Welcome to the Big Travel Data hackathon!
Note: This will only work at the HackReduce building
In order to access the servers, you'll need to get the SSH keys. Download it through your browser or with curl:
$ curl -o ~/.ssh/hackreduce.pem -O
$ chmod 600 ~/.ssh/hackreduce.pem
Now you can access the servers with the following command:
$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/hackreduce.pem hackreduce@server
We'll be assigning each team/person a set of servers at the event.
Every node has access to the datasets from the following directories:
These directories are read only. A scratch space is available under the following directory:
This is a globally writable directory, so be careful not to overwrite your competitor's data!
Note: This will only work at the HackReduce building
While you're here at the HackReduce space, you can download the dataset files from the following server:
Download them if you want/need to work with the data from your laptop.
Some goodies are provided if you need them: ElasticSearch cluster and a Redis instance.
The elasticsearch cluster is publicly available on the following nodes (on the default ports):
The ElasticSearch Head plugin is available, so you can point your browser here http://cluster-7-slave-01.sl.hackreduce.net:9200/_plugin/head
The Redis instance is available on the following node (on the default port):