is that of 'making sound' (literally having 'sound' for its object), the आत्मनेपद affix is used.",
"13035": "After the verb कृ preceded by वि , when used intransitively, the आत्मनेपद is used.",
"13036": "After the verb नी 'to lead', when used in the sense of 'to guide so as to render the person guided worthy', 'to lift up', 'make one a spiritual guide', 'to determine the true sense', 'to employ on wages', 'to pay debt' and 'to give as in charity', even when the fruit of the action does not accrue to the agent, the आत्मनेपद is used.",
"13037": "After the verb नी , when it governs an incorporeal object in the agent, as its object, the आत्मनेपद is used.",
"13038": "After the verb क्रम् 'to move', when used in the senses of 'continuity', 'energy' and 'development', the आत्मनेपद is used.",
"13039": "After the verb क्रम् , preceded by उप and पर , when used in the senses of 'continuity', 'energy' and 'development', the आत्मनेपद is used.",
"13040": "After the verb क्रम् , preceded by an अङ् , the आत्मनेपद is used,when in the sense of 'the rising of a luminary'.",
"13041": "After the verb क्रम् preceded by वि , the आत्मनेपद is used, when in the sense of 'placing of foot-steps'.",
"13042": "After the verb क्रम् preceded by वि , the आत्मनेपद is used when it is preceded by प्र and उप , both conveying the same sense; viz. that of 'beginning an action'.",
"13043": "After the verb क्रम् the आत्मनेपद is optionally used, when it is not preceded by any preposition.",
"13044": "After the verb ज्ञ , when used in the sense of 'denying', the आत्मनेपद is used.",
"13045": "And when used intransitively after the verb ज्ञ , the आत्मनेपद is used, when the fruit of the action does not accrue to the agent.",
"13046": "After the verb ज्ञ , preceded by सम् and प्रति , the आत्मनेपद is used, when Not Used in the sense of 'remembering with regret'.",
"13047": "After the verb वद् , the आत्मनेपद is used, when used in the senses of 'showing brilliance, or proficiency in', pacifying', 'knowledge', 'effort', 'difference of opinion' and 'flattering'.",
"13048": "After the verb वद् , the आत्मनेपद is used, when used in the sense of 'speaking articulately in a similar manner'.",
"13049": "After the verb वद् , preceded by अनु when it is intransitively used, the आत्मनेपद is used, when the sense is that of 'speaking articulately in a similar manner'.",
"13050": "After the verb वद् , the आत्मनेपद is used otpionally, when the sense is that of 'contradicting with each other'.",
"13051": "After the verb गॄ 'to swallow', when preceded by अव, the आत्मनेपद is used.",
"13052": "After the verb गॄ 'to swallow', when preceded by सम् , the आत्मनेपद affix is used in the sense of 'promising'.",
"13053": "After the verb चर् 'to walk' preceded by उत् , when used intransitively, the आत्मनेपद is used.",
"13054": "After the verb चर् 'to walk' preceded by सम् , and when connected with a noun in the Instrumental - 3rd Case, the आत्मनेपद is used.",
"13055": "And after the verb दा 'to give', preceded by सम् , and connected with a noun in the Instrumental - 3rd Case, the आत्मनेपद affix is used, provided this Instrumental Case has the sense of the Dative - 4th Case.",
"13056": "After the verb यम् 'to give', preceded by उप , when used in the sense of 'espousing', the आत्मनेपद is used.",
"13057": "After the Desideratives formed by the affix सन् , of the verbs ज्ञा 'to know', श्रु 'to hear', स्मृ 'to remember' and दृश् 'to see', the आत्मनेपद is used.",
"13058": "After the Desiderative of ज्ञा 'to know' when preceded by अनु , the आत्मनेपद affix is Not used.",
"13059": "After the Desideratives of श्रु 'to hear', when preceded by प्रत and आङ् , the आत्मनेपद affix is Not used.",
"13060": "After the verb शद् 'to decay', when it has one of the affixes with an indicatory श् (शित्) the आत्मनेपद is used.",
"13061": "After the verb मृ 'to die', when it has one of the affixes having an indicatory श् , as well as when it takes the affixes लुङ् (Aorist [[3.2.110]]) and लिङ् (Benedictive [[3.3.159]]), the आत्मनेपद is used.",
"13062": "The verb which is आत्मनेपदि in its primitive form before taking of the affix सन् , will also be आत्मनेपदि when it ends in the affix सन्। in other words; after a Desiderative verb, आत्मनेपद is used, if it would have been used after the primitive verb.",
"13063": "Like the verb that takes the affix आम् , if the verb be conjugated with the आत्मनेपद terminations, so of the verb कृ when subjoined thereto as an auxiliary, the terminations are of the आत्मनेपद , even when the fruit of the action does not acccrue to the agent.",
"13064": "After the verb युज् 'to join', the आत्मनेपद is used, when it is preceded by प्र and उप except with reference to sacrificial vessels even when the fruit of the action does not accrue to the agent.",
"13065": "After the verb क्षणु 'to sharpen', preceded by सम् , the आत्मनेपद is used.",
"13066": "After the verb भुज् , the आत्मनेपद is used, except in the sense of protecting.",
"13067": "After a verb ending in the affix णि (causal) the आत्मनेपद is used, provided that when the object in the non-णि or non-causal sense becomes the agent in the causal; and when it does not mean 'to remember with regret', even when the fruit of the action does not accrue to the agent.",
"13068": "After the causatives of the verbs भी 'to fear' and स्मि 'to wonder' even when the fruit of the action does not accrue to the agent the आत्मनेपद is employed, when the fear is produced directly by the causative agent.",
"13069": "After the causatives of the verbs गृध 'to covet' and वञ्च 'to go' the आत्मनेपद is used in the sense of 'deceiving' even though the fruit of the action does not accrue to the agent.",
"13070": "After the causative of the verb लि 'to melt or stick', the आत्मनेपद is employed, when used in the sense of showing respect, subduing and deceiving, even though the fruit of action does not accrue to the agent.",
"13071": "After the causative of the verb कृ , the आत्मनेपद is used, when it has the word मिथ्या 'incorrect', as an उपपद or dependent word and is used in the sense of 'repeated wrong utterance', even when the fruit of action does not accrue no the agent.",
"13072": "After the verb marked with a स्वरित or which has an indicatory ञित् , the terminations of the आत्मनेपद are used, when the fruit of the action accrues to the agent.",
"13073": "After the verb वद् 'to tell', preceded by अप , when the fruit of the action accrues to the agent, the terminations are of the आत्मनेपद।",
"13074": "After a verb ending in the affix णि (causal) when the fruit of the action accrues to the agent, the आत्मनेपद is used.",
"13075": "After the verb यम् 'to strive', preceded by सम् , उत् and आङ् , when it does not refer to a book, the आत्मनेपद is used, when the fruit of the action accrues to the agent.",
"13076": "After the verb ज्ञा , when not preceded by any उपसर्ग , the terminations are of the आत्मनेपद , when the fruit of the action accrues to the agent.",
"13077": "The आत्मनेपद is optionally used, when the fact of the fruit of the action accruing to the agent is indicted by an उपपदग i.e. by a word used along with the verb.",
"13078": "After the rest i.e. all those verbs not falling under any one of the previous provisions, the terminations of the परस्मैपद are used, in marking the agent i.e. in the active voice.",
"13079": "After the verb कृ 'to make' preceded by the अनु and पर , परस्मैपद is used, even the fruit of the action goes to the agent and when the sense is that of 'divulging' etc.",
"13080": "After the verb क्षिप् 'to throw', coming after अभि , प्रति and अति , परस्मैपद is used, even though the fruit of the action goes to the agent",
"13081": "After the verb वह् 'to bear', coming after प्र , परस्मैपद is used, even though the fruit of the action accrues to the the agent.",
"13082": "After the verb मृष् 'to bear', preceded by परि , परस्मैपद is used when the fruit of the action accrues to the agent.",
"13083": "After the verb रम् 'to sport', preceded by वि and आङ् , परस्मैपद is used.",
"13084": "And also after उप , the verb रम् takes the affixes of the परस्मैपद।",
"13085": "After the verb रम् 'to sport', preceded by उप , परस्मैपद is optionally used, when employed intransitively.",
"13086": "After the verbs बुध् 'to know', युध् 'to fight', नश् 'to destroy', जन 'to be born', एङ् 'to go', प्रु 'to move', द्रु 'to run' and स्रु 'to flow', ending in the affix णे (i.e. when used in the causative), परस्मैपद is used, even when the fruit of the action goes to the agent.",
"13087": "And after the causatives of verbs which have no sense of the 'eating or swallowing' and 'shaking or moving' परस्मैपद is used, even when the fruit of the action goes to the agent.",
"13088": "The affixes of the परस्मैपद are used after the causal of that verb, which in its non-causal state was intransitive and had a being endowed with reason for its agent, even when the fruit of the action accrues to the agent.",
"13089": "But the affixes of the परस्मैपद are not used after the causals of the verbs पा 'to drink', दम् 'to tame', आयम् 'to extend', आयस् 'to exert oneself', परिमुह 'to be bewildered', रुच् 'to shine' नृत् 'to dance', वद् 'to speak' and वस् 'to dwell'.",
"13090": "The affixes of the परस्मैपद are used optionally after the denominative verbs ending in the affix क्यष।",
"13091": "After the verbs द्युत् 'to shine' etc., the terminations of the परस्मैपद are optionally employed, when the affixes of लुण् (Aorist) follow.",
"13092": "After the verbs वृत् 'to exist' etc., परस्मैपद is optionally used when the affixes स्य (Future and conditional) and सन् (Desiderative) follow.",
"13093": "After the verb क्लिप् 'to be fit', परस्मैपद is optionally used, when लुट् (1st Future) is affixed, as well as when स्य and सन् are affixed.",
"14001": "From this सूत्र up the the aphorism कडाराः कर्मधारये [[2.2.38]] only one name of each thing named is to be understood.",
"14002": "When rules of equal force prohibit each other then the last in the order herein given is to take effect.",
"14003": "Word-forms ending in long ई and ऊ being names of females called नदी।",
"14004": "Feminine words ending in ई and ऊ which admit the substitute इयङ् and उवङ् [[6.1.77]] are not called नदी ; except the word स्त्री (which is called नदी not withstanding its substituting इयङ्).",
"14005": "Feminine words ending in ई and ऊ though admiting इयङ् and उवङ् [[6.1.77]] substitutes, are optionally termed नदी when the affix अम् (Genitive Plural) follows, but not so the word स्त्री , which is always नदी।",
"14006": "When a case-affix having an indicatory ङ् (ङित्) follows, then feminine words ending in short इ and उ are optionally termed नदी , as well as feminine nouns in long ई and ऊ which admit इयङ् and उवङ् ; but not so the word स्त्री which is always नदी।",
"14007": "The rest of the words that end in short इ and उ are घि with the exception of the word सखि।",
"14008": "The word पति is called घि only when it is in a compound.",
"14009": "The word पति when used in connection with a noun ending in the 6th or genitive case, is घि , optionally, in the छन्दस् (Veda).",
"14010": "A short vowel is called लघु 'light'.",
"14011": "When a conjunct consonant followsm a short vowel is termed गुरु 'heavy'.",
"14012": "And a long vowel is also called गुरु 'heavy'.",
"14013": "After whatsoever there is an affix enjoined, wether verbal or crude-form, that which begins therewith in the form in which it appears when the affix follows it, is called an अङ्ग 'Inflective base'.",
"14014": "That which ends in सुप् 'case-affix' [[4.1.2]] or तिङ् [[3.4.78]] (tense-affix), is called पद or inflected word.",
"14015": "The word-form ending in न् , is called पद when क्य follows (i.e. the affixes क्यच् , क्यङ् and क्यष्।",
"14016": "When an affix having an indicatory स् follows then that which precedes it is called पद।",
"14017": "When the affixes beginning with a सु [[4.1.2]] and ending in कप् [[5.4.151]] follow, not being सर्वनामस्थान [[1.1.43]] then that which precedes is called पद।",
"14018": "And when an affix with an initial य् or an initial vowel, being one of the affixes, beginning with सु and ending in क् , follows, not being सर्वनामस्थान , then what precedes, is called भ।",
"14019": "The word-form ending in त् or in स् is called भ when an affix with the force of मतुप् 'whose is it' or 'in whom it is' [[5.2.94]], follows.",
"14020": "Words like अयस्मय etc. are valid forms in the छन्दस्।",
"14021": "In expressing multeity, a Plural case affix is employed.",
"14022": "The dual and singular case-affixes are employed severally in the sense of duality and unity.",
"14023": "The phrase कारक (meaning 'in the special relation to a word expressing an action') is to be understood in the following aphorisms.",
"14024": "A noun whose relation to an action is that of a fixed point from which departure takes place is called अपादान or Ablation.",
"14025": "In case of words implying 'fear' and 'protection from danger' that from which the danger of fear procedes is called अपादान कारक।",
"14026": "In the case of the verb पराजि 'to be tired or weary of', that which becomes unbearable, is called अपादान कारक।",
"14027": "In case of verbs having the sense of 'preventing, the desired object from which one is prevented or warded off', is called Ablation or अपदान कारक।",
"14028": "When concealment is indicated, the person whose sight one wishes to avoid, is called अपादान कारक।",
"14029": "The noun denoting the teacher is called Ablation or अपादान , in relation to the action signifying formal teaching.",
"14030": "The prime cause of the agent of the verb जन् 'to be born', is called अपादान।",
"14031": "The source of the agent of the verb भू 'to become' is called अपादान।",
"14032": "The person whom one wishes to connect with the object of giving, is called सम्प्रदान or receipient.",
"14033": "In case of verbs having the signification of the root रुच् 'to like', the person or thing that is pleased or satisfied, is called सम्प्रदान or receipient.",
"14034": "In case of verbs श्लाघ् 'to praise', ह्नु 'to take away', स्था 'to stand', शप् 'to curse', the preson whom it is intended to inform of or persuade by, these actions, is called सम्प्रदान।",
"14035": "In the case of the verb धारि 'to owe', the creditor is called सम्प्रदान।",
"14036": "In the case of the verb स्पृह् 'to desire', the thing desired is called सम्प्रदान कारक।",
"14037": "In the case of the verbs having the sense of क्रद्ध् 'to be angry', द्रुह् 'to injure', ईर्ष्या 'to envy', असूया 'to detract', the person against whom the feeling of anger etc. is directed is called सम्प्रदान।",
"14038": "But in the case of the verbs क्रुद्ध् and द्रुह् , when preceded by prepositions, the person against whom the feeling of anger etc. is directed is called कर्म कारक or object.",
"14039": "In the case of the verbs राध् 'to propitiate' and ईक्ष् 'to look to', the person about whose good or bad fortune questions are asked is called सम्प्रदान।",
"14040": "In the case of the verb श्रु preceded by the prepositions प्रति and अङ् and meaning 'to promise', the person to whom promise is made (literally: the person who as the agent of the former verb) is called सम्प्रदान।",
"14041": "In the case of the verb गृ preceded by अनु and प्रति and meaning 'to encourage by repeating', the person who was the agent of the prior action, which is repeated, is called सम्प्रदान।",
"14042": "That which is especially auxiliary in the accomplishment of the action is called Instrument or करण कारक।",
"14043": "That which is especially auxiliary in the accomplishment of the action, of the verb दिव् 'to play' is called कर्म - object, as well as करण।",
"14044": "In the case of hiring on wages, that which is especially auxiliary in the accomplishment of the action of the verb परिक्री 'employing on stipulated wages', is optionally called सम्प्रदान or receipient.",
"14045": "That which is related to the action as the site where the action is performed by reason of the agent or the object being in that place is called अधिकरण or location.",
"14046": "That which is the site of the verbs शीङ् 'to lie down', स्था 'to stand', आस् 'to sit', when preceded by the preposition अधि , is however called कर्म कारक or object.",
"14047": "That which is the site of the verb अभिनिविश् 'to enter', is also called कर्म कारक।",
"14048": "That which is the site of the verb वस् 'to dwell', when preceded by उप , अनु , and आङ् is called कर्म कारक।",
"14049": "That which is intended should be most effected by the act of the agent is called the object or कर्म।",
"14050": "If that which is not intended to be most affected by the act becomes however similarly connected with the action it also is called कर्म।",
"14051": "And if that कारक which is not spoken of as coming under any of the special relations of Ablation etc., is also called कर्म।",
