The Talon.One API is used to manage applications and campaigns, as well as to integrate with your application. The operations in the Integration API section are used to integrate with our platform, while the other operations are used to manage applications and campaigns. ### Where is the API? The API is available at the same hostname as these docs. For example, if you are reading this page at
, the URL for the [updateCustomerProfile][] operation is
[updateCustomerProfile]: #operation- -v1-customer_profiles- -integrationId- -put
This C# SDK is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 1.0.0
- SDK version: 2.0.0
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.CSharpClientCodegen
- .NET 4.0 or later
- Windows Phone 7.1 (Mango)
- RestSharp - 105.1.0 or later
- Json.NET - 7.0.0 or later
- JsonSubTypes - 1.2.0 or later
The DLLs included in the package may not be the latest version. We recommend using NuGet to obtain the latest version of the packages:
Install-Package RestSharp
Install-Package Newtonsoft.Json
Install-Package JsonSubTypes
NOTE: RestSharp versions greater than 105.1.0 have a bug which causes file uploads to fail. See RestSharp#742
Run the following command to generate the DLL
- [Mac/Linux]
- [Windows]
Then include the DLL (under the bin
folder) in the C# project, and use the namespaces:
using TalonOne.Api;
using TalonOne.Client;
using TalonOne.Model;
A .nuspec
is included with the project. You can follow the Nuget quickstart to create and publish packages.
This .nuspec
uses placeholders from the .csproj
, so build the .csproj
nuget pack -Build -OutputDirectory out TalonOne.csproj
Then, publish to a local feed or other host and consume the new package via Nuget as usual.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using TalonOne.Api;
using TalonOne.Client;
using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
public class Example
public void main()
// Configure BasePath & API key authorization: api_key_v1
var integrationConfig = new Configuration {
BasePath = "",
ApiKey = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "Authorization", "e18149e88f42205432281c9d3d0e711111302722577ad60dcebc86c43aabfe70" }
ApiKeyPrefix = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "Authorization", "ApiKey-v1" }
// Or via the "global" Default configuration:
// Configuration.Default.BasePath = "";
// Configuration.Default.ApiKey.Add("Authorization", "YOUR_API_KEY");
// Configuration.Default.ApiKeyPrefix.Add("Authorization", "ApiKey-v1");
// ************************************************
// Integration API example to send a session update
// ************************************************
// When using the default approach, the next initiation of `IntegrationApi`
// could be using the empty constructor
var integrationApi = new IntegrationApi(integrationConfig);
var customerSessionId = "my_unique_session_integration_id"; // string | The custom identifier for this session, must be unique within the account.
var customerSessionPayload = new NewCustomerSession {
ProfileId = "DADBOOF",
State = NewCustomerSession.StateEnum.Open, // `Open` would be the default value anyway
Total = (decimal)42.234
// Create/update a customer session using `UpdateCustomerSession` function
IntegrationState result = apiInstance.UpdateCustomerSession(customerSessionId, customerSessionPayload);
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Exception when calling IntegrationApi.UpdateCustomerSession: " + e.Message );
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using TalonOne.Api;
using TalonOne.Client;
using TalonOne.Model;
namespace Example
public class Example
public void main()
// Configure BasePath
var managementConfig = new Configuration {
BasePath = ""
// Or via the "global" Default configuration:
// Configuration.Default.BasePath = "";
// ****************************************************
// Management API example to load application with id 7
// ****************************************************
// When using the default approach, the next initiation of `ManagementApi`
// could be using the empty constructor
var managementApi = new ManagementApi(managementConfig);
// Obtain session token
var loginParams = new LoginParams("", "");
var session = instance.CreateSession(loginParams);
// Save token in the configuration for future management API calls
managementConfig.ApiKey.Add("Authorization", session.Token);
managementConfig.ApiKeyPrefix.Add("Authorization", "Bearer");
// Or again, via the "global" Default configuration:
// Configuration.Default.ApiKey.Add("Authorization", session.Token);
// Configuration.Default.ApiKeyPrefix.Add("Authorization", "Bearer");
// Calling `GetApplication` function with the desired id (7)
Application result = instance.GetApplication(7);
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Exception when calling ManagementApi.GetApplication: " + e.Message );
