Technical Analysis Library using Pandas and Numpy
🚀 Curated collection of Amazing Python scripts from Basics to Advance with automation task scripts.
For trading. Please star.
TensorFlow 101: Introduction to Deep Learning
An libary to price financial options written in Python. Includes: Black Scholes, Black 76, Implied Volatility, American, European, Asian, Spread Options
Lightweight Stable Diffusion v 2.1 web UI: txt2img, img2img, depth2img, inpaint and upscale4x.
Master Thesis: Limit order placement with Reinforcement Learning
Automatically deploy freqtrade to a remote Docker host and auto update strategies.
A collection of notebooks I used in my Medium articles.
"Good Robot! Now Watch This!": Repurposing Reinforcement Learning for Task-to-Task Transfer; and “Good Robot!”: Efficient Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Step Visual Tasks with Sim to Real Transfer
Jupyter notebooks for analyzing crypto data
Visualize option prices and sensitivities
Extract and visualize implied volatility from option chain data
My Experiments with Time Series
package mt5se - Python framework for bulding automated traders for Stock Exchange through Metatrader
package mt5b3 - Python framework for bulding automated traders for B3 exchange through Metatrader
Machine Learning Tutorials in the form of Jupyter Notebooks written in Python 3.
Visualize trend strength across various markets.
Fruits/Vegetable Seller Bot With Recommendation System Integrated (Using Apriori Algorithm) And MySql Database to record all the transactions and products/stock details.
Trading signals based on divergence in RSI signal. Prices go below previous low, but RSI is higher this time.
Tutorial on TF-Watcher which is a real-time remote service to get the Keras callbacks to a website including the details of metrics.
Train a drone how to fly autonomously using deep deterministic policy gradients (DDPG)