"14052": "Of the verbs having the sense of 'motion', 'knowledge or information' and 'eating' and of verbs that have some literary work for their object and of intransitive verbs, that which was the agent of the verb in its primitive (non-णि or non-causal state), is called the कर्म or object, in its causative state (when the verb takes the affix णि).",
"14053": "The agent of the verb in its non-णि (primitive) form in the case of हृ 'to lose' and कृ 'to make', is optionally called कर्म or object when these verbs take the affix.",
"14054": "Whatever the speaker chooses as the independent, principal and absolute source of action is called कर्ता or agent.",
"14055": "That which is the mover thereof, i.e. of the independent source of action, is called हेतु or cause, as well as कर्ता or agent.",
"14056": "From this point forward up to the aphorism अधिरीश्वरे [[1.4.97]], all that we shall say is to be understood to have the name of निपात or Particles.",
"14057": "The word च 'and' etc. are called निपात or Particles, when they do not signify susbtances.",
"14058": "The words प्र etc. are called निपात when not signifying susbtances.",
"14059": "The words प्र etc. get the designation of उपसर्ग or prepositions, when in composition with a verb.",
"14060": "The words प्र etc. are called also गति when in composition with a verb.",
"14061": "The words उरी 'assent' etc. and those that end with च्वि [[5.4.50]] and those that end with डाच् [[5.4.57]] (when in composition with the verb भू , कृ or अस् ) are called गति।",
"14062": "A word imitative of sounds is also called गति when it is not followed by the word इति।",
"14063": "The words सत् and असत् when in composition with a verb ae called गति , when used in the sense of 'respect or love' and 'disrespect or indifference'.",
"14064": "The word अलम् when in composition with a verb is called गति , when used in the sense of 'ornament'.",
"14065": "The word अन्तर् is called गति , when used in the sense of 'non-accepting', when in composition with a verb.",
"14066": "The words कणे and मनस् are गति when in composition with a verb and used in the sense of 'reaction by satiation'.",
"14067": "The word पुरः 'in front of', when indeclinable and in composition with a verb, is called गति।",
"14068": "And the indeclinable word अस्तम् 'at home' is called गति , when in composition with a verb.",
"14069": "The indeclinable word अच्छ 'before in the presence of' is called गति , when used in the composition with verbs denoting 'motion' or with the verb वद् 'to speak'.",
"14070": "The word अदस् 'that' is called गति when in composition with a verb and not implying a direction to another.",
"14071": "The word तिरस् when used in the sense of 'disappearance' is called गति when in composition with a verb.",
"14072": "The word तिरस् 'disappearance' is optionally called गति when the verb कृ follows.",
"14073": "The words उपाजे and अनवाजे both meaning 'supporting or assisting the weak', are optionally called गति when used along with the verb कृ।",
"14074": "The words साक्षात् 'in the presence of' etc. are optionally called गति when used along with the verb कृ।",
"14075": "The word उर्सि 'in the breast' and मनसि 'in the mind' ae optionally called गति when the verb कृ follows, provided that they are not used in the sense of 'placing'.",
"14076": "And the words मध्ये 'in the middle', पदे 'in the foot' and निवचने 'speechless' are optionally called गति , when कृ follows, the sense not being of placing.",
"14077": "The word हस्ते 'in the hand', पाणौ 'in the hand' are always necessarily called गति when used with the verb कृ in the sense of 'marriage'.",
"14078": "The indeclinable word प्रध्वम् followed by the verb कृ , is always called गति when in used in the sense of 'binding'.",
"14079": "The words जीविका and उपनिषद् followed by the verb कृ are called गति when used in the sense of 'likeness and resemblance'.",
"14080": "The particles called गति and उपसर्ग are to be employed before the verbal roots (i.e. to say that they are prefixes).",
"14081": "In the छन्दस् (Veda) these गति and उपसर्ग are employed indifferently after the verbal root, as well as before it.",
"14082": "In the छन्दस् (Veda) these गति and उपसर्ग are also seen separated from the verb by intervening words.",
"14083": "From this point as far as aphorism [[1.4.97]] treated of, are to be understood as having the name of कर्म-प्रवचनीय।",
"14084": "The word अनु , when it denotes a sign, is called कर्म-प्रवचनीय।",
"14085": "The word अनु , कर्म-प्रवचनीय when it has the force of the 3rd case.",
"14086": "The word अनु , कर्म-प्रवचनीय when it is used in the sense of 'inferior or subordinate to'.",
"14087": "The word उप when it means 'superior' or 'inferior to' is कर्म-प्रवचनीय।",
"14088": "The words अप and परि are कर्म-प्रवचनीय when meaning 'exclusion'.",
"14089": "The word आङ् 'as far as', is कर्म-प्रवचनीय when it expresses limit (e.g. when it means 'as far as inclusive of' or 'as far as exclusive of').",
"14090": "The words प्रति , परि and अनु are कर्म-प्रवचनीय when used in the sense of 'sign' ('in the direction of') , 'mere statement of circumstances' ('as regards'), 'division', 'share of' and 'pervasion', severally.",
"14091": "The word अभि is कर्म-प्रवचनीय when used in the above senses of 'in the direction of', 'as regards', and 'each severally', but not when it means 'division', 'share of'.",
"14092": "The word प्रति is कर्म -प्रवचनीय when used in the sense of representative ('representative of') or exchange ('in exchange for').",
"14093": "The words अधि and परि are कर्म-प्रवचनीय when used as mere expletives.",
"14094": "The word सु is कर्म-प्रवचनीय when used in the sense of respect, (when it means 'excellently').",
"14095": "The word अति in the sense of super-abundance ('excessively') and 'excellently' is कर्म-प्रवचनीय।",
"14096": "The word अपि is कर्म-प्रवचनीय when it implies, the sense of word 'understood' ('somewhat') or 'possibility' (e.g. 'even' in the sense of such a great person), or permission to do as one likes, ('if you like'), or censure ('even' in the sense of what is disgraceful); or collection ('and').",
"14097": "The words अधि is कर्म-प्रवचनीय when used in the sense of 'lord' ('being as a lord' or 'having as a lord')",
"14098": "The words अधि is optionally कर्म-प्रवचनीय when the verb कृ follows.",
"14099": "The substitutes of ल are called परस्मैपद।",
"14100": "The nine affixes comprised under the प्रत्याहार - तङ् and the two ending in आन (शानच् and कानच्), which are susbtitutes of ल are called आत्मनेपद।",
"14101": "The three triads in both the sets परस्मैपद and आत्मनेपद , of conjugational affixes (comprised under the general name तिङ् , a प्रत्यहार formed of the first and last of them, viz. तिप् and महिङ्) are called, in order, Lowest - 3rd Person of European Grammar, Middle -2nd Person, and Highest -1st Person.",
"14102": "These three triads of conjugational affixes, which have received the name of Lowest etc. are called (as regard the three expressions in each triad) severally 'the expression for one' (singular), 'the expression for two' (dual) and 'the expression for many' (plural).",
"14103": "Of सुप् (which is a प्रत्याहार formed of सु the first of the case affixes and the final प् of the last of them), the expressions in each successive set of the three, are also severally called singular, dual and plural.",
"14104": "The triads of conjugational affixes and case affixes are also called विभक्ति or Inflective affixes.",
"14105": "When the pronoun युष्मद् 'thou' understood, and also when the same expressed, is the attendant word in the agreement with the verb, then there is the verbal termination called the middle (2nd person).",
"14106": "When joke is implied with reference to an action, the verb denoting it is used in the 2nd person; provided that the word मन्य 'to think' is the attendant word (उपपद) of such verb and of the verb मन्य itself, the affix must be of the 1st person and singular number.",
"14107": "When the pronoun अस्मद् 'I', understood and also when expressed, is the attendant word in agreement with the verb, then there is the verbal termination called the Highest or 1st person.",
"14108": "In the other cases, viz. where 'thou' or 'I' are not the attendant words in agreement with the verb, there is the verbal termination called the Lowest (3rd person).",
"14109": "The closest proximity of letters, there being the intervention of half a मात्रा or prosodial length between them, is called contact or संहिता।",
"14110": "The cessation or the absence of succeeding letters is called pause or अवसान।",
"21001": "A rule which relates to complete words (and not to the roots out of which the words are constructed) is to be understood to apply only to those words the senses of which are connected.",
"21002": "A word ending in सुप् or a case-affix, when followed by a word in the Vocative Case, is regarded as if it was the अङ्ग or component part of such subsequent vocative word, when a rule relating to accent is to be applied.",
"21003": "From this point up to the aphorism कडाराः कर्मधारये [[2.2.38]], all the terms that we shall say, describe will get the designation of समास or compound",
"21004": "The words सह सुपा meaning 'with a word ending in a case-affix', are to be understood in each of the succeeding aphorisms.",
"21005": "From this point forward whatever we shall describe will get the name अव्ययीभाव समास or adverbial compound.",
"21006": "An अव्यय - indeclinable, used with the sense of an inflective-affix (विभक्ति) or of near to, or prosperity, or diversity, or absence of the thing, or departure, or not now, or the production of some sound, or after, or according to, or order of arrangement, or totality, or termination, is invariably compounded with a word ending in a case-affix which is connected with it in sense and the compound so formed is called अव्ययीभाव।",
"21007": "The indeclinable word यथा when it does not signify 'likeness' is invariably compounded with a word ending in a case-affix which is in construction with it and the compound is called अव्ययीभाव समास।",
"21008": "The indeclinable word यावत् when it signifies limitation, is invariably compounded with a word ending in a case-affix which is in construction with it, and the compound so formed is called अव्ययीभाव।",
"21009": "A word ending in a case-affix is compounded with the indeclinable word प्रति , when meaning 'a little' and the compound so formed is called अव्ययीभाव।",
"21010": "The words अक्ष 'a die for playing with', शलाका 'an ivory piece used in gambling' and सङ्खया 'numerals' are compounded with the word परि and the compound so formed is called अव्ययीभाव।",
"21011": "The word विभाषा or option governs all succeeding sūtras.",
"21012": "The words अप , परि , बहिल् and indeclinables ending in अञ्चु may optionally be compounded with a word ending in the 5th case affix and the compound so formed will be अव्ययीभाव ।",
"21013": "The word आङ् when signifying limit exclusive or limit inclusive, may optionally be compounded with a word ending in the 5th case and the compound so formed is called अव्ययीभाव।",
"21014": "The words अभि and प्रति when implying direction (towards), are optionally compounded with a word ending in a case-affix denoting the limit, or the goal which regulates or marks the direction and the resulting compound is अव्ययीभाव।",
"21015": "The word अनु 'near to' is optionally compounded with that word, nearness to which is indicated by the particle and the resulting compound is अव्ययीभाव।",
"21016": "The word अनु 'alongside of' is optionally compounded with the word indicative of that whose length the particle expresses and compound so formed is called अव्ययीभाव।",
"21017": "And the words तिष्ठद्गु 'at the time when the cows stand to be milked', etc. are अव्ययीभाव compounds.",
"21018": "The words पार 'across' and मध्य 'middle' may optionally be compounded with a word ending in the 6th-Case-affix, when they take forms परे and मध्ये and the compound so formed is अव्ययीभाव।",
"21019": "A numeral (संख्या) may be compounded with a word denoting 'one belonging toa family' and the resulting compound is अव्ययीभाव ।",
"21020": "A numeral (संख्या) may be compounded with the names of 'rivers' and the resulting compound is अव्ययीभाव denoting an aggregate.",
"21021": "A word ending in a case-affix is compounded with words denoting the names of rivers, when the compound word denotes a thing other than that expressed by the terms of the compound and is an appelllative, the compound so formed being an अव्ययीभाव ।",
"21022": "From this sūtra as far as sūtra [[2.2.23]], the word तत्-पुरुष is governing word, and is understood in all the following sūtras.",
"21023": "And the compound called द्विगु (Numeral Determinative Compound) is all called तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21024": "A word ending in a 2nd case-affix is compounded with the words श्रित 'who had recourse to', अतीत 'gone by', पतित 'who has fallen upon', गत 'who has gone to', अत्यस्त 'who has passed', प्राप्त 'who has obtained' and अपान्न 'who has reached' and the resulting compound is called तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21025": "The indeclinable word स्वयम् 'oneself' is compounded with a word ending in the affix क्त and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21026": "The word खट्वा in the Accusative -2nd case is compounded with a word ending in the affix क्त , when censure is implied and the compound so formed is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21027": "The indeclinable word सामि 'half' is compounded with a word ending in the affix क्त and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21028": "The words denoting time, being in the Accusative -2nd case, are optionally compounded with a word ending in the affix क्त and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष।",
"21029": "Words denoting time being in the Accusative -2nd case, are optionally compounded with a word ending in a case-affix, when used in the sense of complete connection throughout with the time (i.e. duration of time) and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष।",
"21030": "A word ending with the Instrumental -3rd case-affix is optionally compounded with what denotes quality, the quality being that which is instrumentally caused by the thing signified by what ends with the 3rd case-affix and with the word अर्थ 'wealth' and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21031": "A word ending in Instrumental -3rd case-affix is compounded with the words पूर्व 'prior', सदृश 'like', सम 'similar', अनर्थ 'words having the sense of less', कलह 'quarrel', निपुण 'proficient', मिश्र 'mixed' and श्लक्षण 'polished sleek', and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21032": "A word ending with the Instrumental -3rd case-affix, when it denotes the agent or instrument -- [[2.3.18]], is compounded diversely with what ends with a कृत् affix and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21033": "A word ending with the Instrumental -3rd case-affix when it denotes the agent or the Instrument, is compounded optionally with a word ending in a कृत्य affix, when exaggerated statement (wether of praise or of censure) is implied and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21034": "A word ending with the Instrumental -3rd case-affix and denoting a condiment, is optionally compounded with a word ending in a case-affix, signifying food and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21035": "A word ending with the Instrumental -3rd case-affix and denoting a relish giving or refining ingredient, is compounded with a word meaning, victuals and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21036": "A word ending with the Dative -4th case is compounded with what denotes that which is for the purpose of what ends with the Dative -4th case and so too with the words अर्थ 'on account of', बलि 'a sacrifice', हित 'salutary', सुख 'pleasure' and रक्षित 'kept' and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21037": "A word ending with the Ablative -5th case-affix is optionally compounded with the word भय 'fear' and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21038": "A word ending with the Ablative -5th case-affix is compounded with the words अपेत 'gone away', अपोध 'carried away', मुक्त 'freed', पतित 'fallen', अपत्रस्त 'afraid of', when the event takes place in a gradual manner and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21039": "Words with a sense of स्तोक 'aa little', अन्तिक 'near', दूर 'far' and कृच्छ्र 'penance', ending in the Ablative -5th case are compounded with what ends in क्त and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21040": "A word ending in the Locative -7th-case-affix is compounded with the words शौण्ड 'skilled' etc. and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21041": "A word ending with the Locative -7th-case-affix is compounded with the words सिद्ध 'perfected', शुष्क 'dried', पक्व 'cooked', and बन्ध 'bound' and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष । ",
