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My first full-stack (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) web development project for COMP1101 Programming (Black) Summative coursework 2021/22. Final mark of 83% from peer assessment and video demonstration.

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Luca Huelle - Programming (Black) [COMP1101] - Summative Assessment 1

December 2021 - January 2022

Key points in this README

Notes on the accompanying functionality demonstration video

Virtually all API endpoints are covered, at least indirectly (i.e. shown in the network log displayed at all times), at some point in the video. The only omissions are as follows:

  • GET /comments (with no query parameters)
  • GET /cards?ids=...
  • GET /comments/:id

This is simply because their 'mirroring endpoint' is shown with identical functionality (merely operating on a different entity). In the same order again, the equivalent endpoints which are demonstrated at some point in the video are:

  • GET /cards (with no query parameters)
  • GET /comments?ids=...
  • GET /cards/:id

Note that all endpoints have been written to be more rigorous than just accepting data from the web app. That is, there are errors and status codes, such as 400 Bad Request, not shown in the video which are still implemented.

However, all client side Javascript and HTML/Bootstrap code is demonstrated in some way.

Before you run any code!

Before running any tests and/or code, please run both node --version and npm --version and confirm you are using at least

  • nodejs version: v16.13.1
  • npm: 8.1.4

All code was written and tested with these versions in JetBrain's WebStorm 2021.2.2.

About the project

I wasn't able to take part in the Advent of Code this year since I was too busy with this project 😂. So this is a one-page website that lets users share interesting comments and solutions to the daily problems from the subreddit which can otherwise easily be missed amongst all the activity on each day. Users can highlight new comments and their associated code snippets in 'cards' which other users can then comment on. Comments can be edited.

Setup and running


To perform a basic installation of the project (without any JEST testing or eslint capacity), simply run npm install --production=true in this directory. This will install the dependencies listed in package.json automatically.

Should you wish to be able to run tests and other associated dev commands (e.g. npm test, npm run pretest), use just npm install without the production flag.

What's included and running the code

This project includes all the client side code (in the \client folder which includes local html, css and js files) as well as server-side code for the API (in app.js and helperFunctions.js). It also includes some additional files for repo management ( e.g. .eslintrc.js, .gitignore) and testing (serverdb.json and serverdb.test.json)

All code is fully documented inline. Wherever I have heavily used any online sources, the string [src] is used in code.

Common tasks

  • Run the server using npm start. This will start a server on port port 8000. Visit this url to view the site. Terminate this server using Ctrl+C and then entering y.
  • Test the styling of files using npm run pretest
  • Test the API using JEST with npm test
  • To run the server in a development environment using nodemon, use npm run run

API Documentation

The documentation of the API developed for the project (with source code in app.js) can be found online at (alternatively, an internet shortcut is included in the project directory). The documentation was produced using Postman.

Important notes on testing!

The JEST tests included in server.test.js run with ~85% coverage of all server-side code.

Please note that sometimes the asynchronous nature of some of the tests, most of which read/write to the same .json database file, can result in test failures such as

expect(received).toEqual(expected) // deep equality

Expected: 200
Received: 500

Where a 500 Internal Server Error was returned by the API instead of the expected 200. In such a case, just re-run the tests again. The same error is unlikely to occur again.

If tests fail with TypeError: getDbData(...) is not a function or similar, your version of nodejs is likely out of date (see above).


  • favicon.png Christmas Tree emoji © Microsoft (MS Docs)
  • Roboto Mono font licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (Google Fonts)
  • highlight.js licensed under the BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License (GitHub/highlightjs)
  • Bootstrap licensed under the MIT License (GitHub/twbs)
  • Luxon licensed under the MIT License (GitHub/moment)


My first full-stack (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) web development project for COMP1101 Programming (Black) Summative coursework 2021/22. Final mark of 83% from peer assessment and video demonstration.




