rsp --> adress of the top of the stack [addr] --> ptr, not value push reg --> push reg value on the top of the stack pop reg --> pop value out of the stack in reg mov reg, [rsp] --> copy top value of the stack in reg
var db byte,byte,"ascii string",byte
Registers sizes : (last bits)
- 64bits --> rax
- 32bits --> eax
- 16bits --> ax
- 8bits --> al
Syscall --> call function from kernel (OS) Syscall ID: rax Arg1: rdi Arg2: rsi Arg3: rdx Arg4: r10 Arg5: r8 Arg6: r9 Return value: eax
Syscall IDs examples: 0 --> read 1 --> write 2 --> open 3 --> close
Flags --> single bit register CF, PF, ZF, SF... 8 flags --> one 'flags' register
RIP register --> contains the next instruction adress, auto increments after each instruction
CMP compares multiple variables, stores the result in flags
jmp --> set RIP to the adress of given label je --> jumps if equals jne --> jumps if not equals jg --> jumps if greater than jge --> jumps if greater and equals to jl --> jumps if smaller than jle --> jumps if smaller or equels to jz --> jumps if equals 0
Exemple of conditional jump : cmp rax,23 je doThis
subroutine --> function _start: call _function
_function: mov rax,23 ret
ret = return, goes back to the call adress
run --> run the program register read --> print all registers kill --> kill current thread memory read -c --> read bytes from address