"21042": "A word ending in the Locative -7th-case-affix is compounded with the words ध्वाङ्क्ष 'a crow' and synonyms of crow when contempt is implied and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21043": "A word ending with the Locative -7th-case-affix is compounded with words ending with कृत्य-affix (a Future Passive Participle) and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21044": "A word ending with the Locative -7th-case-affix is invariably compounded with a word ending in a case-affix, when the compound thus formed is used as an appellative and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21045": "The names of divisions of day or night ending with Locative -7th-case-affix are compounded with words ending with affix क्त and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21046": "The word तत्र 'there' which is a word ending with Locative -7th-case-affix सप्तम्यास्त्रल् [[5.3.10]], is compounded with a word ending in क्त and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21047": "The word ending in Locative -7th-case-affix is compounded with a word ending with the affix क्त when 'censure' is implied and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21048": "The words like पात्रे-सम्मित 'a dish-companion' (a parasite) etc. are तत्-पुरुष compounds when contempt is implied.",
"21049": "A case-inflected word denoting an action which naturally precedes in time (पूर्वकाल) and the words एक 'one', सर्व 'all' जरत 'old', पुराण 'ancient', नव 'new', and केवल 'only' are compounded with their co-relative case-inflected words which are in the same case with them and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21050": "The words expressing a point of the compass or a number (संख्या ) enter into compostion with the word correlated to them by being in the same case, when the sense of the compound is that of an appellative and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21051": "In a case where the sense is that of a तद्धित-affix or when an additional member comes after the compound or when an aggregate is to be expressed, then a word signifying a point of the compass or a number, enters into composition with a case-inflected word which is in agreement with it by being in the same case and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21052": "In a case where the sense is that of a तद्धित-affix or when an additional member comes after the compound or when an aggregate is to be expressed, the compound, the first member of which is numeral, is called द्विगु (Numeral Determinative Compound).",
"21053": "Case-inflected words expressing vileness are compounded with case-inflected words, expressing contempt and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21054": "The case-inflected words पाप 'sin' and अणक 'insignificant' are compounded with words expressive of vileness and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21055": "Case-inflected words denoting objects of comparison are compounded with words denoting what is likened to them, by reason of the latter possessing qualities in common with the former and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21056": "A case-inflected word denoting subject of comparison is compounded with the words व्याघ्र 'tiger' etc., the latter being the standard of comparison and in construction with the former and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ; provided that any word expressing the common characteristic (सामान्य) as explained above, is not used.",
"21057": "A case-inflected word denoting the qualifier (the Adjective), is compounded diversely with a case-inflected word denoting the thing thereby qualified, (the Substantive), the latter being in agreement (same case) with the former and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21058": "A case-inflected words पूर्व 'prior', अपर 'other', प्रथम 'first', चरम 'last', जघन्य 'hindmost', समान 'equal', मध्य 'middle', मध्यम 'middle', and वीर 'hero' are compounded with words ending with a case-affix and which are in agreement (same case) with them and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21059": "The case-inflected words श्रेणी 'class' etc. are compounded with words कृत् 'made' etc. which are in agreement (same case), with them and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21060": "A word ending with the affix क्त and not having the negative augment नञ् is compounded with the same word ending with the affix क्त but which is distinguished from the former, by having the augment नञ् and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21061": "The words सत् 'good, महत् 'great', परम 'highest', उत्तम 'best' and उत्कृष्ट 'excellent' are compounded with the words denoting the person deserving the respect and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21062": "A case-inflected word denoting object deserving of respect is compounded with the words वृन्दारक 'eminent', नाग 'serpent or elephant', कुञ्जर 'elephant' and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21063": "The words कतर 'which or who of two', and कतम 'which or who of many', when used in asking questions about the genus or class, are compounded with the other case-inflected words with which they are in construction and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21064": "The word किम् 'what', when implying 'contempt' is compounded with a word ending in case-affix and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21065": "A case-inflected word denoting a genus (जाति) is compounded with the words पोटा 'a hermaphrodite', युवति 'a young female', स्तोक 'a little', कतिपय 'a few', गृष्टि 'a cow which has had only one calf', धेनु 'milch cow', वशा 'a barren female', वेहद् 'a cow that miscarries', बष्कयणी 'a cow that has a full-grown calf', प्रवक्तृ 'an expounder', श्रोत्रिय 'a learned ब्राह्मण ', अध्यापक 'a teacher' and धूर्त 'a cunning fellow' and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21066": "A case-inflected word denoting a genus (जाति) is compounded with a word denoting praise and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21067": "The word युवा 'young' is compounded with the words खलति 'bald headed', पलित 'grey-haired', वलिन 'wrinkled', जरति 'decayed', when they are in agreement (same case) and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21068": "Words ending with कृत् -affix and the word तुल्य 'equal' and its synonyms are compounded with words which do not denote genus (जाति) being in the same case with them and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21069": "A case-inflected word denoting 'colour' is compounded with another case-inflected word which is in agreement with the former and also denotes colour and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21070": "The word कुमार 'a boy' is compounded with co-ordinate words श्रमण 'an ascetic' etc. and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21071": "A case-inflected word denoting a quadraped is compounded with the co-ordinate word गर्भिणी and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष ।",
"21072": "And the words मयूर-व्यंसका 'cunning like a peacock' etc. are तत्-पुरुष compounds.",
"22001": "The words पूर्व 'front', अपर 'near', अधर 'lower', उत्तर 'upper', are compounded when in construction with a word signifying a thing that has parts, provided that the thing having parts is distinguished numerically by unity; and the compound is तत्-पुरुष।",
"22002": "The word अर्द्ध when it signifies exactly equal parts i.e. halves, is always neuter and is compounded with a word signifying a thing that has parts, provided that the thing halved is numerically one; and the compound is तत्-पुरुष।",
"22003": "The words द्वितीय 'second', तृतीय 'third', चतुर्थ 'fourth', तुर्य 'fourth', are optionally compounded with that word which signifies a thing that has parts, provided that the thing having parts is distinguished numerically by unity. The compound so formed is called तत्-पुरुष।",
"22004": "The words प्राप्त 'obtained', and आपन्न 'obtained' are optionally compounded with words ending in a Second Case-affix and form तत्-पुरुष compound.",
"22005": "Words denoting time are compounded when in construction, with words denoting the object whose duration is measured by the time, and the compound is तत्-पुरुष।",
"22006": "The negative word नञ् is compounded with a case-inflected word with which it is in construction, and the compound is तत्-पुरुष।",
"22007": "The word ईषत् 'a little' is compounded with a case-inflected word which does not end with a कृत् affix and the compound is तत्-पुरुष।",
"22008": "A word ending with a sixth case-affix is compounded with a case-inflected word with which it is in construction and the compound is तत्-पुरुष।",
"22009": "A word ending with a sixth case-affix is compounded with the word याजक 'sacrificer' etc. and the compound is तत्-पुरुष।",
"22010": "A word in the genitive case is not compounded with another, when the force of the sixth case-affix is that of specification (निर्धारण).",
"22011": "A word ending in a sixth case-affix is not compounded with a word having the sense of an ordinal, an attribute, or satisfaction, or with a participle ending in the suffix सत् 3.2127, or an indeclinable, or ending with the affix तव्य , or with a word denoting the same object (i.e. when they are in apposition).",
"22012": "A word ending with sixth case-affix is not compounded with a word ending with the affix क्त , when the force of क्त is to denote 'respect' etc.",
"22013": "A word ending with a sixth case-affix is not compounded with a word ending with the affix क्त , when the force of the latter is to denote 'locality' in which something happened",
"22014": "A word ending with a sixth case-affix is not compounded with another, when the force of the genitive is that of the accusative.",
"22015": "A word ending with a sixth case-affix is not compounded with a word ending with त्रिच् or अक , when the force of the genitive case is that of an agent.",
"22016": "A word ending with a sixth case-affix is not compounded with a word ending with त्रिच् or अक affix when the force of these latter affixes is that of an agent.",
"22017": "A word ending with a sixth case-affix is invariably compounded with a word ending with अक , when these affixes denote a sport or livelihood; and the compound is तत्-पुरुष।",
"22018": "The indeclinable word कु 'bad' , the particles called गति and the prepositions प्र etc. are invariably compounded with other words with which they are in construction and the resulting compound is तत्-पुरुष।",
"22019": "An उपपद of attendant word तत्रोपपदं सप्तमीस्थम् [[3.1.92]] which does not end with a tense-affix [[3.4.78]] is invariably compounded with that with which it is in construction. The compound thus formed is तत्-पुरुष।",
"22020": "When an उपपद is compounded with an indeclinable, then it is compounded only with those अव्ययs which end in the affix अम्।",
"22021": "An उपपद ending in third case-affix [[3.4.47]] etc. is compounded optionally with an indeclinable formed by the affix अम् and the compound is तत्-पुरुष।",
"22022": "An उपपद ending in third case-affix or any other of the remaining four cases, is optionally compounded with a word ending with the affix क्तवा and the compound is तत्-पुरुष।",
"22023": "The remaining compound is called बहुव्रीही।",
"22024": "Two or more words, ending in any case-affix, form compound, denoting another new thing, not connoted by those words individually and the compound is called बहुव्रीही।",
"22025": "indeclinable words and the words आसन्न 'near', अदूर 'near', अधिक 'more' and the words called संख्या (Numerals) are compounded with another संख्या word, when the sense is that of a numeral or संख्या। The compound is बहुव्रीही।",
"22026": "Words which are the names of the points of the compass are compounded, when the compound signifies the intermediate point and the compound so formed is बहुव्रीही।",
"22027": "Two homonymous words (both being in the locative case or both being in the instrumental case) are compounded, the sense being 'this happens therein or with that'. The compound so formed is बहुव्रीही।",
"22028": "The word सह 'together' is compounded with a word ending with the third case-affix and the compound is बहुव्रीही ; provided that, the companion and the person accompanied are equally effected by any action or thing, in the same manner.",
"22029": "When a set of several words ending with case-affixes stands in a relation expressable by 'and' the set is made into a compound and the compound so formed is called द्वन्द्व।",
"22030": "The उपसर्जन [[1.2.43]] is to be placed first in a compound.",
"22031": "The उपसर्जन is to be put last in the words राजदन्त etc.",
"22032": "In a द्वन्द्व compound, let a word called घि [[1.4.7]], stand first.",
"22033": "In a द्वन्द्व compound, let a what begins with a vowel and ends with a short अ be placed first.",
"22034": "In a द्वन्द्व compound, that word-form which has fewer vowels, is to be placed first.",
"22035": "A word with the seventh case-affix and an epithet are to be placed first in the बहुव्रीही compound.",
"22036": "What ends with a निष्ठा [[1.1.26]] shall stand first in a बहुव्रीही compound.",
"22037": "In the compounds अहिताग्नि and the like, the निष्ठा-formed word may optionally be placed first.",
"22038": "The words कडाराः and the like, are optionally placed first in the कर्मधार्य।",
"23001": "The word अनभिहिते meaning 'not being specified' is to be understood as the governing word.",
"23002": "When the object is not denoted by the termination of the verb i.e. when the verb does not agree with it, the 2nd case-affix is attached to the word.",
"23003": "In the छन्दस् (Veda), the object of the verb हु 'to sacrifice' takes the affix of the 3rd case and of the 2nd case as well.",
"23004": "A word joined with (or governed by) the word अन्तरा or अन्तरेण takes the second case-affix.",
"23005": "After a word denoting time, or length, the affix of the 2nd case is used, when denoting a full duration.",
"23006": "The 3rd case-affix is used after the words denoting the duration of time or place, when the accomplishment of the desired object is meant to be expressed.",
"23007": "A noun denoting time or place gets the affix of the 7th or the 5th case when the sense applied is that the time or space is the interval between one action and another (or implies an interval of time and space between कारक-s.",
"23008": "The 2nd case-affix is employed after a word which is joined with a कर्मप्रवचनीयाः [[1.4.83]].",
"23009": "Where a word is governed by a कर्मप्रवचनीयाः [[1.4.83]] in the sense of 'more than' उपोऽधिके च [[1.4.87]] or 'lord of' अधिरीश्वरे [[1.4.97]] there the 7th case-affix (locative) is used.",
"23010": "The 5th case-affix (Ablative) is used when a word is governed by the following कर्मप्रवचनीयाः [[1.4.83]] i.e. अप , आङ् and परि।",
"23011": "The 5th case-affix (Ablative) is used after whatsoever is governed by a कर्मप्रवचनीयाः [[1.4.83]] in the sense of 'susbtitute' or 'exchange' -- प्रतिः प्रतिनिधिप्रतिदानयोः [[1.4.92]].",
"23012": "In the case of roots implying motion, the place which the motion is directed takes the affix of the 2nd (Accusative) or the 4th (Dative) case in denoting the 'object', when physical motion is meant and the object is not a word expressing 'road'.",
"23013": "In denoting the सम्प्रदान-कारक -- कर्मणा यमभिप्रैति स सम्प्रदानम् [[1.4.32]], the 4th case-affix of the Dative is used after the noun.",
"23014": "The 4th case-affix is employed in denoting the object (कर्म) of that verb, which is suppressed (स्थानी) in a sentence and which has in construction (उपपद) there-with another verb, denoting an action, performed for the sake of the future action -- तुमुन्ण्वुलौ क्रियायां क्रियार्थायाम्[[3.3.10]]. In other words, when the sense of an infinitive of purpose formed by तुमुन् and ण्वुल् -- [[3.3.10]], is suppressed in a sentence, the object of this infinitive is put in the Dative -- 4th case.",
"23015": "The 4th case-affix is used after a crude-form which ends in an affix denoting 'condition' (abstract noun -- भाववचनाश्च [[3.3.11]]) and having the force of the affix तुम् (or Infinitive or purpose).",
