Smart line ending converter with advanced encoding support for PowerShell
English | 中文文档
- 🎯 Smart encoding detection (BOM-aware)
- 📁 Recursive directory processing
- ⚡ Automatic .gitignore integration (requires Git)
- 🛡️ Binary file protection mechanism
- 🔄 On-the-fly encoding conversion (UTF-8/16/32)
- 📏 Configurable file size limit (default 1MB)
- 📝 File type whitelist/blacklist system
irm | iex
# 1. Clone the repository
git clone
# 2. Create user module directory
$documentsPath = [Environment]::GetFolderPath([Environment+SpecialFolder]::MyDocuments)
$userModulePath = Join-Path $documentsPath "WindowsPowerShell\Modules\dos2unix"
New-Item -Path $userModulePath -ItemType Directory -Force
# 3. Copy module files
Copy-Item ./ps-dos2unix/src/* $userModulePath -Recurse
# 4. Verify installation
Import-Module dos2unix -Force
dos2unix -Help
⚠ Note: If you encounter installation issues, try switching the line ending of the source code to CRLF.
Uninstall for quick install:
irm | iex
Uninstall for manual install:
# 1. Remove module directory
$documentsPath = [Environment]::GetFolderPath([Environment+SpecialFolder]::MyDocuments)
$userModulePath = Join-Path $documentsPath "WindowsPowerShell\Modules\dos2unix"
Remove-Item $userModulePath -Recurse -Force
# 2. Clean up environment variables
$newPath = ($env:PSModulePath -split ';' |
Where-Object { $_ -notmatch "dos2unix" }) -join ';'
[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("PSModulePath", $newPath, "User")
# 3. Remove cloned repository (optional)
Remove-Item ./dos2unix -Recurse -Force
Basic Conversion:
# Convert current directory
# Specify path with verbose output
dos2unix -Path D:\Projects -Verbose
Advanced Usage:
# Convert with encoding to UTF-8
dos2unix -Path ./src -ConvertEncoding -TargetEncoding utf-8
# Exclude directories
dos2unix -Exclude node_modules,bin
# Process large files
dos2unix -MaxFileSize 10MB
# Custom file filtering
dos2unix -WhiteList "cs,json" -BlackList "exe,dll"
Parameter | Description | Default |
-Path | Target directory path | Current directory |
-Exclude | Directories to exclude | node_modules, dist, .git |
-Encoding | Force specific encoding | Auto-detect |
-WhiteList | Allowed file extensions | Common text formats |
-BlackList | Blocked file extensions | Common binary formats |
-MaxFileSize | Max file size (supports KB/MB/GB) | 1MB |
-ConvertEncoding | Enable encoding conversion | $false |
-TargetEncoding | Target encoding format | utf-8 |
Q: File encoding issues after conversion?
→ Backup files before processing!
→ Try specifying encoding format: -Encoding utf8
→ Check original file encoding: Get-Content -Encoding Byte -TotalCount 3
Q: Slow processing speed?
→ Add excluded directories: -Exclude node_modules
→ Adjust file size limit: -MaxFileSize 500KB
This project is licensed under the MIT License