command visulize local network interfaces.
intent for better understanding container networks :D
- visualize Veth/bridge connections
- table output
- rich text
- rendering image
- output graphviz DOT language
iftree [options]
generate tree output
# sudo iftree
generate png graph with name "output.png"
# sudo iftree --graph -Tpng -Ooutput.png
generate image with dot
# sudo iftree --graph -Tdot | dot -Tpng > output.png
generate table output
# sudo iftree --table
sudo iftree
support jpg
, svg
, png
sudo iftree --graph -Tpng
Or create an ouput image with any graphviz compatible renderer. e.g: online editor: https://dreampuf.github.io/GraphvizOnline
sudo iftree --graph -Tdot
generate image using dot
sudo iftree --graph -Tdot | dot -Tpng > output.png
sudo iftree --table