"23016": "The 4th case-affix is used in conjuction with the words नमः 'salutation', स्वस्ति 'peace', स्वाहा , स्वधा (terms used in offering oblations to Gods and पित्रि-s, respectively), अलम् , 'a match for', 'sufficient for' and वषट् , a term for oblation.",
"23017": "In denoting the indirect object, which is not an animal, of the verb मन्य 'to think', the Dative -- 4th case is optionally used, when contempt is to be shown.",
"23018": "In denoting the agent -- स्वतन्त्रः कर्ता [[1.4.54]], or the instrument -- साधकतमं करणम् [[1.4.42]], the 3rd case is used.",
"23019": "When the word सह 'with', is joined to a word the latter takes the 3rd case, when the sense is that the word in the 3rd case is not the principal but the accompaniment of the principal thing.",
"23020": "By whatsoever limb, being defective, is pointed out the defect of the person after that the 3rd case-affix is used.",
"23021": "Any mark or attribute, by which is indicated the existence of a particular state or condition, is put in the 3rd case to express this relation.",
"23022": "After the verb सम्-ज्ञः , the 3rd case-affix is optionally used in denoting the object.",
"23023": "When the word denotes 'cause' it takes the 3rd case-affix.",
"23024": "A word implying 'debt', considered as a 'cause' but not as कर्तृ or agent, takes the 5th case-affix.",
"23025": "The 5th case-affix is used optionally when the noun expresses an attribute, being the cause of an action and not being of the feminine gender.",
"23026": "The 6th-Case-affix is used after a noun implying the cause of an action, when the word हेतु is used along with such a word.",
"23027": "After a सर्वनामस्थान -- सर्वादीनि सर्वनामानि [[1.1.27]], when it signifies the cause of an action and the word हेतु is used with it, the 3rd case-affix is used, as well as the 6th.",
"23028": "When the अपादान कारक -- ध्रुवमपायेऽपादानम् [[1.4.24]], is denoted, the 5th case-affix is used.",
"23029": "When a noun is joined with words meaning 'other than' or with आरात् 'near or remote', or इतर 'different from' or ऋते 'without', or words indicative of 'directions' (used also with reference to the time corresponding to them) or with words having अञ्चु 'to bend' as the last member of the compound and expressive of direction, or with words ending with the affix आच् -- दक्षिणादाच् [[5.3.36]] or आहि -- आहि च दूरे [[5.3.37]], the 5th case-affix is used.",
"23030": "The 6th-Case-affix is used when used in connection with words ending with affixes having the sense of the affix अतसुच -- दक्षिणोत्तराभ्यामतसुच् [[5.3.28]].",
"23031": "With a word ending with the affix एनाप् -- एनबन्यतरस्यामदूरेऽपञ्चम्याः [[5.3.35]], the 2nd case-affix is used, as well as the 6th.",
"23032": "When joined with the words पृथक् 'without', विना 'without' and नाना 'without', the 3rd case-affix is used, optionally (as well as the 5th and the 2nd).",
"23033": "When expressing an instrument-कारक, optionally after the words स्तोक 'little', अल्प 'little', कृच्छ्र 'difficulty' and कतिपय 'some', the 5th case-affix is used, when they do not denote material objects.",
"23034": "When in conjunction with words having the sense of दूर 'distant' and अन्तिक 'near', the 6th-Case-affix is optionally used.",
"23035": "After the words दूर 'distant' and अन्तिक 'near', the 2nd case-affix is used as well as the 5th and the 3rd.",
"23036": "The 7th case-affix is used when the sense is that of location -- आधारोऽधिकरणम् [[1.4.45]], as well as after the words meaning 'distant' and 'near'.",
"23037": "By the action (भाव) of whatsoever, the time of another action is indicated, that takes the 7th case-affix.",
"23038": "The 6th-Case-affix is used (as well as the 7th), when disregard is to be shown after that by whose action the time of another action is indicated.",
"23039": "The 6th and the 7th case-affixes are used after words when they are joined with स्वामिन् 'master', ईश्वर 'lord', अधिपति 'ruler', दायाद 'an heir', साक्षिन् 'witness', प्रतिभू 'a surety' and प्रसूत 'begotten'.",
"23040": "In conjunction with the words आयुक्त 'engaged', and कुशल 'skilful', when meaning entire absorption in an engagement, the 6th and the 7th case-affixes are used after a word.",
"23041": "The 6th and the 7th case-affixes are used after those words from which specification is made, (as of an individual from the whole class).",
"23042": "The 5th case-affix is used when the thing specified is different or divided from (and not included in) that from which specification is intended.",
"23043": "In conjunction with the words साधु 'good' and निपुण 'skilfull' when they denote respect, the 7th case-affix is used, provided that the word प्रति is not used.",
"23044": "In conjunction with the words प्रसिक्त and उत्सुक 'greatly desirous of', the 3rd case-affix is used after the word, as well as the 7th.",
"23045": "When an affix declaring the time of an Asterism is elided by लुप् -- लुबविशेषे [[4.2.4]], the 7th and the 3rd case-affixes are used after the word, whose affix is also elided.",
"23046": "Where the sense is that of the Nominal-stem -- अर्थवदधातुरप्रत्ययः प्रातिपदिकम् [[1.2.45]], or of gender only, or measure only or number only, the 1st case-affix is used.",
"23047": "And when the sense is that of addressing, the 1st case-affix is used.",
"23048": "The word ending with the 1st case-affix, in the sense of addressing, is called आमन्त्रित or Vocative.",
"23049": "In the case of Vocative, the singular number of the 1st case-affix is called स्मबुद्धि।",
"23050": "The 6th-Case-affix is used in the remaining cases, that is to say, where there is a sense, such as the relation between property and its owner etc. different from that of a word related to a verb and from that of a Nominal-stem.",
"23051": "Of the verb ज्ञा , when not used in the sense 'to know', the instrument takes the 6th-Case-affix.",
"23052": "Of the verbs having the sense of 'remembering', (अधिक्), and of दय 'to give', 'to pity', 'to protect', 'to move' and of ईश 'to rule or be master of', the object takes the 6th-Case-affix.",
"23053": "The object of the verb कृ takes the 6th-Case-affix, when it means 'to impart a new quality or virtue' -- गन्धनावक्षेपणसेवनसाहसिक्यप्रतियत्नप्रकथनोपयोगेषु कृञः [[1.3.32]].",
"23054": "The object of verbs having the sense of रुज् 'to afflict', with the exception of the Causative verb ज्वरय 'to be feverish', takes the 6th-Case-affix, when the verb expresses a condition (i.e. when the subject is an Abstract noun).",
"23055": "Of the verb नाथ् when meaning 'to bless', the object takes the 6th-Case-affix.",
"23056": "The object of the verbs जासि 'to strike', 'to hurt', हन् 'to strike' preceded by नि and ग्र , नाट् 'to injure', क्राथ and पिष when they mean 'to injure', takes the 6th-Case-affix.",
"23057": "The object of the verbs व्यवहृ and पण् when they ae synonymous, that is when they mean 'dealing in sale and purchase transactions' or 'staking in gambling' takes the 6th-Case-affix.",
"23058": "The object of the verb दिव् when having the above-mentioned sense of 'dealing' or 'stalking', takes the 6th-Case.",
"23059": "The object of the verb दिव् when having the above-mentioned sense of 'dealing' or 'stalking', optionally takes the 6th-Case, when preceded by an उपसर्ग (preposition).",
"23060": "The object of the verb दिव् when having the above-mentioned sense of 'dealing' or 'stalking', takes the 2nd case, in the ब्राह्मण literature.",
"23061": "The object of the verb प्रेष्य and ब्रूहि (imperative singular of दिवादि verb, meaning 'send' and 'utter') denoting sacrificial food, takes the 6th-Case-affix, when making offerings to deity is meant or when deity is the recepient.",
"23062": "In the छन्दस् the 6th-Case-affix is used diversely with the force of the 4th case-affix.",
"23063": "The 6th-Case-affix is diversely used in the छन्दस् in denoting the instrument of the verb यज् 'to sacrifice'.",
"23064": "The 6th-Case-affix is used in denoting location (अधिकरण) after a word denoting time (काल) when used along with a word ending with an affix having the sense of कृत्वसुच् -- संख्यायाः क्रियाऽभ्यावृत्तिगणने कृत्वसुच् [[5.4.17]] 'so many times'.",
"23065": "The 6th-Case-affix is used after a word, in denoting the agent and the object, when used along with a word ending with a कृत्-affix --कृदतिङ् [[3.1.93]].",
"23066": "When the agent and the object of the action denoted by the words formed by कृत्-affixes, are both used in a sentence, in the object only, the 6th-Case-affix is employed and not in the agent (the object is put in the Genitive 6th-Case and not the Agent).",
"23067": "The past participle ending in क्त when used in the sense of the present tense, -- ञीतः क्तः [[3.2.187]] and -- मतिबुद्धिपूजार्थेभ्यश्च [[3.2.188]] , is used with the Genitive 6th-Case.",
"23068": "The past participle ending in क्त is used with the Genitive 6th-Case, when the former expresses location -- क्तोऽधिकरणे च ध्रौव्यगतिप्रत्यवसानार्थेभ्यः [[3.4.76]].",
"23069": "The 6th-Case-affix is not used the express the agent or the object, when the word is governed by an Active Participle ending in the affix ल , or उ , or उक or an indeclinable, or by a Past Participle in the क्त and क्तवतु or by a word ending in an affix having the sense of खल् or by a Noun of agency formed by तृन्।",
"23070": "The 6th-Case-affix is not used when the word is governed by a verbal nounin अक denoting futurity, or in a इन् denoting 'futurity and indebtness'.",
"23071": "The 6th-Case-affix is optionally used in denoting the agent, (but not the object), when the word is governed by a Future Passive Participle (कृत्य).",
"23072": "The 3rd or the 6th-Case-affix may optionally be employed, when the word is joined with another word meaning 'like to or resemblance', excepting तुला and उपना।",
"23073": "The 4th as well as the 6th-Case-affix may be used, when blessing is intended in connection with the words आयुष 'long life', मद्र 'joy', भद्र 'good fortune', कुशल 'welfare', सुख 'happiness', अर्थ 'prosperity' and हित 'good'.",
"24001": " All affixes after the verb गाङ् 'to study' and the verb कुट् 'to be crooked' and the rest, are as if they had an indicatory ङ् (ङित्), except those affixes which have an indicatory ञ् (ञित्) or ण् (णित्).",
"24002": " An affix which begins with the augment इट् -- आर्धधातुकस्येड् वलादेः [[7.2.35]], is ङित् after the root विज् 'to fear, to move'.",
"24003": "A द्वन्द compound or words signifying persons belonging to the different Vedic-schools, when the sense is that of repition is singular.",
"24004": "A द्वन्द compound of words denoting क्रतु (sacrifices) ordained by यजुर् (अध्वर्यु) Veda, is singular, provided they are never used in the neuter gender",
"24005": "A द्वन्द compound of words denoting (persons who have studied) subjects, which in their order of study are not remote from each other, is singular.",
"24006": "A द्वन्द compound of words signifying जाति (genus) which are not the names of living beings, is singular.",
"24007": "A द्वन्द compound of words of different genders, denoting names of rivers and countries, but not of towns, is singular.",
"24008": "A द्वन्द compound of words signifying small animals, is singular.",
"24009": "A द्वन्द compound of words signifying those animals only among whom there is permanent enimity i.e. natural and eternal antipathy or quarrel, is singular.",
"24010": "A द्वन्द compound of words denoting those classes of शुद्रा-s who have not been expelled from the communion of higher classes, is singular.",
"24011": "The word गवाश and others are also द्वन्द compounds which take the singular number.",
"24012": "A द्वन्द compound of words being the names of trees, wild animals, grass, corn, condiment, domestic beasts and birds and the compounds अश्व-वडव , पूर्व-पर and अधरोत्तर , are optionally singular.",
"24013": "A द्वन्द compound of words of contrary significations, but not being the names of concrete substances.",
"24014": "The द्वन्द compounds like दधिपय etc. are not singular.",
"24015": "A द्वन्द compound denoting a fixed number (एकत्व) of concrete things (अधिकरण) is not singular.",
"24016": "A द्वन्द compound denoting an approximate number of concrete substances, is optionally singular.",
"24017": "It, namely the द्विगु or द्वन्द compound, with regard to which singular number has been ordained by the above rules, is always neuter gender.",
"24018": "An अव्ययीभाव -- अव्ययं विभक्तिसमीपसमृद्धिव्यृद्ध्यर्थाभावात्ययासम्प्रतिशब्दप्रादुर्भावपश्चाद्यथाऽऽनुपूर्व्ययौगपद्यसादृश्यसम्पत्तिसाकल्यान्तवचनेषु [[2.1.6]], compound is also neuter gender. ",
"24019": "A तत्-पुरुष compound, with the exception of that which is formed by the particle नञ् , and or the कर्मधारय compound, becomes neuter gender, in the cases explained in the following sūtras.",
"24020": "When denoting an appellative, a तत्-पुरुष compound ending with the word कन्था 'town', is neuter in gender, provided that it is the name of a town situtated in a country of the उशीनर-s.",
"24021": "A तत्-पुरुष compound ending with the words उपज्ञा 'invention' and उपक्रम 'commencement' is neuter in gender, when it is intended to express the starting point of a work which is first invented or commenced.",
"24022": "A तत्-पुरुष compound ending with the word छाया 'shadow' in neuter in gender when the sense is that of profusenss of the thing indicated by the first term.",
"24023": "A तत्-पुरुष compound ending with the word सभा 'court' is neuter, provided that it is preceded by (a word synonymous with) the word राजा or by a word denoting a non-human-being. ",
"24024": "A तत्-पुरुष compound ending with the word सभा 'court', when it does not mean a house but means concourse, is neuter.",
"24025": "A तत्-पुरुष compound ending with the words सेना 'army', सुरा 'wine', छाया 'shadow', शाला 'house' and निशा 'night', is optionally neuter, with the exception of that which is formed by the particle नञ् -- नञ् [[2.2.6]], and the कर्मधारय compound.",
"24026": "The gender of द्वन्द compound or तत्-पुरुष compound is like that of the last word in it.",
"24027": "The gender of the compound of the word अश्व 'horse' and वडव 'a mare', is like that of the first word in it.",
"24028": "Of the compounds हेमन्त-शिशिरौ and अहोरात्रे , the gender is like that of the first word, in the छन्दस् ।",
"24029": "The द्वन्द and तत्-पुरुष compound ending with the words रात्र and अह्न are spoken of in masculine.",
"24030": "The तत्-पुरुष word अपथम् 'a bad road', is neuter.",
"24031": "The words अर्धर्च etc. are spoken of in masculine and neuter.",
"24032": "In the room of इदम् 'this', in the case of its re-employment in a subsequent member of the same sentence and referring to the same thing (अन्वादेश) there is the substitution of अश् which is अनुदात्त (gravely accented), when the Instrumental -3rd case-affix and the rest follow.",
"24033": "In the room of एतद् in the case of re-employment there is the substitution of the gravely accented अश् when the affixes त्र -- सप्तम्यास्त्रल् [[5.3.10]] and तस् -- पञ्चम्यास्तसिल् [[5.3.7]] follow, and the affixes त्र and तद् are अनुदात्त (gravely accented) also.",
"24034": "When an affix of the Accusative -2nd case or टा - Instrumental -3rd case singular or ओश् Locative -7th-case dual follows, एन् which is अनुदात्त is the substitute of इदम् and its re-employment.",
"24035": "The clause 'when the affix is आर्धधातुक is understood in the following sūtras up to sūtra [[2.4.58]].",
"24036": "The word जग्धि is the substitute of अद् 'to eat', when the affix ल्यप् -- समासेऽनञ्पूर्वे क्त्वो ल्यप् [[7.1.37]] or an आर्धधातुक कित् affix beginning with a त follows.",
"24037": "When लुङ् (Aorist) or सन् (Desiderative) follows घसॢ is the substitute of अद् 'to eat'.",
"24038": "And when the affix घञ् and अप् follow घसॢ is the substitute of अद्।",
"24039": "In the छन्दस् (Vedas), घसॢ is diversely substituted for अद्।",
"24040": "When लिट् (Perfect Tense) follows घसॢ is optionally the substitute of अद्।",
"24041": "When लिट् (Perfect Tense) follows, वयि is optionally the substitute follows of वेञ् 'to weave'.",
"24042": "बध् is the substitute of हन् 'to kill' when the आर्धधातुक लिङ् (Benedictive) follows.",
"24043": "And when लुङ् (Aorist) follows वध is the substitute of हन्।",
"24044": "When आत्मनेपद affixes follow, वध् is optionally the substitute of हन् in the लुङ् (Aorist).",
"24045": "गा is the substitute of the root इण् when लुङ् (Aorist) follows.",
"24046": "When the affix णि (causal follows, गामि is the substitute of इण् when the sense is not that of 'informing' but that of 'going'.",
"24047": "And when सन् (Desiderative) follows, गमि is the substitute of ण् when the sense is not that of 'informing'.",
"24048": "And of इङ् 'to study', गमि is the substitute when सन् follows.",
"24049": "गाम् is the substitute of इङ् when लिट् (Perfect Tense) follows.",
"24050": "गाङ् is optionally the substitute of इङ् when लुङ् (Aorist) and ऌङ् (Conditional Future) follow.",