All URIs are relative to https://localhost
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
IntegrationApi | CreateCouponReservation | POST /v1/coupon_reservations/{couponValue} | Create a new coupon reservation |
IntegrationApi | CreateReferral | POST /v1/referrals | Create a referral code for an advocate |
IntegrationApi | DeleteCouponReservation | DELETE /v1/coupon_reservations/{couponValue} | Delete coupon reservations |
IntegrationApi | DeleteCustomerData | DELETE /v1/customer_data/{integrationId} | Delete the personal data of a customer. |
IntegrationApi | GetReservedCoupons | GET /v1/coupon_reservations/coupons/{integrationId} | Get all valid reserved coupons |
IntegrationApi | GetReservedCustomers | GET /v1/coupon_reservations/customerprofiles/{couponValue} | Get the users that have this coupon reserved |
IntegrationApi | TrackEvent | POST /v1/events | Track an Event |
IntegrationApi | UpdateCustomerProfile | PUT /v1/customer_profiles/{integrationId} | Update a Customer Profile |
IntegrationApi | UpdateCustomerSession | PUT /v1/customer_sessions/{customerSessionId} | Update a Customer Session |
ManagementApi | AddLoyaltyPoints | PUT /v1/loyalty_programs/{programID}/profile/{integrationID}/add_points | Add points in a certain loyalty program for the specified customer |
ManagementApi | CopyCampaignToApplications | POST /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/copy | Copy the campaign into every specified application |
ManagementApi | CreateCampaign | POST /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns | Create a Campaign |
ManagementApi | CreateCoupons | POST /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons | Create Coupons |
ManagementApi | CreatePasswordRecoveryEmail | POST /v1/password_recovery_emails | Request a password reset |
ManagementApi | CreateRuleset | POST /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/rulesets | Create a Ruleset |
ManagementApi | CreateSession | POST /v1/sessions | Create a Session |
ManagementApi | DeleteCampaign | DELETE /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId} | Delete a Campaign |
ManagementApi | DeleteCoupon | DELETE /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons/{couponId} | Delete one Coupon |
ManagementApi | DeleteCoupons | DELETE /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons | Delete Coupons |
ManagementApi | DeleteReferral | DELETE /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/referrals/{referralId} | Delete one Referral |
ManagementApi | DeleteRuleset | DELETE /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/rulesets/{rulesetId} | Delete a Ruleset |
ManagementApi | GetAccessLogs | GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/access_logs | Get access logs for application |
ManagementApi | GetAccessLogsWithoutTotalCount | GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/access_logs/no_total | Get access logs for application |
ManagementApi | GetAccount | GET /v1/accounts/{accountId} | Get Account Details |
ManagementApi | GetAccountAnalytics | GET /v1/accounts/{accountId}/analytics | Get Account Analytics |
ManagementApi | GetAccountLimits | GET /v1/accounts/{accountId}/limits | Get Account Limits |
ManagementApi | GetAllAccessLogs | GET /v1/access_logs | Get all access logs |
ManagementApi | GetAllRoles | GET /v1/roles | Get all roles. |
ManagementApi | GetApplication | GET /v1/applications/{applicationId} | Get Application |
ManagementApi | GetApplicationApiHealth | GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/health_report | Get report of health of application API |
ManagementApi | GetApplicationCustomer | GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/customers/{customerId} | Get Application Customer |
ManagementApi | GetApplicationCustomers | GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/customers | List Application Customers |
ManagementApi | GetApplicationCustomersByAttributes | POST /v1/application_customer_search | Get a list of the customer profiles that match the given attributes |
ManagementApi | GetApplicationEventTypes | GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/event_types | List Applications Event Types |
ManagementApi | GetApplicationEvents | GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/events | List Applications Events |
ManagementApi | GetApplicationEventsWithoutTotalCount | GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/events/no_total | List Applications Events |
ManagementApi | GetApplicationSession | GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/sessions/{sessionId} | Get Application Session |
ManagementApi | GetApplicationSessions | GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/sessions | List Application Sessions |
ManagementApi | GetApplications | GET /v1/applications | List Applications |
ManagementApi | GetAttribute | GET /v1/attributes/{attributeId} | Get a custom attribute |
