You can generate and download keypair this way.
mkdir ~/.aws/
vim ~/.aws/credentials
chmod +x swysg
chmod +x swysg
./swysg -b
ansible_ssh_private_key_file: ./your_keypair.pem #change this to your ssh-keypair file path
ec2_keypair: "your_keypair" #change this to your ssh-keypair file name
ec2_instance_type: "t2.medium" #change this to your instance type
ec2_image: "ami-005ca2b3c05cf85e2" #change this to Fedora-Cloud-Base-27-20180622.0.x86_64-hvm AMI ID for your AWS region
ec2_region: "us-east-1" #change this to your ec2_region id
ec2_vpc_id: "your_ec2_vpc_id" #change this to your ec2_vpc_id
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install python3-pip openssl libssl-dev ansible
pip3 install ansible
pip3 install --upgrade cryptography
ansible-playbook -vv -i localhost lite.yml