Head to http://ui-grid.info for documentation and tutorials. Join https://gitter.im/angular-ui/ng-grid to discuss development of the 3.x codebase. We're always looking for new contributors, for pro-level contribution guidelines look at Contributor, if you're more of a first-timer with open source (or just need a refresher), look at First Time Open Source Contributor, also look at Developer
bower install angular-ui-grid
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="bower_components/angular-ui-grid/ui.grid.min.css">
<script src="bower_components/angular-ui-grid/ui.grid.min.js">
npm install angular-ui-grid
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="node_modules/angular-ui-grid/ui.grid.min.css">
<script src="node_modules/angular-ui-grid/ui.grid.min.js">
If for some reason you want the latest release files here's some links:
File Name | Url |
ui-grid.js | http://ui-grid.info/release/ui-grid.js |
ui-grid.css | http://ui-grid.info/release/ui-grid.css |
ui-grid.eot | http://ui-grid.info/release/ui-grid.eot |
ui-grid.svg | http://ui-grid.info/release/ui-grid.svg |
ui-grid.ttf | http://ui-grid.info/release/ui-grid.ttf |
ui-grid.woff | http://ui-grid.info/release/ui-grid.woff |
There are minified files that can be used as well:
File Name | Url |
ui-grid.min.js | http://ui-grid.info/release/ui-grid.min.js |
ui-grid.min.css | http://ui-grid.info/release/ui-grid.min.css |
You can use rawgit.com's cdn url to access the files in the Bower repository. These files are hosted by MaxCDN. Just alter the version as you need.
- https://cdn.rawgit.com/angular-ui/bower-ui-grid/v3.0.0/ui-grid.min.js
- https://cdn.rawgit.com/angular-ui/bower-ui-grid/v3.0.0/ui-grid.min.css
UI-Grid is currently compatible with Angular versions ranging from 1.2.x to 1.3.x. 1.4.x+ support is coming soon.
Install dependencies
git must be on your path. If you can't do 'git' from your terminal, then install git first and make sure you have access from the path.
Bower installs are dependent on git.
If you are a git noob, the easiest way to install is by installing the github client.
# If you don't already have the grunt-cli installed:
> npm install -g grunt-cli
> npm install
> grunt install
Default grunt task will test and build files into dist/
> grunt
Development "watch" task. This will automatically rebuild from source on changes, reload Gruntfile.js if you change it, and rebuild the docs.
- A server on localhost:9002 serving whichever directory you checked out, with livereload. Navigate to http://localhost:9002/misc/demo to see the demo files.
- A server on localhost:9003 serving the ./docs directory. These are the docs built from source with a custom grunt-ngdocs that should work with Angular 1.2.x.
grunt dev
By default grunt dev
will start several karma background watchers that will run the tests against multiple versions of angular. You may specify the version(s) you want to use with the --angular
> grunt dev --angular=1.2.21
> grunt dev --angular=1.2.20,1.2.21
You can also use the --browsers
specify what browsers to test with (PhantomJS is the default).
> grunt dev --browsers=Chrome
# Run a single test run against multiple browsers
> grunt karma:single --browsers=Chrome,Firefox,IE
By default the dev
tasks runs e2e tests with protractor. If you have problems with them running slow or hanging, you can disable them with the --no-e2e
> grunt dev --no-e2e
The grunt task is getting slower as the body of tests gets larger. If you're only working on the core functionality you can disable the unit tests on the features with the --core
> grunt dev --core
As a shortcut for options that the developers frequently use, there is also a --fast
flag, which equates to --core --no-e2e --angular=<latest>
> grunt dev --fast
The karmangular
task runs tests serially against multiple browsers (it is used internally by the dev
# Run tests against all available versions of Angular on Chrome
> grunt karmangular --browsers=Chrome
# Run tests with a couple versions of Angular against the default PhantomJS browser
> grunt karmangular --angular=1.2.20,1.2.21
ui-grid is set up to run against SauceLabs. You must have the SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY
environment variable set.
# Execute tests for a couple versions of angular on IE8
> grunt karmangular --angular=1.2.20,1.2.21 --browsers=SL_IE_8
# Run the watch tasks against IE10
> grunt dev --browsers=SL_IE10
The full list of SauceLabs browsers can be seen by running grunt saucebrowsers
. Usually it should suffice to let Travis do this testing automatically, unless you're trying to debug a browser-specific issue.
Thanks to Sauce Labs and BrowserStack for providing their testing platforms to open source projects for free.