Before beginning installation it is assumed that you will have two clusters ready with contexts available.
Ensure the Cluster meets the following requirements.
- Uses ContainerD as runtime ( EKS with Docker Runtime poses some challenges)
- Cluster Essentials ( you will need kapp controller and secretgen )
- Access to crate a DNS host
- Vault environment to create certificates for the desired hostnames
For an reference of how to create two clusters in h2o see the following link for inspiration.
You will need two contexts, one for appref-1 (Build/View) and one for appref-2 (Run/Iterate).
copy params-REDACTED.yaml
to params.yaml
and export the location of params.yaml
Details of the required params
are at the end of this document.
export PARAMS_YAML=~/dev/tap/tapp-gitops-ref/params.yaml
scripts/ cluster1context> appref-1
scripts/ cluster1context appref-2
Verify everything is fully reconciled in both clusters.
kubect get apps -n tap-install
The view cluster requires access to the run/iterate cluter and the metastore.
Run the following two scripts to update params.yaml with the correct values. Then apply the access updates to the clusters.
scripts/ default@appref-1
scripts/ default@appref-1
scripts/ cluster1context> appref-1
scripts/ cluster1context appref-2
From here on out changing configuration can be done by commiting the desired yaml. For instance if you wish to add an additional developer namespace add it to the <clusters/appref-1/workloads> directory
Syntax | Description | Test Text |
h2o.dns_subdomain | Subdomain of the hosts | |
vault.token | Token used to access Vault | |
vault.role | PKI Location in Vault for cert | |
appsso.clientId | OIDC client ID | |
appsso.clientSecret | OIDC Client Secret | |
appsso.audience | URL of OIDC Provider | |
s3.secret_key | AWS Key that has read access to s3 bucket with docs | |
s3.access_key | AWS Access key for s3 | |
s3.region | S3 region | us-east-1 |
s3.bucket | s3 bucket with published docs | |
tap.tanzunet.username | Username for Tanzunet | |
tap.tanzuenet.password | Password for Tanzunet | |
tap.registry.ca_cert_data | CA for registory | |
tap.registry.username | Username for registry (for buildpacks, buiders etc) | |
tap.registry.pasword | Password for registry | |
tap.supplychain.registry.ca_cert_data | CA for Supply Chain registry | |
tap.supplychain.registry.username | Username for Supply Chain registry (for build images from TBS) | |
tap.supplychain.registry.pasword | Password for Supply Chain registry | |
common.sso.issuer_uri | URL of OIDC Provider | |
common.sso.client_id | OIDC Client ID | |
common.sso.client_secret | OIDC Client Secret | | | Github SSL Host | |
repos.ssl.user | GitHub SSL User | -ID- |
repos.ssl.password | Github SSL Password | -token- | | Github SSH Host | |
repos.ssh.privatekey | Github SSH Private Key |