"24051": "गाङ् is optionally the substitute of इङ् is the causative णि , when that causative takes the affix सन् (Desiderative) and चन् (Aorist).",
"24052": "भू is the substitute of the verb अस् 'to be' when an आर्धधातुक affix is to be applied.",
"24053": "वचि is the substitute of ब्रू 'to speak' when any आर्धधातुक affix is to be supplied.",
"24054": "ख्याञ् is the substitute of चक्षिङ् 'to perceive, to tell', when any आर्धधातुक affix is to be applied.",
"24055": "ख्याञ् is optionally the substitute of चक्षिङ् when लिट् (Perfect Tense) follows.",
"24056": "वी is the substitute of the verb अज् 'to drive', 'to lead', when an आर्धधातुक affix follows, with the exception of the affixes घञ् -- भावे [[3.3.18]] and अप् -- समुदोरजः पशुषु [[3.3.69]].",
"24057": "वी is optionally the substitute of अज् when the affix -- अनद्यतने लुट् [[3.3.15]] etc. follows.",
"24058": "After a word ending with the गोत्र affix ण्य -- कुर्वादिभ्यो ण्यः [[4.1.151]] and after a गोत्र word denoting the descendant of a क्षत्रिय or a ऋषि 'seer' and after a word ending with a गोत्र affix having an indicatory ञ् , the afffix ञ् , the afffix अण् and इञ् employed in the forming युवन् -- जीवति तु वंश्ये युवा [[4.1.163]], descendants, are elided by the substitution of लुक्।",
"24059": "And after the words पैल etc. there is the लुक् elision of the युवन् affix.",
"24060": "After a word ending in the गोत्र affix -- [[4.1.95]], there is elision of लुक् of the युवन् affix, when the गोत्र of the people called प्राच्य 'Eastern' is denoted.",
"24061": "After the words तौल्वलि and the rest, there is no लुक् elision of the युवन् affix.",
"24062": "There is लुक् elision of तद्राज -- ते तद्राजाः [[4.1.174]], affix, when the word is used in the plural number, provided that the plural number is taken by the base itself and not by its standing as a compound epithet dependent upon another word and provided that the base is not used in the feminine.",
"24063": "After the word यस्क etc. there is the लुक् elision of the गोत्र affix when the word of itself and not as part of a compound epithet dependent on another word, takes the plural; but not in the feminine.",
"24064": "And there is लुक् elision of the गोत्र affix यञ् -- गर्गादिभ्यो यञ् [[4.1.105]] and अञ् -- अनृष्यानन्तर्ये बिदादिभ्योऽञ् [[4.1.104]], when the word of itself and not as part of a compound epithet dependent on another, takes the plural, but not in the feminine.",
"24065": "After the words अत्रि , भृगु , कुत्स , वशिष्ठ , गोतम , अङ्गिरस , there is elision of the गोत्र affix, when the word takes the plural, but not in the feminine.",
"24066": "And there is लुक् elision of the गोत्र affix इञ् -- गोत्राद्यून्यस्त्रियाम् [[4.1.95]] after a word containing many vowels (a poly-syllabic word) which denotes the गोत्र of the people called प्राच्य and भरत when the word takes the plural.",
"24067": "After the words गोपवन etc. there is not लुक् elision of the गोत्र affix, when the word takes the plural.",
"24068": "After the words तिक , कितब etc. when used as द्वन्द compound, there is the लुक् elision of the गोत्र affixes when the compound word takes the plural.",
"24069": "After the words उपक etc. there is optionally लुक् elision of the गोत्र affix when the words take the plural wether they enter into द्वन्द compound or are used separately.",
"24070": "There is लुक् elision of the गोत्र affixes अण् and यञ् of the words अगस्त्य , and कौणडिन्य , when they take the plural and the words अगस्ति and कण्डिनच् are the substitutes of the bases so remaining after the elision.",
"24071": "There is लुक् elision of the case-affix of a word when it gets the name of धातु 'root' or is of a crude form.",
"24072": "After the verb अद् 'to eat' and the rest there is लुक् elision of the विकरण शप् -- कर्तरि शप् [[3.1.68]].",
"24073": "In the छन्दस् (Vedas) there is diversely the लुक् elision of the विकरण शप् -- कर्तरि शप् [[3.1.68]].",
"24074": "And there is diversely the लुक् elision of यङ् -- धातोरेकाचो हलादेः क्रियासमभिहारे यङ् [[3.1.22]], when the affix अच् -- नन्दिग्रहिपचादिभ्यो ल्युणिन्यचः [[3.1.134]], follows.",
"24075": "After the verbs हू 'to sacrifice' and others there is श्लु elision of the विकरण शप् -- कर्तरि शप् [[3.1.68]].",
"24076": "In the छन्दस् (Vedas) there is elision of the शप् diversely.",
"24077": "There is लुक् elision of the affix सिच् -- च्लेः सिच् [[3.1.44]] in the परस्मैपद after the verbs गा 'to go', स्था 'to stand', the verbs called घु मृषस्तितिक्षायाम् [[1.2.20]], पा 'to drink' and भू 'to be'.",
"24078": "After the verbs घ्रा 'to smell', धेट् 'to drink', शा (शो) 'to pare' छा (छो) 'to cut' and सा (सो) 'to destroy' there is optionally the elision of सिच् when the परस्मैपद terminations are used.",
"24079": "After the verbs तन् 'to expand' and others there is optionally the लुक् elision of सिच् when the आत्मनेपद affixes त and थास् of the 2nd Person follow.",
"24080": "In the मन्त्र portion of the Vedas there is लुक् elision of the sign of the Aorist (& लिट् -Perfect Tense) after the verbs घस् 'to eat', हूर् 'to be crooked', णश् 'to destroy', वृ 'to choose, to cover', दह् 'to burn', verbs ending in long आ , वृच् 'to avoid', कृ 'to make', गमि 'to go' and जनि 'to be produced'.",
"24081": "There is लुक् elision in the room of that tense-affix (लि) which comes after आम् of the लिट् (Perfect Tense).",
"24082": "There is लुक् elision of आप् (the feminine termination) and सुप् (the case-affixes) after an अव्यय or indeclinable.",
"24083": "There is not लुक् elision of the case-affix after an अव्ययीभाव compound that ends in आ ; आम् is the substitute of its case-affix es, but not when it is the 5th case-affix.",
"24084": "The change to अम् of the Instrumental -3rd case and Locative -7th-case-affixes coming after an अव्ययीभाव compound that ends in अ , occurs diversely.",
"24085": "डा , रौ and रस् are substituted respectively in the room of the three-affixes of the 3rd Person of लुट् (First Future), both in the परस्मैपद and आत्मनेपद। ",
"31001": "An affix.",
"31002": "And subsequent.",
"31003": "That which is called an affix has an acute accent on its first syllable.",
"31004": "The case-affix es (सुप्) and the affixes having an indicatory प (पित्) are अनुदात्त।",
"31005": "After the verbs गुप् , तिज् and कित् comes the affix सन्।",
"31006": "The affix सन् comes after the verbs मान 'to honour', बध् 'to bind', दान् 'to cut', and शान् 'to whet', and long ई is the substitute of इ -- सन्यतः [[7.4.79]] of the re-duplicate -- पूर्वोऽभ्यासः [[6.1.4]] syllable.",
"31007": "The affix is optionally attached, in the sense of 'wishing' after a root expressing the object wished and having the same agent of the action as the wisher thereof.",
"31008": "The affix क्यच् is optionally employed, in the sense of wishing after a word ending in a case-affix expressing the object wished as connected with the wisher itself.",
"31009": "And the affix काम्यच् is also used in the sense of 'wishing' after a word ending in a case-affix, expressing the object wished as connected with the wisher's self.",
"31010": "The affix क्यच् is optionally employed, in the sense of treatment after a word ending in a case-affix denoting the object of comparison.",
"31011": "The affix क्यङ् is optionally used in the sense of 'behaving' after a word ending in a case-affix denoting the object of comparison of the agent and there is लोप (elision) of the final स of the noun if it ends in a स।",
"31012": "The affix क्यङ् in the sense of becoming what the thing previously was not, is used after the crude forms भृश् etc. which do not end with the affix च्वि -- अभूततद्भावे कृभ्वस्तियोगे सम्पद्यकर्तरि च्विः [[5.4.50]], and there is लोप (elision) of the final consonant of these words, if they end in a consonant.",
"31013": "The affix क्यष् in the sense of becoming what the thing previously was not, is used after the words लोहित etc. and after those that end with the affix डाच् -- अव्यक्तानुकरणाद्द्व्यजवरार्धादनितौ डाच् [[5.4.57]], when these words do not take the affix च्वि -- अव्यक्तानुकरणाद्द्व्यजवरार्धादनितौ डाच् [[5.4.57]].",
"31014": "The affix क्यङ् in the sense of exerting in the dishonesty, is employed after the word कष्ट 'mischief' when the latter has the 4th case-affix in construction.",
"31015": "The affix क्यङ् is used after the words रोमन्य 'ruminating' and तपस 'austerity', when they are used as the objects of the action of repeating and performing respectively.",
"31016": "The affix क्यङ् is used in the sense of ejecting after the words वाष्प 'vapour' and ऊष्म 'heat' as the object of the action.",
"31017": "The affix क्यङ् , in the sense of 'making', comes after these words, as the object of the action, viz. शब्द 'sound', वैर 'hostility', कलह 'strife', अभ्र 'cloud', कण्व 'sin' and मेध 'cloud'.",
"31018": "The affix क्यङ् in the sense of 'feeling', comes after the words सुख 'pleasure' etc. when the pleasure etc. belong to the agent as feels thereof.",
"31019": "The affix in the sense of 'making', comes after these words, as the object of the action, viz. नमस् 'adoration', वरिवस् 'honour', चित्र 'wonder'.",
"31020": "The affix णिङ् , in the sense of making, comes after these words as the object of the action, viz. पुच्छ 'tail', भाण्ड 'pot' and चीवर 'rag'.",
"31021": "The affix णिच् , in the sense of 'making' comes after these words as the object of action viz. मुण्ड 'shaving', मिश्र 'mixture', श्लक्ष्ण 'soft', लवण 'salt', व्रत 'vow', वस्त्र 'dress', हल 'plough', कल 'strife', कृत 'done' and तूस्त 'matter hair'.",
"31022": "The affix वङ् , in the sense of repitition of the act, comes after a root, having a single vowel and beginning with a consonant.",
"31023": "The affix वङ् invariably comes in the sense of 'crookedness' after a simple verb expressing motion.",
"31024": "The affix वङ् when it is intended to convey the sense of contempt (गर्हा) in respect of the sense of the root (भाव) comes always after the following roots - लुप् 'to cut off', सद् 'to sit', चर् 'to walk', जप् 'to mutter silently any sacred formula', जभ 'to gape or yawn', दह् 'to burn', दश् 'to bite' and गृ 'to swallow'.",
"31025": "The affix णिच् is used after these words - सत्य 'truth' (which then takes the form of सत्याप as exhibited in the sūtra), पाश 'a fetter', रूप 'form', वीणा 'a lute', तूल 'cotton', श्लोक 'celebration', सेना 'army', लोम 'the hair of the body', त्वच 'skin', वर्म 'mail', वर्ण 'celebration', चूर्ण 'powder' and the verb of the चुरादि class.",
"31026": "The affix णिच् is used after a root, when the operation of a causer is to be expressed.",
"31027": "The affix यक् is used after the roots कण्डु 'to itch' etc.",
"31028": "The affix आय comes after गुपू 'to protect', धूप 'to heat', विच्छ 'to approach', पण 'to contract or praise' and पन 'to praise'.",
"31029": "The affix ईयङ् comes after the sūtra root ऋति 'to reproach'.",
"31030": "The affix णिङ् comes after the root कम 'to desire'.",
"31031": "The affixes आय and those that follow it i.e. आय , ईयङ् and णिङ् are optionally added, when it is desired to express one's self with an आर्धधातुक affix.",
"31032": "All the roots ending with the affixes सन् and others are called धातु ।",
"31033": "When ऌ and लुट् follow, then स्य and तासि are respectively the affixes of a verbal root",
"31034": "सिप् is diversely the affix of a verbal root when लेट् follows.",
"31035": "आम् is the affix of the verb कास् 'to cough' and of those roots that are formed by affixes i.e. the derivative verbs, when लिट् (Perfect Tense) follows, in the मन्त्र।",
"31036": "The affix आम् is used when लिट् (Perfect Tense) follows after a root beginning with a letter of इच् प्रत्यहार and having a heavy vowel, excepting the root ऋच्छ 'to go'.",
"31037": "After the words दय 'to give', 'to go' and 'to protect', अय 'to go'and आस 'to sit', there is the affix आम् when लिट् (Perfect Tense) follows.",
"31038": "The affix आम् is optionally used after these - उष् 'to burn', विद् 'to know' and जागृ 'to wake', when लिट् (Perfect Tense) follows.",
"31039": "आम् is optionally affixed when लिट् (Perfect Tense) follows after these verbs - भी 'to fear', ह्री 'to be ashamed', भृ 'to nourish', हु 'to sacrifice' and when आम् is affixed, the effect is as if there were श्लु elision and the roots belonged to ह्वादि class.",
"31040": "After a verb which ends with आम् , the verb कृ 'to do', is annexed when लिट् (Perfect Tense) follows.",
"31041": "The form विदाङ्कुर्वन्तु is optionally employed as an irregular form.",
"31042": "The forms अभ्युत्सादयामकः प्रजनयामकः चिकयामकः रमयामकः पावयांक्रियाद् विदामक्रन् are irregularly formed in the छन्दस् (Vedas).",
"31043": "When लुङ् (Aorist) follows, the affix च्लि is added to the verbal root.",
"31044": "Of च्लि , सिच् is the substitute.",
"31045": "After a verb that ends in a शल consonant and has an इक् vowel for its penultimate letter and does not take इट् -- एकाच उपदेशेऽनुदात्तात् [[7.2.10]], क्स is the substitute of च्लि।",
"31046": "क्स is the substitute of च्लि after the verb श्लिष , when used in the sense of 'embracing'.",
"31047": "क्स is not the substitute of च्लि after the verb दृश् 'to see'.",
"31048": "After a root which ends in the णि -- पुच्छभाण्डचीवराण्णिङ् [[3.1.20]], -- मुण्डमिश्रश्लक्ष्णलवणव्रतवस्त्रहलकलकृततूस्तेभ्यो णिच् [[3.1.21]], -- च्लेः सिच् [[3.1.44]] etc. and after the verb श्रि 'to serve', द्रु 'to run', and स्रु 'to drop', चङ् is the substitute of च्लि , when लुङ् (Aorist) follows signifying an agent.",
"31049": "After the roots धे 'to suck' and श्वि 'to grow', चङ् is optionally the substitute of च्लि , when लुङ् (Aorist) follows signifying an agent.",
"31050": "After the verb गुप् 'to protect', चङ् is optionally the substitute of च्लि in the छन्दस् (Vedas).",
"31051": "After the causatives of the verbs ऊन 'to decrease', ध्वन 'to sound', इल् 'to send' and अर्द 'to go or to beg' चङ् is not the substitute of च्लि in the छन्दस् (Vedas).",
"31052": "After the verbs अस् 'to throw', वच् 'to speak' and ख्या 'to speak', अङ् is the substitute of च्लि , when लुङ् (Aorist) follows signifying an agent.",
"31053": "After the verbs लिप् 'to paint', सिच् 'to sprinkle' and ह्वे 'to call', अङ् is the substitute of च्लि when लुङ् (Aorist) follows signifying the agent.",
"31054": "After the verbs लिप् , सिच् and ह्वे अङ् is optionally the substitute of च्लि when the affixes of the आत्मनेपद follow.",
"31055": "अङ् is the substitute of च्लि after the verbs पुष् 'to nourish' and the rest; द्युत् 'to shine' and the rest; and the verbs having an indicatory ऌ , when the affixes of the परस्मैपद follow.",
"31056": "After the words सृ 'to go', शास् 'to order' and ऋ 'to go', अङ् is the substitute of च्लि in the परस्मैपद as well as the आत्मनेपद ।",
"31057": "अङ् is optionally the substitute of च्लि after that root which has an indicatory इर् , when the परस्मैपद terminations are used.",
"31058": "And, optionally अङ् is the substitute of च्लि after the verbs जॄ 'to stiffen', स्रुच् & स्लुच् 'to go', मुच् & ग्लुच् 'to steal', ग्लुञ्च् 'to go' and श्वि 'to grow' when the terminations of the परस्मैपद are used.",
"31059": "After the words कृ 'to do', मृ 'to die', दॄ (9P) 'to tear' and रुह 'to rise', अङ् is the substitute of च्लि when used in छन्दस् (Vedas).",
"31060": "चिण् is the substitute of च्लि after the verb पद् 'to go' when the affix त follows.",
"31061": "चिण् is optionally the substitute of च्लि , when त - 3rd Person Singular of आत्मनेपद follows after the verbs दीप् 'to shine', जन् 'to be produced', बुध् 'to teach or know', पूर् 'to be full', ताय् 'to extend or protect' and प्याय 'to smell'.",
"31062": "चिण् is optionally the substitute of च्लि , when त - 3rd Person Singular of आत्मनेपद follows after a root which ends with a vowel and when the object itself is spoken of as the agent.",
"31063": "चिण् is optionally the substitute of च्लि after the verb दुह् 'to milk', when it is used reflexively and when त follows.",
"31064": "चिण् is not the substitute of च्लि after the verb रुध् 'to obstruct' when used in the reflexive sense in the 3rd Person Singular of आत्मनेपद ।",
"31065": "चिण् is not the substitute of च्लि after the verb तप् 'to suffer' when used reflexively and when the sense of experiencing remorse.",
"31066": "चिण् is the substitute of च्लि when त -3rd Person Singular आत्मनेपद follows, denoting the action (भाव) or the object कर्म्म।",
"31067": "The affix यक् comes after a root when a सार्वधातुक -- तिङ्शित्सार्वधातुकम् [[3.4.113]], follows, denoting the action or the object.",
"31068": "The affix शप् comes after a root when a सार्वधातुक follows, signifies the agent.",
"31069": "The affix श्यन् comes after a root of the दिवादि class when a सार्वधातुक affix denoting the agent follows.",
