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Repository files navigation

Modern URI navigation for VIM

Double-click->Open. But for VIM. No mouse.


Key Features

  1. Open URIs, html, docx, pptx, jpg, png, mp3, ...
  2. Handle almost any URI
  3. Paste URLs with human-friendly description


User Interface

Position cursor on URI and type go.


Link Types

  • local text links: [foo]( will be opened inside vim. If the target contains line number as in [foo](, the line will be jumped to. Also anchors are supported, for example [foo](
  • URL links: [google]( will be opened with the OS browser.
  • non text files: if the option g:vimania-uri#Extensions is set, non text files will be opened via the operating system. This behavior is handy when linking to binary documents, for example PDFs.
  • internal links: [Link Text](#Target), will link to the heading # Target. Following the link will jump to the heading inside vim. Currently both github style anchors, all words lowercased and hyphenated, and jupyter style anchros, all words hyphenated, are supported.
  • reference style links: for links of the form [foo][label], vimania-uri will lookup the corresponding label and open the target referenced there.
  • implicit name links: for links of the form [foo][] will use foo as the label and then follow the logic of reference style links.
  • custom ids via attribute lists: the id a link target can be defined via [attribute lists][attr-lists] of the form {: #someid ...}. This way fixed name references can be defined to prevent links from going stale after headings have been changed.
  • local link format of pelican: vimania-uri handles |filename| ... and {filename} ... links as expected, for example [link](|filename|./ and [link]({filename}../posts/


In normal model within a markdown document, press go on a markdown-link to open it. If the link is a local file it will be opened in vim (C-o will get you back), otherwise it will be opened via OS (.e.g Web-Broser, Microsoft Office, ...)

The following links can be used (the possible cursor positions are indicated by ^):

This [link]( will be opened inside the browser.

This [link](./ will open `./` inside vim.

This [link](|filename|./ will open `./` inside vim.

This $HOME/dir will be opened inside file browser

This $HOME/dir/present.pptx will open in Powerpoint

If `g:vimania-uri_Extensions` is set to `.md, .MD`

[link](|filename|./example.pdf) will be opened in pdf reader

Internal linking works, too: to link to the heading Usage, use
this [link](#usage).

Reference style [links][ref-style-link] will open in browser

The behavior can be configured via the following options:

  • g:vimania_uri_extensions: a comma separated list of file extensions. Only files with the given extensions will be opened in vim, all other files will be opened via the configured application (using open on OSX and xdg-open on linux).

  • g:vimania_uri_twbm_integration: Boolean flag to configure twbm integration (see below)


Using vim-plug:

Plug '', {'do': 'pip install -r pythonx/requirements.txt --target pythonx'}
  let g:vimania_uri_extensions=['.md','.txt','.rst','.py']
  let g:vimania_uri_twbm_integration=1  # if twbm is installed
  • vim needs to be configured with python support
  • pip must be in path in order to install required dependencies into vimania/pythonx (no pollution of system python).
  • dependencies see requirements.txt
  • tested only on Linux/MacOS

Shortcut to create URI

snippet uri "link/uri for markdown and vimania-uri"


  • inspired by and recommends to use UltiSnips.
  • URI handling is based on work of mdnav
  • Bookmark management is based on work of jarun/buku
