Vonage / vonage-php-jwt
Forked from Nexmo/nexmo-jwt-phpPHP library for creating Vonage Application JWTs
voku / simple_html_dom
Forked from samacs/simple_html_dom📜 Modern Simple HTML DOM Parser for PHP
sailenicolas / forceutf8
Forked from neitanod/forceutf8PHP Class Encoding featuring Encoding::toUTF8()
Twilio notifications channel for Laravel
mikebronner / model
Forked from jenssegers/modelThis model provides an eloquent-like base class that can be used to build custom models in Laravel and other frameworks
guzzle / psr7
Forked from ringcentral/psr7PSR-7 HTTP message library
firebase / php-jwt
Forked from luciferous/jwtPHP package for JWT
This package introduces the join magic for eloquent models and relations.
FakerPHP / Faker
Forked from fzaninotto/FakerFaker is a PHP library that generates fake data for you
CRON for PHP: Calculate the next or previous run date and determine if a CRON expression is due
Perform Self-Diagnosis Tests On Your Laravel Application