"31070": "The affix श्यन् optionally used in the active voice after the verbs - भ्राश् 'to shine', भ्लाश् 'to shine', भ्रम् 'to whirl', क्रम् 'to walk', क्लम् 'to be sad', त्रस् 'to fear', त्रुट् 'to cut' and लष् 'to desire'.",
"31071": "The affix श्यन् is optionally used after the verb यस् 'to strive' when it is used without a preposition and when a सार्वधातुक affix denoting an agent, follows. ",
"31072": "The affix श्यन् is optionally used after the verb यस् 'to strive' when it is preceded by the preposition सम् and when a सार्वधातुक affix denoting an agent, follows. ",
"31073": "The affix श्नु comes after the roots of स्वादि class when a सार्वधातुक affix denoting an agent follows.",
"31074": "And शृ is the substitute of श्नु and there is the affix श्नु after it, when a सार्वधातुक affix denoting an agent follows.",
"31075": "The affix श्यन् is optionally used after the root अक्ष् 'to pervade' when it is preceded by the preposition सम् and when a सार्वधातुक affix denoting an agent, follows. ",
"31076": "The affix श्यन् is optionally used after the root अक्ष् 'to bore or hew' when it is preceded by the preposition सम् and when a सार्वधातुक affix denoting an agent, follows. ",
"31077": "The affix श is used after the roots of तुदादि class, in denoting the agent when a सार्वधातुक affix follows.",
"31078": "The affix श्नम् comes after the roots of the रुधादिगणः (7th Conjugation), in denoting an agent when a सार्वधातुक affix follows.",
"31079": "The affix उ comes after the roots of the तनादिगणः (8th Conjugation) and after the verb कृ 'to make', when a सार्वधातुक affix follows, signifying the agent.",
"31080": "The affix उ comes after the roots धिन्व 'to please' and कृणिव 'to hurt', when a सार्वधातुक affix denoting the agent follows and in these verbs अ is the final substitute of the final इ।",
"31081": "The affix श्ना comes after the roots of the क्र्यादिगणः (9th Conjugation) when a सार्वधातुक affix follows denoting the agent.",
"31082": "And there is the affix श्ना after स्तम्भ , स्तुम्भ , स्कम्भ or स्कुम्भ 'to hinder', to be dull or insensible' 'to support' and स्कु 'to go by leaps', as well as the affix श्नु , when a सार्वधातुक affix follows, in denoting the agent. (Note: The first 4 धातु are not found in the धातुपाठ and are found in the sūtras, and hence called सौत्र धातु ।)",
"31083": "The affix शानच् is the substitute of श्ना after a root ending with a consonant, when हि follows.",
"31084": "In the छन्दस् (Vedas), शायच् is also the substitute of श्ना after the roots ending in consonants, when हि follows.",
"31085": "In the छन्दस् (Vedas) there is diversely an interchange of the various विकरण-as शप् etc. which have been previously ordained under special circumstances.",
"31086": "The affix अङ् is used in the छन्दस् (Vedas) when the affixes of the आशीर्लिङ् (Benedictive) follow.",
"31087": "The ल denoting the agent, when the action affecting the agent is similar to the action which affects the object, is treated as if it were a ल denoting the object.",
"31088": "The agent of the verb तप् 'to heat', becomes similar to the object, only when the object is the word तपस् itself.",
"31089": "The affix यक् -- सार्वधातुके यक् [[3.1.67]],and चिण् -- अचः कर्मकर्तरि [[3.1.62]] are not used in the reflexive voice of the verbs दुह् 'to milk', स्नु 'to fall in drops' and नम् 'to bow.",
"31090": "The affix श्यन् comes after the roots कुष् 'to pull' and रञ्ज 'to colour' in the reflexive voice, according to the opinion of Eastern Grammarians and these verbs take the affixes of परस्मैपद ।",
"31091": "As far as the end of the Third Chapter reckoning from the present sūtra, the affixes treated of are to be understood as coming after some verbal root. (Note: This is an अधिकार सूत्र। All these verbal affixes are broadly classified as कृत् and कृत्य affixes)",
"31092": "In the Third Chapter of Grammar, referring to verbal roots, the word implied in a term exhibited in the Locative -7th-case, is called उपपद or dependant word.",
"31093": "In this portion of the sūtras in which there is a reference to verbal roots, any affix except तिङ् - tense affixes, is called कृत् ।",
"31094": "In this portion of the sūtras, in which there is reference to verbal roots, an affix which is calculated to debar a general one, not being of the same form, optionally debars it; but not so in the case of feminine affixes -- स्त्रियां क्तिन् [[3.3.94]].",
"31095": "From this sūtra up to ण्वुल्तृचौ [[3.1.133]] all the affixes treated will get the name कृत्य।",
"31096": "The affixes तव्यत् , तव्य and अनीयर् come after the verbal roots.",
"31097": "The affix यत् comes after a root that ends in a vowel.",
"31098": "The affix यत् comes after a root which ends in a labial letter preceded by a short अ।",
"31099": "The affix यत् comes after roots शकॢ 'to be able' and सह 'to bear'.",
"31100": "The affix यत् comes after roots गद् 'to eat', मद् 'to be mad', चर् 'to go, to eat' and यम् 'to restrain', when these roots do not take any preposition.",
"31101": "The words अवद्य , पण्य , वर्या are irregularly formed, having the sense of 'condemnable', saleable' and unobstructable', respectively.",
"31102": "The word वह्यं is irregularly formed when the meaning of the word is an instrument of carrying.",
"31103": "The word अर्य is irregularly formed when meaning 'lord' and a वैश्य।",
"31104": "The word उपसर्या is irregularly formed when meaning what has reached the time favourable to conception or ripe for fruition.",
"31105": "The word अजर्यंम् 'imperishable' is irregularly formed when qualifying the word संगतम् 'friendship' expressed or understood.",
"31106": "After the root वद् 'to speak', governing a case-inflected word as its उपपद and not having a preposition annexed to it, there comes the affix क्यप् also.",
"31107": "After the root भू 'to be', in construction with a case-inflected word as its उपपद and when used without a preposition, the affix क्यप् is used to denote condition - भाव।",
"31108": "After the root हनु 'to kill' when in construction with a case-inflected word as its उपपद and when used without a preposition comes the affix क्यप् in denoting condition and the letter त is the substitute of its final.",
"31109": "After the verbs इ 'to go', स्तु 'to praise', शास् 'to govern', वृ 'to respect' and जुष् 'to please' comes the affix क्यप्।",
"31110": "After the verbs having the penultimate short ऋ , the affix क्यप् is used, with the exception of the verbs कॢप् 'to be able' and वृत् 'to hurt'.",
"31111": "The affix क्यप् is used after the root खन 'to dig' and long ई is substituted for the final of the root.",
"31112": "The affix क्यप् is used after the root भृञ् 'to bear' when not used as a name.",
"31113": "The affix क्यप् is optionally used after the verb सृज् 'to cleanse'.",
"31114": "The words राजसूय , सूर्य , मृषोद्य , रुच्य , कुप्य , कृष्ट , पच्य and अव्यथ्य irregularly formed by the addition of the affix क्यप्।",
"31115": "The words भिद्य and उद्ध्यौ are irregularly formed by the affix क्यप् , when meaning 'river'.",
"31116": "The words पुष्य and सिद्ध्य् are irregularly formed by the affix क्यप् , when used as names of asterisms.",
"31117": "When the words विपूय , विनीय and जित्या are irregularly formed they mean 'the मुञ्ज grass', 'the sediment' and 'the plough', respectively.",
"31118": "The word ग्रह 'to seize', preceded by the prepositions प्रति and अपि , takes the affix क्यप् in the छन्दस् (Vedas).",
"31119": "The root ग्रह 'to seize' takes the affix क्यप् when it means a 'word', a 'dependent', 'outside' or a 'partisan'.",
"31120": "After the verbs कृञ् 'to do' and वृष् 'to rain', the affix क्यप् is optionally used.",
"31121": "The word युग्यम् is irregularly formed meaning 'a vehicle'.",
"31122": "Optionally the word अमावस्या is irregular.",
"31123": "In the छन्दस् (Vedas) the following words are found, which are formed irregularly - निष्टर्क्य , देवहूय , प्रणीय , उन्नीय , उच्छिष्य , मर्य , स्तर्या , ध्वर्य , खन्य , खान्य , देवयज्या , आपृच्छ्य , प्रतिषीव्य , ब्रह्मवाद्य , भाव्य , स्ताव्य , and पचाय्यपृड।",
"31124": "The affix ण्यत् comes after a verb that ends in ऋ (long or short) or in a consonant.",
"31125": "The affix ण्यत् comes after a verb that ends in the letter उ - long or short, when the sense is that of 'necessity'.",
"31126": "The affix ण्यत् comes after the verbs आसु 'to distill', यु 'to join', वप 'to sow', रप् 'to speak distinctly', लप् 'to prate', अप् 'to be ashamed' and चम 'to drink'.",
"31127": "The word आनाय्यः is irregularly formed when meaning 'impermanent'.",
"31128": "The word प्रणाय्य is irregularly formed when meaning 'disapproved'.",
"31129": "The words पाय्य , सान्नाय्य , निकाय्य and धाय्या are irregularly formed meaning 'a measure', 'an oblation to fire', 'a dwelling' and 'a sacrificial prayer', respectively.",
"31130": "The words कुण्डपाय्यः and संचाय्यः are irregularly formed meaning 'a sacrifice'.",
"31131": "The words परिचाय्यः , पचाय्य and समूह्याः are irregularly formed when they are names of fire.",
"31132": "The words चित्य and ग्निचित्य are also irregularly formed.",
"31133": "The affixes ण्वुल् (अक्) and तृच् (तृ) are placed after all verbal roots, expressing the agent.",
"31134": "After the verbs classed as नन्द 'to be happy', ग्रह 'to take' and पच् 'to cook' there are the affixes ल्यु (अन), णिनि (इन्) and अच (अ) respectively.",
"31135": "After a verb ending in a consonant but preceded by इ , उ or ऋ -long or short, and after the verbs ज्ञा 'to know', श्री 'to please' and कॄ 'to scatter', comes the affix क (अ)।\n",
"31136": "Also after a verb ening in long आ when there is a preposition along with it, the affix क is placed.",
"31137": "The affix श (अ) is used after the roots पा 'to drink', घ्रा 'to smell', ध्मा 'to blow' and धेट् 'to suck' and दृश् 'to see' when there is a preposition along with these roots.",
"31138": "The affix श is used after the verbs - धारि , पारि , वेदि , उदेजि , चेति , साति and साहि , when used without a preposition.",
"31139": "The affix श is optionally used after the root दा 'to give' and धा 'to hold', when used without a preposition.",
"31140": "After the verbs beginning with ज्वल 'to shine' and ending with कस 'to go', when used without apreposition, the affix ण is optionally used.",
"31141": "The affix ण is also used after the verbs - श्यै 'to go', verbs ending in a long भा , व्यद् 'to pierce', आस्रु 'to pain', संत्रु 'to flow', अतीण् 'to pass on', अवसा 'to complete', अवह 'to take away', लिह 'to lick', श्लिष 'to embrace' and श्वस 'to breathe'.",
"31142": "The affix ण is used after the verbs दु 'to burn' and नी 'to lead', when used without a preposition.",
"31143": "The affix ण is optionally used after the verb ग्रह 'to seize'.",
"31144": "The affix क is used after the verb ग्रह 'to seize' when the agent so expressed denotes a house.",
"31145": "The affix ष्वुन् (अक्) comes after a verb when the agent so expressed denotes an artist.",
"31146": "The affix थकन् (थक) comes after the verb गै 'to sing' when the agent so expressed, denotes an artist.",
"31147": "The affix ण्युट् is also used after the verb गै 'to sing' when the agent so expressed denotes an artist.",
"31148": "After the verb हा , also the affix ण्युट् is used when the agent so expressed denotes 'rice' and 'time'.",
"31149": "After the verbs प्रु 'to go', सृ 'to move', स्रु 'to flow' and लू 'to cut', the affix वुन् is used, when repitition is meant.",
"31150": "The affix वुन् is applied after all verbs when Benediction is intended.",
"32001": "The affix अण् comes after a verbal root when the object (or whatever sort it may be), is in composition with it (an an उपपद).",
"32002": "The affix अण् comes after a root हूञ् 'to call' वेञ् 'to weave', माङ् 'to measure', when the object is in composition with it.",
"32003": "The affix क comes after a verbal root that ends in long आ when there is no उपसर्ग preceding it and when the object is in composition with it.",
"32004": "The affix क comes after the root स्था when in composition with a word ending in a case-affix, as an उपपद ।",
"32005": "The affix क comes after the verbs परिमृज् 'to wash out' and अपनुद् 'to drive away' when in composition with the words तुन्द 'navel' and शोक 'grief', as objects respectively.",
"32006": "The affix क comes after the root दा 'to give' and ज्ञ 'to know', when taking the preposition प्र in composition with a word in the Accusative -2nd case.",
"32007": "The affix क comes after root ख्या 'to tell', when preceded by the preposition सम् and when the object is in compsition with it.",
"32008": "The affix टक comes after the verbs गै 'to sing' and पा 'to drink' when used without a preposition and when the object is in composition with it.",
"32009": "The affix अच् comes after the verb हृञ् when it does not mean 'to raise up', when the object is in composition with it.",
"32010": "The affix अच् comes after the verb हृञ् when the object is in composition with it and when the meaning of the word to be formed is descriptive of age.",
"32011": "The affix अच् comes after the verb हृञ् (when the object is in composition with it) the root taking the preposition आञ् and the sense of the word to be formed in inclination or accustomed occupation.",
"32012": "The affix अच् comes after the verb अर्ह 'to respect', when the object is in composition with it.",
"32013": "The affix अच् comes after the verb रम् 'to sport' and जप् 'to whisper' when the case-inflected words स्तम्भ 'a clump of grass' and कर्ण 'ear' are in composition with them respectively.",
"32014": "The affix अच् is used after the verbal roots when शम् 'well' is in composition and the word to be formed denotes a name.",
"32015": "The affix अच् comes after the verb शी 'to lie down' when in composition with a case-inflected word indicating location i.e. in the Locative -7th-case.",
"32016": "The affix ट comes after the verb चर् 'to go' when a case-inflected word in composition with it denotes a location.",
"32017": "The affix ट is used after the verb चर् 'to go' when the words in composition with it भिक्षा 'alms', सेना 'army' and आदाय 'having taken'.",
"32018": "The affix ट comes after the verb सृ 'to move' when the words in composition with it are पुरः , अग्रतः and अग्रे , all meaning 'in front or before'.",
"32019": "The affix ट comes after the verb सृ 'to go' when पूर्व in composition with it, denoting the agent.",
"32020": "The affix ट comes after the verb कृञ् 'to make' when the object is in composition with it denoting cause, habit and going with the grain (concession).",
"32021": "The affix ट comes after the verb कृञ् 'to make' when the following words are in composition with it - 1. दिवा 'by day' 2. विभा 'light' 3. निशा 'night' 4. प्रभा 'splendour' 5. भाः 'light' 6. कार 'work' 7. अन्त 'end' 8. अनन्त 'endless' 9. आदि 'beginning' 10. बहु 'many' 11. नान्दी 'benediction' 12. किम् 'what' 13. लिपि 'writing' 14. लिबि 'writing' 15. बलि 'oblation' 16. भक्ति 'devotion' 17. कर्तृ 'agent' 18. चित्र 'painting' 19. क्षेत्र 'field' 20. संख्या - words denoting numerals 21. जङ्घा 'thigh' 22. बाहु 'hand' 23. अहः 'day' 24. यत् 'what' 25. तत् 'that' 26. धनुस् 'bow' 27. अरुस् 'wound'.",
"32022": "The affix ट comes after the verb कृञ् 'to make' when the word कर्म is in composition with it and the sense of the word to be formed is that of wages.",
"32023": "The affix ट does not come after the verb कृ 'to make' when the following words are in composition with it - 1. शब्द 'sound' 2. श्लोक 'verse' 3. कलह 'quarrel' 4. गाथा 'praise' 5. वैर 'enimity' 6. चाटु 'flattery' 7. सूत्र 'thread' 8. मन्त्र 'hymns' 9. पद 'word'.",
"32024": "The affix इन् comes after the verb कृ when the objects in composition with it are the words स्तम्ब 'a sheaf' and शकृत् 'ordure'.",
"32025": "When the agent indicated is an animal, the affix इन् comes after the verb हृ 'to take', the object in composition with it being the words ददृति 'a leather bag' and नाथ 'a master'.",
"32026": "And the words फलेग्रहि and आत्मम्भरि are irregularly formed.",
"32027": "In the छन्दस् (Vedas) the affix इन् comes after the verbs वन् 'to honour', सन् 'to worship', रक्ष् 'to protect' and अथ् 'to agitate', when the object is in composition.",
"32028": "The affix खश् comes after the verb एजृ 'to tremble' when ending in शि and when the object is in composition with it.",
"32029": "The affix खश् comes after the verbs ध्मा 'to blow' and धे 'to suck' when नासिका 'nose' and स्तन 'breast' are in composition with them as object.",
"32030": "And when the words नाडी 'a tube' and मुष्टि 'a fist' are objects in composition with the verbs ध्मा 'to blow' and धे 'to suck', ghe affix खश् is used.",
"32031": "The affix खश् comes after the verbs रुजि 'to break into pieces' and वह् 'to carry', when preceded by the उपसर्ग उत् and the word कूल 'bank' is in composition with them as the object.",
