In a hurry? Check out these examples.
.. toctree:: :titlesonly: quickstart
If you're stuck, perhaps you'll find the answer here.
.. toctree:: :titlesonly: cheatsheet patterns autoreload
This guide will help you integrate websockets into a broader system.
.. toctree:: :titlesonly: django
The WebSocket protocol makes provisions for extending or specializing its features, which websockets supports fully.
.. toctree:: :titlesonly: extensions
Once your application is ready, learn how to deploy it on various platforms.
.. toctree:: :titlesonly: render fly heroku kubernetes supervisor nginx haproxy
If you're integrating the Sans-I/O layer of websockets into a library, rather than building an application with websockets, follow this guide.
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 sansio