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Implementation of STAC using MJX for GPU acceleration. Part of VNL project.


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stac-mjx 🐀

stac-mjx is an implementation of the Stac algorithm for inverse kinematics on markerless motion capture data. It's written in MJX for hardware acceleration .

This is part of the Virtual Neurosceince Lab (VNL) project.


stac-mjx relies on many prerequisites, therefore we suggest installing in a new conda environment, using the provided environment.yaml: [Local installation before package is officially published]

  1. Clone the repository git clone and cd into it
  2. Create and activate the stac-mjx-env environment:
conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate stac-mjx-env

Our rendering functions support multiple backends: egl, glfw, and osmesa. We show osmesa setup as it supports headless rendering, which is common in remote/cluster setups. To set up (currently on supported on Linux), execute the following commands sequentially:

sudo apt-get install libglfw3 libglew2.0 libgl1-mesa-glx libosmesa6 
conda install -c conda-forge glew 
conda install -c conda-forge mesalib 
conda install -c anaconda mesa-libgl-cos6-x86_64 
conda install -c menpo glfw3

Finally, set the following environment variables, and reactivate the conda environment:

conda env config vars set MUJOCO_GL=osmesa PYOPENGL_PLATFORM=osmesa
conda deactivate && conda activate base

To ensure all of the above changes are encapsulated in your Jupyter kernel, create a new kernel with:

conda install ipykernel
python -m ipykernel install --user --name stac-mjx-env --display-name "Python (stac-mjx-env)"


  1. Update the .yaml files in config/ with the proper information (details WIP).

  2. Run stac-mjx with its basic api: load_configs for loading configs and run_stac for the keypoint registration. Below is an example script, found in demos/use_api.ipynb. A CLI script is also provided at Refer to hydra documention for formatting args to override configs.

    import stac_mjx 
    from pathlib import Path
    # Enable XLA flags if on GPU
    # Choose parent directory as base path for data files
    base_path = Path.cwd().parent
    # Load configs
    cfg = stac_mjx.load_configs(base_path / "configs")
    # Load data
    kp_data, sorted_kp_names = stac_mjx.load_data(cfg, base_path)
    # Run stac
    fit_path, ik_only_path = stac_mjx.run_stac(
  3. Render the resulting data using mujoco_viz() (example notebook found in demos/viz_usage.ipynb):

    import stac_mjx
    import mediapy as media
    from pathlib import Path
    import os
    base_path = Path.cwd()
    cfg = stac_mjx.load_configs(base_path / "configs")
    stac_cfg, model_cfg = main.load_configs(stac_config_path, model_config_path)
    data_path = base_path / "demo_fit.p"
    n_frames = 250
    save_path = base_path / "videos/direct_render.mp4"
    # Call mujoco_viz
    frames = viz_stac(data_path, cfg, n_frames, save_path, start_frame=0, camera="close_profile", base_path=Path.cwd().parent)
    # Show the video in the notebook (it is also saved to the save_path)
    media.show_video(frames, fps=cfg.model.RENDER_FPS)
  4. If the rendering is poor, it's likely that some hyperparameter tuning is necessary. (details WIP)


Implementation of STAC using MJX for GPU acceleration. Part of VNL project.







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