"32032": "The affix खश् comes after the verb लिह 'to lick' when the object in composition with it, is the word वह 'the shoulder of an ox' or अभ्र 'a cloud'.",
"32033": "The affix खश् comes after the verb पच् 'to cook' when the object in composition with it denotes a measure.",
"32034": "The affix खश् is used after the verb पच् 'to cook' when मित 'a measured partition' or नख 'a nail' is the word in composition with it as an object.",
"32035": "The affix खश् comes after the verb तुद् 'to strike' when विधु 'the moon' or अरुस् 'a wound' is the word in composition with it as object.",
"32036": "The affix खश् comes after the verb दृश् 'to see' and तप् 'to heat' when असूर्य and ललाट are the words in composition with it as object.",
"32037": "The words उग्रम्पश्य , इरम्मद , पाणिन्धम are irregularly formed.",
"32038": "The affix खच् comes after the verb वद् 'to speak' when प्रिय or वश is the word in composition with it as an object.",
"32039": "The affix खच् comes after the verb ताप् 'to heat' when द्विषत् or पर is the word in composition with it as an object.",
"32040": "The affix खच् comes after the verb यस् 'to curb'when the word वाक् 'speech' is in composition with it as an object and the sense indicated is that of a vow.",
"32041": "The affix खच् comes after the verb दारि 'to split' and सह् 'to bear' when respectively in composition with the words पुर् 'a city' and सर्व 'all', as objects.",
"32042": "The affix खच् comes after the verb कष् 'to rub' when the words सर्व 'all', कूल 'bank', अभ्र 'cloud' and करीष 'a dry cow-dung' are in composition with it as objects.",
"32043": "The affix खच् comes after the verb कृ 'to make' when the words मेघ 'cloud' अर्ति 'misfortune' and भय 'fear' are in composition as objects.",
"32044": "And the affix अण् as well as खच् come after the verb कृ 'to make' when the words क्षेम 'happiness', प्रिय 'pleasant' and भद्र 'joy' are in composition as objects.",
"32045": "The affix खच् comes after the verb भू 'to be' when in composition with the case-inflected word आशित 'satisfied by eating' and the sense is that of instrument or condition.",
"32046": "The affix खच् comes after the verbs - 1. भृ 'to bear' 2. तॄ 'to cross over' 3. वृ 'to choose' 4. जि 'to conquer' 5. धारि 'to hold' 6. सहि 'to bear' 7. तपि 'to heat' 8. दम 'to subdue'",
"32047": "And the affix खच् comes after the verb गम् 'to go' when in composition with a word ending in a case-affix and when the word to be formed denotes a name.",
"32048": "And the affix खच् comes after the verb गम् 'to go' when in composition with the verbs - 1. अन्त 'end' 2. अत्यन्त 'extreme' 3. अध्वम् 'road' 4. दूर 'far' 5. पार 'across' 6. सर्व 'all' 7. अनन्त 'endless'.",
"32049": "The affix ड comes after the verb हन् 'to kill' when the object is in composition with it and when benediction is intended.",
"32050": "The affix ड comes after the verb हन् 'to kill' when it is compounded with the preposition अप् and when the object in composition with it, is the word क्लेश 'pain' or तमस् 'darkness'.",
"32051": "The affix णिनि comes after the verb हन् 'to kill' when the word in composition with it is कुमार 'a child' or शीर्ष 'head'.",
"32052": "The affix टक् comes after the verb हन् 'to kill' when it is in composition with the word जाया 'wife' or पति 'huband' as object and when the word so formed denotes the agent possessed of that attribute (or when the word so formed denotes a mark).",
"32053": "The affix टक् comes after the verb हन् 'to kill' when the object is in composition with it and when the word to be formed denotes an agent other than a human being.",
"32054": "The affix टक् comes after the verb हन् 'to kill' when the object is in composition with it as its object is हस्ति 'elephant' or कपाट 'gate' and when the sense indicated is that of power.",
"32055": "The word पाणिघ and ताडघ are irregularly formed when denoting an artificier.",
"32056": "The affix ख्युन् , when in the sense of the word to be formed is that of an instrumental agent, comes after the verb कृ 'to make', when the following words are in composition with it - 1. आढ्य 'rich' 2. सुभग 'fortunate' 3. स्थूल 'big' 4. पलित 'grey' 5. नग्न 'naked' 6. अन्ध 'blind' 7. प्रिय 'pleasant', provided these words formed by the affix च्वि though not actually ending in the affix च्वि।",
"32057": "The affixes खिष्णुच् and खकञ् , when the word to be formed denotes an agent comes after the verb भू 'to become', when it is in composition with the words formed by the affix च्वि though not actually ending in the affix च्वि।",
"32058": "The affix क्विन् comes after the verb स्पृश् 'to touch' when it is in composition with a case-inflected word other than उदक 'water'.",
"32059": "The words - 1. ऋत्विक् 'a domestic priest' 2. दधृक् 'impudent' 3. स्रक् 'a garland' 4. दिक् 'direction' and 5. उष्णिक् 'a quatrain', are irregularly formed by adding the affix क्विन् and also after the verbs 6. अञ्चु 'to worship' 7. युजि 'to join' 8. क्रुञ्चु 'to approach', the affix क्विन् is used.",
"32060": "And the affix कञ् comes after the verb दृश् 'to see' when it is in composition with त्यद् etc. and does not signify perception.",
"32061": "The affix क्विप्comes after the following verbs when in composition with a word ending in a case-affix, though it may be an उपसर्ग viz. 1. सत् 'to sit' 2. सू 'to bring forth' 3. द्विष् 'to hate' 4. द्रुह् 'to bear malice' 5. दुह् 'to milk' 6. युज् 'to join' , 'to concentrate the mind' 7. विद् 'to know', 'to consider' 8. भिद् 'to divide' 9. च्छिद् 'to cut' 10. जि 'to conquer' 11. नी 'to lead 12. राज् 'to shine'.",
"32062": "The affix ण्वि comes after the verb भज् 'to share' when in composition with a word ending in a case-affix whether it be an उपसर्ग or not.",
"32063": "In the छन्दस् (Vedas) the affix णिव comes after the verb सह् 'to bear' when in composition with a word ending in a case-affix.",
"32064": "The affix णिव after the verb वह् 'to carry' in the छन्दस् (Vedas), when the word ending in case-affix is in composition with it.",
"32065": "In the छन्दस् (Vedas) the affix ञ्युट् comes after the verb वह् 'to carry' when it is in composition with the words कव्य 'oblation of food to deceased ancesters', पुरीष 'faeces' and पुरीष्य 'water'.",
"32066": "The affix ञ्युट् comes in the छन्दस् (Vedas) after the verb वह् 'to carry' when it is in composition with the word हव्य 'an oblation to gods', provided that the word so formed does not occur in the middle of a पाद (4th part of a stanza).",
"32067": "The affix विट् (the whole of which is elided) comes in the छन्दस् (Vedas) after the verbs 1. जन् 'to be born' 2. सन् 'to bestow' 3. खन् 'to dig' 4. क्रम् 'to pace' 5. गम् 'to go' when a word ending in case-affix is in composition and the final nasals are changed into long आ।",
"32068": "The affix विट् comes after the verb अद् 'to eat' when in composition with a case-inflected word other than अन्न 'food'.",
"32069": "The affix विट् comes after the verb अद् 'to eat' when the word क्रव्य is in composition with it.",
"32070": "The affix कप् comes after the verb दुह् 'to milk' when in composition with a word ending in a case-affix and the letter घ replaces the final.",
"32071": "In the मन्त्र literature,the affix णिवन् comes after the words 1. श्वेतवह 2.उक्थश 3. पुरोडाश् ।",
"32072": "In the मन्त्र literature,the affix णिवन् comes after the verb यज् 'to sacrifice' when in composition the word अव्।",
"32073": "The affix विच् comes after the verb यज् 'to sacrifice' when उप precedes it, in the छन्दस् (Vedas).",
"32074": "The affixes मनिन् (मन्), वनिप् (वन्), विनय (वन्) and विच् come in the छन्दस् (Vedas) after the verbs which end in long आ , when used in a case-inflected word or उपसर्ग in in composition. ",
"32075": "These affixes i.e. - मनिन् (मन्), वनिप् (वन्), विनय (वन्) and विच् are seen after other verbs also besides those ending in long आ।",
"32076": "And the affix क्विप् is also seen after all verbs, whether having an उपपद or not in the Vedic as well as in the modern Sanskṛt.",
"32077": "The affixes क and क्विप् come after the verb स्था when in composition with a word ending in a case-affix or an उपसर्ग ।",
"32078": "When habit is to be expressed, the affix णिनि comes after a verb, provided the word with a case-affix in composition with it does not mean a genus.",
"32079": "The affix णिनि comes after a verb when in composition with a word denoting an object of comparison, expressing the agent, the sense of the affix being 'doing something like that', that is to say, when the उपपद agent is the standard of comparison of the agent denoted by the word to which the sense of the affix refers.",
"32080": "The affix णिनि comes after a verb, in composition with a word ending in a case-affix.",
"32081": "The affix णिनि comes after a verb diversely when continued repitition of an action is to be expressed.",
"32082": "The affix णिनि comes after the verb मन् 'to think' when there is a word with a case-affix in composition with it.",
"32083": "And the affix णिनि comes after the verb मन् 'to think' when the word in composition with it is a word with a case-affix and when it is used to signify thought, whereof the object is self (the sense of the affix being 'thinking himself as such').",
"32084": "All the affixes to be treated of hereafter should be understood to come in the sense of past time.",
"32085": "The affix णिनि comes after the verb यज् 'to sacrifice' with the sense of past time, when the word in composition is the Instrumental -3rd case.",
"32086": "The affix णिनि comes after the verb हन् 'to kill' with the sense of past time, when the word in composition is in the Accusative -2nd case.",
"32087": "The affix क्विप्comes after the verb हन् 'to kill' with the sense of past time when the following words in the Accusative -2nd case ae in composition - 1. भ्रूण 'a foetus' 2. वृत्र ।",
"32088": "In the छन्दस् (Vedas) the affix क्विप्diversely comes after the verb हन् 'to kill' with the sense of past time,ending with the word even when the word in composition with it is other than those mentioned in the last sūtra.",
"32089": "The affix क्विप्comes after the verb कृ 'to make' with the sense of past time, when the following words in the Accusative -2nd case are in composition - 1. सु 'action' 2. कर्म 'action' 3. पाप 'sin' 4. मन्त्र 'hymn' 5. पुण्य 'virtue'.",
"32090": "The affix क्विप्comes after the verb सु 'to press out juice' with the sense of past time, when the word सोम , in the Accusative -2nd case, is in composition.",
"32091": "The affix क्विप्comes after the verb चि 'to collect' with the sense of past time, when the word अग्नि , in the Accusative -2nd case, is in composition.",
"32092": "In expressing an object the affix क्विप्comes after the verb चि 'to collect' with the sense of past time when in composition with a word in the Accusative -2nd case, provided the word so formed is the name of fire.",
"32093": "The affix इनि comes after the compound verb विकृ 'to sell' in the sense of past time, when in composition with a word in the Accusative -2nd case.",
"32094": "The affix क्वनिप् comes after the verb दृश् 'to see' in the sense of past time, when in composition with a word in the Accusative -2nd case.",
"32095": "The affix क्वनिप् comes after the verbs युध 'to fight' and कृ 'to make' with a past signification when the word राजन् 'king' is in composition, in the Accusative -2nd case.",
"32096": "The affix क्वनिप् comes after the verbs युध 'to fight' and कृ 'to make' with a past signification when the word सह 'with', is in composition.",
"32097": "The affix ड comes after the verb जन् 'to be produced', with a past signification, when the word, in composition with it is in the Locative -7th-case.",
"32098": "The affix ड comes after the verb जन् 'to be produced', with a past signification, when the word, in composition with it is in the Ablative -5th case, which does not denote a genus.",
"32099": "The affix ड comes after the verb जन् 'to be produced', with a past signification, when an उपसर्ग is in composition and when the sense is simply appellative.",
"32100": "The affix ड comes after the verb जन् 'to be produced', with a past signification, when the root takes the preposition अनु and is compounded with a word in the Accusative -2nd case.",
"32101": "The affix ड is seen to come after the verb जन् 'to be produced', with a past signification,though it be in composition with other nouns, having cases other than those mentioned in the previous sūtras.",
"32102": "The affixes called निष्ठा come after a verbal root used in the sense of past time.",
"32103": "The affix ङ्वनिप् comes after the verbs सु 'to press out or extract juice' and यज् 'to sacrifice', with a past signification.",
"32104": "The affix अतृन् comes after the verb जृ 'to grow old' with the sense of past time.",
"32105": "In the छन्दस् (Vedas), the affix लिट् (Perfect Tense) comes after a verb with a past signification.",
"32106": "In the छन्दस् (Vedas), the affix लिट् (Perfect Tense) is optionally replaced by the affix कानच्।",
"32107": "In the छन्दस् (Vedas) the affix क्वसु is optionally the substitute for लिट् ।",
"32108": "In modern Sanskṛt the affix क्वसु optionally replaces लिट् (Perfect Tense) aafter the verbs सद् , वस् and श्रु with a past signification.",
"32109": "The forms उपेयिवान् , नाश्वान् , नूचान् are irregularly formed.",
"32110": "The affix लुङ् (Aorist) comes after the verb in the sense of past time.",
"32111": "The affix लुङ् (Aorist) comes after a verbal root used in the sense of past before the commencement of the current day.",
"32112": "When a word implying 'recollection' is in connection with it, a verb takes the affix लृट् (2nd Future) in the sense of the past before the commencement of the present day.",
"32113": "The affix लृट् (2nd Future) is not applied in the sense of the past when the उपपद denoting recollection has in connection with it the particle यत्।",
"32114": "The affix लृट् (2nd Future) is optionally applied in the sense of the past, when a word implying 'recollection' is in connection with it and whether such a word has the particle यत् or is used simply; provided that the two verbs, occuring in the same complex sentence, are also connected together, that each is necessary to the other , to complete the sense of the speaker.",
"32115": "The affix लिट् (Perfect Tense) comes after the verb in the sense of the past before the commencement of the current dayand unperceived by the narrator.",
"32116": "And the affix लङ् (Imperfect Tense) comes after the verb when the particles ह and शश्वत are in connection with it and when the verb denotes past action unperceived by the speaker and before the commencement of the current day.",
"32117": "The affixes लङ् (Imperfect Tense) and लिट् (Perfect Tense) come after a verb (in expressing a past time not belonging to the current day and unperceived by the speaker) when the past referred to is recent and the sentence is interrogative.",
"32118": "The affix लट् (Present Tense) comes after a verb when the particle स्म is in connection with it (and denotes a past time not belonging to the current day and unperceived by the speaker). Note : This debars लिट् (Perfect Tense) .",
"32119": "The affix लट् (Present Tense) comes after a verb when the particle स्म is in connection with it and denotes a past action not belonging to the current day and when the action is perceived by the agent.",
"32120": "The affix लट् (Present Tense) is used after a verb in denoting a past action when the word ननु is in connection with it and an answer is givento the question.",
"32121": "The affix लट् (Present Tense) comes optionally after a verb in denoting past time, in reply to an interrogation, when the words न 'not' and नु 'what of that' are in connection with it.",
"32122": "Optionally the affixes लुङ् (Aorist) and लट् (Present Tense) come after a verb in denoting past time not belonging to the current day, when the word पुरा is used in the sentence, provided that the word स्म is not used.",
"32123": "The affix लट् (Present Tense) comes after a verb when denoting a present action.",
"32124": "The affixes शतृ and शानच् are substitutes of लट् (Present Tense) when agreeing with what does not end with the 1st (Nominative Case) case-affix.",
"32125": "The affixes शतृ and शानच् are substitutes of लट् (Present Tense) even when agreeing with what ends with a 1st (Nominative Case) case-affix, provided that it is in the Vocative Case.",
"32126": "The affixes शतृ and शानच् are substitutes of लट् (Present Tense) and come after a verb in expressing an attendent circumstance or characteristic and the cause of an action.",
"32127": "These two - शतृ and शानच् are called सत्.",
"32128": "The affix शानन् comes after the verbs पू 'to purify' and यज् 'to sacrifice'.",
"32129": "The affix चानश् comes after a verb in expressing 'habit', standard of age' and 'inability'.",
