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A flexible tournament bracket system for Python.

How it works

Registering Teams

To start, let's quickly go over how results are inputted into any bracket model. First, we will register some teams.

from bracketcore import TeamContainer, Team

tc = TeamContainer()
tc.register(Team(1, "Team A")) # id and name are required
tc.register(Team(2, "Team B", "Team b", "team b")) # optionally, more team aliases can be provided
tc.register(Team(3, "Team C"))
tc.register(Team(4, "Team D"))

We can access the teams either by subscripting or by using the get method.

tc = ...

>>> Team.__init__(3, "Team C")

print(tc.get("Team A"))
>>> Team.__init__(1, "Team A")

print(tc.get("team b")) # aliases can also be used to retrieve a team
>>> Team.__init__(2, "Team B", "Team b", "team b")

Registering Series Results

We now need to register some series results.

from bracketcore import SeriesContainer, Series

tc = ...
sc = SeriesContainer(tc)
sc.register(Series(tc["Team A"], tc["Team B"], 1, 3))
sc.register(Series(tc["Team C"], tc["Team D"], 3, 2))
sc.register(Series(tc["Team B"], tc["Team C"], 0, 3))

We can acquire a series played by two given teams either by subscripting or by using the get method. Once a series is acquired, it will be marked as exhausted, meaning it will no longer be retrievable through the get method or by subscripting. Additionally, when acquiring a series, any team identifier may be used (the Team object itself, the team's ID, name, any alias, or a callable that returns any of these).

tc = ...
sc = ...

print(sc.get(3, 4))
>>> Series.__init__(Team.__init__(3, "Team C"), Team.__init__(4, "Team D"), 3, 2)

print(sc[3, 4]) # will return None because there are no more non-exhausted instances of that matchup remaining
>>> None

Differentials and Seeding

Finally, before we get to actually creating a bracket model, let's quickly go over a few important classes to keep note of. Namely, Differentials and Seeding.

tc = ...
sc = ...

from bracketcore import Differentials, Seeding, SeedingInterpreter

df = Differentials(tc)
df.rgd.set("Team B", 3) # sets the team's real game differential in the DifferentialContainer
df.rgd["Team C"] += -2 # subtracts 2 from the team's real game differential in the DifferentialContainer
>>> "Team A" | 1                       : 0
    "Team B" | 2 | "Team b" | "team b" : 3
    "Team C" | 3                       : -2
    "Team D" | 4                       : 0

sg = Seeding(tc)
sg.set(1, 2, 3, 4) # sg.seeding_ and sg.seeding() return a list of Team objects in insertion order
print(sg[0]) # gets the first seed, determined by insertion order
>>> Team.__init__(1, "Team A")

sg.sort((-1, df.rgd), (1, Seeding(tc).set(4, 3, 2, 1))) # sorts by each team's real game differential (descending), then by each team's position in the given seeding object (ascending)
>>> [Team.__init__(2, "Team B", "Team b", "team b"), Team.__init__(4, "Team D"), Team.__init__(1, "Team A"), Team.__init__(3, "Team C")]

sg.sort_no_rematches(sc, SeedingInterpreter.reversed) # iterates through all matchup permutations of the current seeding and solidifies only when a seeding is found that has no rematches. Worse seeds' matchups are favored to modified before the better seeds

Bracket Models (Simple)

Now that we have our team's and series' registered, and a basic seeding created, let's create a bracket model. In this case, we will make a simple 4-team single-elimination bracket as shown below:


from bracketcore import BracketModel, Matchup

tc = ...
sc = ...
df = ...
sg = ...

def single_elim_4_team() -> BracketModel:
    BR = BracketModel()
    # Series 1"series_1", Matchup(lambda:[0], lambda:[1])) # gets the first and second seeded teams from the Seeding, which will be determined when the bracket gets calculated. We use callables because the seeding has not yet been determined
    # Series 2"series_2", Matchup(lambda:[2], lambda:[3]))
    # Series 3"series_3", Matchup(BR["series_1"].winner, BR["series_2"].winner)) # gets the winner from Series 1 and Series 2. These two teams should be accessed from callables, so they aren't hardcoded
    return BR

model = single_elim_4_team() # creates an instance of the model
model.calculate(sg, tc, sc, df) # calculates the model using our initial Seeding, TeamContainer, SeriesContainer, and Differentials
model.results["series_3"] # returns an instance of Matchup.Result (as shown below)

    team_1        = Team.__init__(2, "Team B", "Team b", "team b"), 
    team_2        = Team.__init__(3, "Team C"),
    rscore_1      = 0,
    rscore_2      = 3,
    vscore_1      = 0, 
    vscore_2      = 3,
    rwin_1        = False,
    rwin_2        = True,
    vwin_1        = False,
    vwin_2        = True,
    is_winner_1   = False,
    is_winner_2   = True,
    winner        = Team.__init__(3, "Team C"),
    loser         = Team.__init__(2, "Team B", "Team b", "team b"),
    winner_rscore = 3,
    loser_rscore  = 0,
    df            = Differentials.__init__(TeamContainer()),
    idf           = Differentials.__init__(TeamContainer()) # instance differentials that only contain the differentials from this specific matchup

>>> True

Bracket Models (Advanced)

Making a bracket model with simple matchups is definitely useful in many cases (such as elimination-style brackets), but attempting to create a more grouped bracket (such as Swiss) would be quite difficult. Instead, we can use a MatchSet, which is essentially a group of matchups. Each MatchSet requires a SeedingInterpreter - a function that determines how matchups are to be created (e.g. the standard interpreter will match seeds up 1v3, 2v4, whereas the reversed interpreter will match them up 1v4, 2v3). The result of a MatchSet contains winners and losers (among others), which are Seeding instances. Below is a quick example of how one might create a model for the first two rounds of a Swiss bracket.

from bracketcore import MatchSet

def swiss_2_rounds() -> BracketModel:
    BR = BracketModel()
    sorts = [
        (-1, lambda: BR.df.rgd), # first sorting by game differential (descending)
        (1, lambda: # then sorting by the initial seeding (ascending)
           lambda: BR["round_1"]*sorts),
            lambda: BR["round_1"].result_.losers.sort(*sorts),
    return BR

model = swiss_2_rounds()
model.calculate(sg, tc, sc, df)


A flexible tournament bracket system for Python.






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