ManagementApi | GetCampaign | GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId} | Get a Campaign |
ManagementApi | GetCampaignAnalytics | GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/analytics | Get analytics of campaigns |
ManagementApi | GetCampaignByAttributes | POST /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns_search | Get a list of all campaigns that match the given attributes |
ManagementApi | GetCampaignSet | GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaign_set | List CampaignSet |
ManagementApi | GetCampaigns | GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns | List your Campaigns |
ManagementApi | GetChanges | GET /v1/changes | Get audit log for an account |
ManagementApi | GetCoupons | GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons | List Coupons |
ManagementApi | GetCouponsByAttributes | POST /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons_search | Get a list of the coupons that match the given attributes |
ManagementApi | GetCouponsByAttributesApplicationWide | POST /v1/applications/{applicationId}/coupons_search | Get a list of the coupons that match the given attributes in all active campaigns of an application |
ManagementApi | GetCouponsWithoutTotalCount | GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons/no_total | List Coupons |
ManagementApi | GetCustomerActivityReport | GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/customer_activity_reports/{customerId} | Get Activity Report for Single Customer |
ManagementApi | GetCustomerActivityReports | GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/customer_activity_reports | Get Activity Reports for Application Customers |
ManagementApi | GetCustomerActivityReportsWithoutTotalCount | GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/customer_activity_reports/no_total | Get Activity Reports for Application Customers |
ManagementApi | GetCustomerAnalytics | GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/customers/{customerId}/analytics | Get Analytics Report for a Customer |
ManagementApi | GetCustomerProfile | GET /v1/customers/{customerId} | Get Customer Profile |
ManagementApi | GetCustomerProfiles | GET /v1/customers/no_total | List Customer Profiles |
ManagementApi | GetCustomersByAttributes | POST /v1/customer_search/no_total | Get a list of the customer profiles that match the given attributes |
ManagementApi | GetEventTypes | GET /v1/event_types | List Event Types |
ManagementApi | GetExports | GET /v1/exports | Get Exports |
ManagementApi | GetImports | GET /v1/imports | Get Imports |
ManagementApi | GetLoyaltyPoints | GET /v1/loyalty_programs/{programID}/profile/{integrationID} | get the Loyalty Ledger for this integrationID |
ManagementApi | GetLoyaltyProgram | GET /v1/loyalty_programs/{programID} | Get a loyalty program |
ManagementApi | GetLoyaltyPrograms | GET /v1/loyalty_programs | List all loyalty Programs |
ManagementApi | GetReferrals | GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/referrals | List Referrals |
ManagementApi | GetReferralsWithoutTotalCount | GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/referrals/no_total | List Referrals |
ManagementApi | GetRole | GET /v1/roles/{roleId} | Get information for the specified role. |
ManagementApi | GetRuleset | GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/rulesets/{rulesetId} | Get a Ruleset |
ManagementApi | GetRulesets | GET /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/rulesets | List Campaign Rulesets |
ManagementApi | GetUser | GET /v1/users/{userId} | Get a single User |
ManagementApi | GetUsers | GET /v1/users | List Users in your account |
ManagementApi | GetWebhook | GET /v1/webhooks/{webhookId} | Get Webhook |
ManagementApi | GetWebhookActivationLogs | GET /v1/webhook_activation_logs | List Webhook activation Log Entries |
ManagementApi | GetWebhookLogs | GET /v1/webhook_logs | List Webhook Log Entries |
ManagementApi | GetWebhooks | GET /v1/webhooks | List Webhooks |
ManagementApi | RefreshAnalytics | POST /v1/refresh_analytics | Trigger refresh on stale analytics. |
ManagementApi | RemoveLoyaltyPoints | PUT /v1/loyalty_programs/{programID}/profile/{integrationID}/deduct_points | Deduct points in a certain loyalty program for the specified customer |
ManagementApi | ResetPassword | POST /v1/reset_password | Reset password |
ManagementApi | SearchCouponsAdvanced | POST /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons_search_advanced | Get a list of the coupons that match the given attributes |
ManagementApi | SearchCouponsAdvancedApplicationWide | POST /v1/applications/{applicationId}/coupons_search_advanced | Get a list of the coupons that match the given attributes in all active campaigns of an application |