"32130": "The affix शतृ comes after the verb इङ् 'to go' and धारि 'to hold' in denoting that the agent does the action without trouble.",
"32131": "The affix शतृ comes after the verb द्विष् when the agent indicated means 'an enemy'.",
"32132": "The affix शतृ comes after the verb सु 'to press out or extract juice' when the sense is that of association with sacrifice.",
"32133": "The affix शतृ comes after the verb अर्ह in expressing praise.",
"32134": "From this sūtra as far as क्विप् in sūtra [[3.4.177]] (inclusive), the affixes that we shall treat of, are to be understood in the sense of agents having such a habit or nature or having skill in such and such action.",
"32135": "The affix तृन् comes after all verbs in the sense of 'agents having such a habit etc.'.",
"32136": "The affix इष्णुच् comes after following verbs in the sense of 'agents having such a habit etc.' - 1. अलंकृ 'to adorn' 2. ञ्निराकृ 'to expell' 3. प्रजन् 'to be born' 4. उत्पच् 'to be ripe' 5. उत्पत् 'to fly' 6. उन्मद् 'to be mad' 7. रुच् 'to shine' 8. अपत्रप् 'to be ashamed' 9. वृत् 'to move' 10. वृध् 'to grow 12. सह 'to bear' 13. चर् 'to walk'.",
"32137": "The affix इष्णुच् in the sense of 'the agent having such a habit etc.' comes in the छन्दस् (Vedas) after the verb that ends in the causative णि।",
"32138": "The affix इष्णुच् in the sense of 'the agent having such a habit etc.' comes in the छन्दस् (Vedas) after the verb भू 'to be' etc.",
"32139": "The affix क्स्नु comes after the following verbs in the sense of 'the agent having such a habit etc.' viz. - 1. ग्ला 'to be weary' 2. जि 'to conquer' 3. स्था 'to stand', as well as after भू 'to be'.",
"32140": "The affix क्नु comes after the verbs - 1. त्रस् 'to tremble' 2. गृध् 'to be greedy' 3. धृष् 'to be bold' 4. क्षिप् 'to throw' in the sense of 'agent having such a habit etc.'.",
"32141": "The affix घिनुण् comes after the 8 verbs beginning with शम् 'to be calm' in the sense of 'the agent having such a habit etc.'.",
"32142": "The affix घिनुण् comes after the following verbs in the sense of 'the agent having such a habit etc.'. - 1. संपृच् 2. अनुरुध् 3. आङ्यम् 4. आङ्यस् 5. परिसृ 6. संसृज् 7. परिदेवि 8. संज्वर् 9. परिक्षिप् 10. परिरट् 11. परिवद् 12. परिदह् 13. परिमुह् 14. दुष् 15. द्विष् 16. द्रुह् 17. दुह् 18. युज् 19. आक्रीड् 20. विविच् 21. त्यज् 22. रज् 23. भज् 24 अतिचर् 25. अपचर् 26. आमुष् 27. अभ्याहन्।",
"32143": "The affix घिनुण् comes after the verbs कष् 'to injure', लस् 'to embrace and sport', कत्थ 'to praise' and स्रम्भ 'to believe', when these are in composition with the preposition वि।",
"32144": "The affix घिनुण् comes after the verb लष 'to wish' when compounded with the preposition अप and वि।",
"32145": "The affix घिनुण् comes after the verbs 1. लप् 2. सृ 3. द्रु 4. मथ 5. वद् 6. वस् when compounded with the preposition वि।",
"32146": "The affix वुञ् is added to the following verbs in the sense of 'the agent having such a habit etc.' - 1. निन्द् 2. हिंस् 3. क्लिश् 4. खाद् 5. विनाश् 6. परिक्षिप् 7. परिरट् 8. व्याभाष् and असूय।",
"32147": "The affix वुञ् comes after the verbs देवि 'to lament' and क्रुश 'to cry' when an उपसर्ग is in composition with them.",
"32148": "The affix युच् comes, in the sense of 'the agent having such a habit etc.' after intransitive verbs denoting 'motion' or 'sound'.",
"32149": "The affix युच् comes, in the sense of 'the agent having such a habit etc.' after intransitive verbs as are आत्मनेपदि and begin with a consonant and are अनुदात्त i.e. have a gravely accented vowel as as indicatory.",
"32150": "The affix युच् comes after the following verbs in the sense of 'the agent having such a habit etc.' - 1. जु 2. चङ्क्रम्य 3. दन्द्रम्य 4. सृ 5. गृध 6.ज्वल 7. शुच 8. लष 9. पत 10. पद।",
"32151": "And after the verbs having the sense of क्रुध् 'to be angry' and मण्ड 'to adorn', the affix युच् is used. ",
"32152": "The affix युच् is not used after the verbs which end in the letter य।",
"32153": "The affix युच् does not come after the verbs सूद् 'to strike', दीप् 'to shine' and दीक्ष् 'to initiate'.",
"32154": "The affix उकञ् comes after the following verbs, in the sense of 'agent having such habit etc.' - 1. लष् 2. पत् 3. पद् 4. स्था 5. भू 6. वृष् 7. हन् 8. कम् 9. गम् 10. शॄ ।",
"32155": "The affix षाकन् comes, in the sense of 'agent having such habit etc.' after the following verbs - 1. जल्प् 2. भिक्ष् 3. कुट्ट 4. लुण्ट 5.वृङ ।",
"32156": "The affix इनि comes in the sense of 'agent having such habit etc.' after the verb प्रजु 'to hasten forward'.",
"32157": "The affix इनि comes in the sense of 'agent having such habit etc.' after the verbs 1. जि 'to conquer' 2. दृ 'to respect' 3. क्षि 'to waste, to dwell, to go' 4. विश्रि 'to shelter' 5. इ 'to go' 6. वम् 'to vomit' 7. अव्यथ 'not to give pain' 8. अभ्यम 'to injure' 9. परिभू 'to humiliate' 10. प्रसू 'to beget'.",
"32158": "The affix आलुच् comes in the sense of 'agent having such habit etc.' after the words - 1. स्पृह् 'to desire' 2. गृह् 'to seize' 3. पत् 'to go' 4. दय् 'to give, to go , to protect' 5. निद्रा 'to sleep' 6. तन्द्रा 'to be tired' 7. श्रद्धा 'to venerate'.",
"32159": "The affix रु comes after the verbs 1. दा 'to give' 2. धेट् 'to suck' 3. सि 'to bind' 4. शद 'to fall' 5. सद् 'to sit'.",
"32160": "The affix क्मरच् comes in the sense of 'agent having such a habit etc.' comes after the verbs 1. सृ 'to flow' 2. घसि 'to eat' 3. अद् 'to eat'.",
"32161": "The affix घुरच् comes in the sense of 'agent having such a habit etc.' after the verbs 1. भञ्ज् 'to break' 2. भास् 'to shine' 3. भिद् 'to be fat'.",
"32162": "The affix कुरच् comes in the sense of 'agent having such a habit etc.' after the verbs 1. विद् 'to know' 2. भिद् 'to divide' 3. छिद् 'to pierce'.",
"32163": "The affix क्वरप् comes in the sense of 'agent having such a habit etc.' after the verbs 1. इ 'to go' 2. नश् 'to destroy' 3. जि 'to conquer' 4. सृ 'to flow'.",
"32164": "And the word गत्वर is irregularly formed.",
"32165": "The affix ऊक comes after the verb जागृ 'to be awake' in the sense of 'agent having such a habit'.",
"32166": "The affix ऊक comes in the sense of 'agent having such a habit etc.' after the verbs 1. यज् 2. जप् 3. दश् when they end in the affix य्।",
"32167": "The affix र comes in the sense of 'agent having such a habit etc.' after the verbs 1. नम 'to bow' 2. क्मप् 'to shake' 3. स्मि 'to smile' 4. अजस् 'not to cease' 5. कम 'to desire' 6. हिंस 'to injure' 7. दीप 'to shine'.",
"32168": "The affix उ comes after the roots that have taken the affix सन् and after all the verbs आशंस् 'to wish' and भिक्ष 'to beg' in the sense of 'agent having such a habit etc.'.",
"32169": "The words विन्दु and इच्छु are irregularly formed by the addition of the affix उ , in the sense of 'agent having such a habit etc.'.",
"32170": "The affix उ comes in the छन्दस् (Vedas) after the roots that have taken the Denominative affix क्य in the sense of 'agent having such a habit etc.'.",
"32171": "In the छन्दस् (Vedas), the affixes कि and किन् in the sense of 'agent having such a habit etc.' come after the verbs that end in long आ or long or short ऋ and after the verbs 1. गम् 'to go' 2. हन् 'to kill' 3. जन् 'to be produced' and these affixes operate likek लिट् (Perfect Tense) causing reduplication of the root.",
"32172": "The affix नजिङ् comes, in the sense of 'agent having such a habit etc.' after the verbs स्वप् 'to sleep' and तृष् 'to be thirsty'.",
"32173": "The affix आरु comes, in the sense of 'agent having such a habit etc.' after the verbs शॄ 'to to injure' and वन्द् 'to praise, to salute'.",
"32174": "The affixes क्रु and क्लुकन come in the sense of 'agent having such a habit etc.' after the verb भी 'to fear'.",
"32175": "The affix वरच् comes, in the sense of 'agent having such a habit etc.' after the verbs 1. स्था 'to stand' 2. ईश 'to rule' 3. भास् 'to shine' 4. पिस् 'to go' 5. कस् 'to go'.",
"32176": "The affix वरच् in the sense of 'agent having such a habit etc.' comes after the verb या when it ends with the affix यङ्।",
"32177": "The affix क्विप् comes in the sense of 'agent having such a habit etc.' after the verbs 1. भ्राज 'to shine' 2. भास् 'to shine' 3. धुर्व 'to injure' 4. द्युत् 'to shine' 5. ऊर्ज 'to be strong' 6. पॄ 'to fill' 7. जु 'to move rapdily' 8. स्तु 'to praise', when preceded by the word ग्रवन् 'a stone'.",
"32178": "The affix क्विप् comes in the sense of 'agent having such a habit etc.' after the verbs other than those seen above.",
"32179": "The affix क्विप् comes after the verb भू 'to be' when the word so formed denotes a name or surety.",
"32180": "The affix डु comes after the verb भू 'to be' when it is preceded by the उपसर्ग वि , प्र and सम् provided that the word to be formed does not mean an appellative.",
"32181": "The affix ष्ट्रन् comes, in denoting the object after the verb धा 'to feed'.",
"32182": "The affix ष्ट्रन् with in the sense of instrument, comes after the verbs 1. दाप 'to cut' 2. नी 'to lead' 3. शस् 'to hurt' 4. यु 'to join' 5. युज् 'to join' 6. स्तु 'to praise' 7. तुद् 'to inflict pain' 8. सि 'to bind' 9. सिच् 'to sprinkle' 10. मिह् 'to urine' 11. पत् 'to fall' 12. दश् 'to bite' 13. नह् 'to bind'",
"32183": "The affix ष्ट्रन् is used after the verb पू 'to purify' with the sense of instrument when denoting a member of the body of a plough or of a hog.",
"32184": "The affix इत्र comes after the verbs 1. ऋ 'to go' 2. लू 'to cut' 3. धू 'to shake' 4. सू 'to bring forth' 5. खन् 'to dig' 6. सह् 'to bear' 7. चर् 'to go' , with the sense of instrument.",
"32185": "The affix इत्र comes after the verb पू 'to purify' with the sense of the agent so expressed being the instrument when the sense of the complete word is simply appellative and not descriptive.",
"32186": "The affix इत्र comes after the verb पू 'to purify' with the sense of the agent or instrument when it is respectively used in connection with a sage or a deity.",
"32187": "The verbal roots marked with an indicatory ञि , take the affix क्त , in denoting the present time.",
"32188": "And after the roots denoting inclination, understanding, or respect, the affix क्त is used with the force of the present",
"33001": "The affixes उण् and the rest with the force of the present and with a sense simply appellative are attached diversely.",
"33002": "The उणादि affixes are seen also attached with the force of the past time.",
"33003": "The words गामि etc. are valid forms having the sense of the future time.",
"33004": "The affix लट् (Present Tense) comes after a root with the force of futurity when it has in construction with it the particles यावत् and पुरा।",
"33005": "The affix लट् (Present Tense) is optionally used after a root with the force of the futurity when it has in construction with it the adverbs कदा and कर्हि।",
"33006": "When the word किम् or its derivatives are in construction with a verb, the affix लट् (Present Tense) is used optionally after a root, in denoting future time, provided that the sentences expresses a desire of gaining on the part of the speaker.",
"33007": "And when the success, that would accrue to another by fulfilling the desire of the speaker, is indicated in a sentence, the present tense may optionally be used with the force of the futurity.",
"33008": "The affix लट् (Present Tense) is optionally used with the force of futurity after that root, which is in a conditional sentence, is the condition precedent for the action indicated by another verb having the sense of the imperative mood.",
"33009": "The लट् (Present Tense) or the लिङ् (Potential) is used under similar conditions in denoting futurity, when the future time is future by a मूहूर्त (= 48 minutes).",
"33010": "The affixes तुमुन् and ण्वुल् are placed after a verbal root with the force of the future when the word in construction therewith is another verb, denoting an action performed for the sake of the (future) action.",
"33011": "And the affixes that are ordained to come after a root with the force of denoting the mere action of the verb, such as धञ् etc. -- लोहितादिडाज्भ्यः क्यष् [[3.1.3]], have also the force of the future, when the word in construction therewith is another verb denoting an action performed for the sake of the future action.",
"33012": "The affix अण् comes after a root with the force of the future when the word in construction with it is in the Accusative -2nd case and when the action is performed for the sake of another action.",
"33013": "The affix लृट् (2nd Future) is used after a verb in the remaining cases where futurity pure and simple is indicated and also where there is construction with it another verb denoting an action performed for the sake of the future action.",
"33014": "The affixes called सत् i.e. शतृ and शानच् are optionally the substitutes of लृट् (2nd Future).",
"33015": "The affix लुट् (1st Future) comes after a verbal root in the sense of what will happen but not in the course of the current day.",
"33016": "The affix घञ् comes after the roots 1. पद् 'to pace' 2. रुज् 'to pain 3. विश् 'to enter' 4. स्पृश् 'to touch'.",
"33017": "The affix घञ् comes after the verb शृ 'to move' when the agent is permanently fixed.",
"33018": "The affix घञ् comes after a root when mere action is denoted.",
"33019": "The affix घञ् comes after a root when the sense is that of an appellative, the word being related to the verb from which its name is deduced, but not as agent.",
"33020": "The affix घञ् comes after all roots when the word so formed is the name of a measure.",
"33021": "The affix घञ् comes after the root इङ् 'to study'.",
"33022": "The affix घञ् comes after the verb रू 'to roar' when it has an उपसर्ग in composition with it.",
"33023": "The affix घञ् comes after the roots 1. यु 'to join' 2. द्रु 'to run' 3. दु 'to burn' when in composition with the preposition सम्।",
"33024": "The affix घञ् comes after the roots 1. शृ 'to go to' 2. नी 'to lead' 3. भू 'to be' when not in composition with an उपसर्ग ।",
"33025": "The affix घञ् comes after the roots 1. क्षु 'to sneeze' 2. श्रु 'to move and hear' when the preposition वि is in composition.",
"33026": "The affix घञ् comes after the verb नी 'to lead' when the prepositions अव and उत् are in composition.",
"33027": "The affix घञ् comes after the roots 1. द्रु 'to run' 2. स्तु 'to praise' 3. श्रु 'to move and hear' when the word in composition is प्र।",
"33028": "The affix घञ् comes after the roots 1. पू 'to purify' 2. लू 'to cut' when निर् and अभि are respectively in composition.",
"33029": "The affix घञ् comes after the root गॄ when the उपसर्ग-s उत् and नि are in composition.",
"33030": "The affix घञ् comes after the verb कॄ when the prepositions उत् and नि are in composition and when the sense of the verb relates to grain.",
"33031": "The affix घञ् comes after the verb स्तु 'to praise' when it is preceded by the उपसर्ग सम् and the word refers to sacrificial subjects.",
"33032": "The affix घञ् comes after the verb स्तॄ 'to cover' when preceded by the preposition प्र ; provided that the word so formed does not refer to sacrifice.",
"33033": "The affix घञ् comes after the verb स्तॄ 'to cover' when the preposition वि is in composition with it when the sense is that of extension and when such spreading does not refer to words.",
"33034": "The affix घञ् comes after the verb स्तॄ 'to cover' with the उपसर्ग वि when the word so formed is the name of a metre.",
"33035": "The affix घञ् comes after the verb ग्रह् 'to seize' when the preposition उत् is in composition.",
"33036": "The affix घञ् comes after the verb ग्रह् 'to seize' when in composition with preposition सम् when the sense of the root refers to fist.",
"33037": "The affix घञ् comes after the roots 1. नी 'to lead' 2. इ 'to go' when the prepositions परि and नि respectively in composition with them and when the words so formed respectively mean 'a game' and 'propriety or arrangement or law'.",
"33038": "The affix घञ् comes after the root इ 'to go' in composition with the word परि when the sense is that of following in regular succession.",
"33039": "The affix घञ् comes after the root सी 'to lie down' when the prepositions वि and उप are in composition with it and when the sense of the word so formed is that of 'regular succession'.",
"33040": "The affix घञ् comes after the root चि 'to collect' when the sense expressed is that of taking by hand provided it does not refer to stealing.",
"33041": "The affix घञ् comes after the roots चि 'to collect' and क is the substitute of the initial च in these senses viz. - 1. 'a dwelling' 2. 'a fire on the funeral pile' 3. 'the body' 4. 'collection'.",
"33042": "The affix घञ् comes after the roots चि 'to collect' and क is the substitute of the initial च in the sense of 'a multitude or assembly' (of living beings possessing some common characteristics) but not merely a confused crowd of men.",