Java7 in-memory filesystem implementation
- Maven dependencies are available in Sonatype OSS repository
releases (none available yet)
- Usages
- testing without using temporary files
- DONE read/write data in files
- DONE file/folders operations : copy, move, rename
- minimal read/write lock on files
- basic file attribues read/write
- minimal thread safety
- usage documentation with code samples
- path matcher
- access control
- allow to create readonly file{system,store}
- control read-only/read-write at runtime for file stores
- fs with limited capacity (currently heap is the limit)
- fs with multiple stores
- store files outside heap (memory-mapped file?)
- load/save to/from file
- create a view over current file sytem (potentially read-only, or with "copy on write" for modifications (and then allow to find what have been done)