ManagementApi | SearchCouponsAdvancedApplicationWideWithoutTotalCount | POST /v1/applications/{applicationId}/coupons_search_advanced/no_total | Get a list of the coupons that match the given attributes in all active campaigns of an application |
ManagementApi | SearchCouponsAdvancedWithoutTotalCount | POST /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons_search_advanced/no_total | Get a list of the coupons that match the given attributes |
ManagementApi | SetAccountLimits | PUT /v1/accounts/{accountId}/limits | Set account limits |
ManagementApi | UpdateCampaign | PUT /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId} | Update a Campaign |
ManagementApi | UpdateCampaignSet | PUT /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaign_set | Update a Campaign Set |
ManagementApi | UpdateCoupon | PUT /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons/{couponId} | Update a Coupon |
ManagementApi | UpdateCouponBatch | PUT /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/coupons | Update a Batch of Coupons |
ManagementApi | UpdateRuleset | PUT /v1/applications/{applicationId}/campaigns/{campaignId}/rulesets/{rulesetId} | Update a Ruleset |
- Model.APIError
- Model.AccessLogEntry
- Model.Account
- Model.AccountAnalytics
- Model.AccountEntity
- Model.AccountLimits
- Model.Application
- Model.ApplicationAPIKey
- Model.ApplicationApiHealth
- Model.ApplicationCustomer
- Model.ApplicationCustomerEntity
- Model.ApplicationCustomerSearch
- Model.ApplicationEntity
- Model.ApplicationEvent
- Model.ApplicationSession
- Model.ApplicationSessionEntity
- Model.Attribute
- Model.AttributeQuery
- Model.Binding
- Model.Campaign
- Model.CampaignAnalytics
- Model.CampaignCopy
- Model.CampaignEntity
- Model.CampaignSearch
- Model.CampaignSet
- Model.CampaignSetBranchNode
- Model.CampaignSetLeafNode
- Model.CampaignSetNode
- Model.CartItem
- Model.CartItemAdjustment
- Model.Change
- Model.CodeGeneratorSettings
- Model.Coupon
- Model.CouponConstraints
- Model.CouponRejectionReason
- Model.CouponReservations
- Model.CouponSearch
- Model.CouponValue
- Model.CreateApplicationAPIKey
- Model.CustomerActivityReport
- Model.CustomerAnalytics
- Model.CustomerProfile
- Model.CustomerProfileSearchQuery
- Model.CustomerSession
- Model.EmailEntity
- Model.Entity
- Model.Environment
- Model.ErrorResponse
- Model.ErrorSource
- Model.Event
- Model.EventType
- Model.Export
- Model.FeatureFlag
- Model.FeatureFlags
- Model.FeaturesFeed
- Model.FuncArgDef
- Model.FunctionDef
- Model.Import
- Model.ImportCoupons
- Model.InlineResponse200
- Model.InlineResponse2001
- Model.InlineResponse20010
- Model.InlineResponse20011
- Model.InlineResponse20012
- Model.InlineResponse20013
- Model.InlineResponse20014
- Model.InlineResponse20015
- Model.InlineResponse20016
- Model.InlineResponse20017
- Model.InlineResponse20018
- Model.InlineResponse20019
- Model.InlineResponse2002
- Model.InlineResponse20020
- Model.InlineResponse20021
- Model.InlineResponse20022
- Model.InlineResponse20023
- Model.InlineResponse20024
- Model.InlineResponse20025
- Model.InlineResponse20026
- Model.InlineResponse20027
- Model.InlineResponse20028
- Model.InlineResponse2003
- Model.InlineResponse2004
- Model.InlineResponse2005
- Model.InlineResponse2006
- Model.InlineResponse2007
- Model.InlineResponse2008
- Model.InlineResponse2009
- Model.IntegrationEntity
- Model.IntegrationProfileEntity
- Model.IntegrationState
- Model.LedgerEntry
- Model.LibraryAttribute
- Model.LimitConfig
- Model.LoginParams
- Model.Loyalty
- Model.LoyaltyLedger
- Model.LoyaltyLedgerEntry
- Model.LoyaltyMembership
- Model.LoyaltyPoints
- Model.LoyaltyProgram
- Model.LoyaltyProgramBalance
- Model.LoyaltyProgramLedgers
- Model.LoyaltySubLedger
- Model.ManagerConfig
- Model.Meta
- Model.MiscUpdateUserLatestFeature
- Model.MultiApplicationEntity
- Model.MutableEntity
- Model.NewAccount
- Model.NewAccountSignUp
- Model.NewApplication
- Model.NewApplicationAPIKey
- Model.NewAttribute
- Model.NewCampaign
- Model.NewCampaignSet
- Model.NewCoupons
- Model.NewCustomerProfile
- Model.NewCustomerSession
- Model.NewEvent
- Model.NewEventType
- Model.NewFeatureFlags
- Model.NewImport
- Model.NewInvitation
- Model.NewInviteEmail
- Model.NewLoyaltyProgram
- Model.NewPassword
- Model.NewPasswordEmail
- Model.NewReferral
- Model.NewRole
- Model.NewRuleset
- Model.NewTemplateDef
- Model.NewUser
- Model.NewWebhook
- Model.Referral
- Model.Role
- Model.RoleAssign
- Model.RoleMembership
- Model.Rule
- Model.Ruleset
- Model.Session
- Model.SlotDef
- Model.TemplateArgDef
- Model.TemplateDef
- Model.UpdateAccount
- Model.UpdateCampaign
- Model.UpdateCoupon
- Model.UpdateCouponBatch
- Model.UpdateLoyaltyProgram
- Model.UpdateRole
- Model.UpdateUser
- Model.User
- Model.UserEntity
- Model.Webhook
- Model.WebhookActivationLogEntry
- Model.WebhookLogEntry
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Content-Signature
- Location: HTTP header
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: Authorization
- Location: HTTP header