A sample project to check XcodeArchiveCache
in action.
Install XcodeArchiveCache
using bundle install
Archive builds require signing, so you'll need to specify the team to sign Test
target. Commit that change locally because we're going to use git reset --hard
numerous times to test caching.
has a simple DSL to describe what to put in the cache. That configuration is stored in a file named Cachefile
. cat Cachefile
will show you the configuration that our sample project uses:
workspace "Test" do
configuration "release" do
build_configuration "Release"
xcodebuild_args "SOME_FLAG='1' -UseModernBuildSystem=NO"
derived_data_path "build"
target "Test" do
cache "Pods_Test.framework"
cache "libStaticDependency.a"
First, we need to tell the tool which workspace or project it should operate upon - that's done in either workspace "<workspace name>"
or project "<project name>"
part. Inside that main block we describe what we need to cache and the way to build cached products.
parts are about the way we invoke xcodebuild
to build cached products. You can have as many of those as you want, and specify the one to use with --configuration
flag during XcodeArchiveCache
which build configuration should be used. By default, Xcode generatesDebug
are passed toxcodebuild
- note that these are the same flags we passed toxcodebuild
in "Build it" part.
is obviously the path where xcodebuild
should store it's derived data during dependency builds.
part defines which dependencies should be cached - Test
is our main app's target, and it links Pods_Test.framework
and libStaticDependency.a
. They, and their direct and transitive dependencies are going to be cached.
Simply run:
pod install && time xcodebuild -workspace Test.xcworkspace -configuration Release -destination generic/platform=ios -scheme Test -derivedDataPath build SOME_FLAG=1 -UseModernBuildSystem=NO -archivePath build/test.xcarchive archive | xcpretty
git reset --hard && git clean -fdx && pod install && time xcode-archive-cache inject --configuration=release --storage="$HOME/build_cache"
Since it's the first time we run XcodeArchiveCache
, our cache directory is empty, so XcodeArchiveCache
is going to build every dependency and put products into cache. Run git diff
- some targets vanished from project files, and those are the targets that were parts of build graphs for Pods_Test.framework
and libStaticDependency.a
. We replaced these targets with cached build products.
Let's check how cache affects app build time:
time xcodebuild -workspace Test.xcworkspace -configuration Release -destination generic/platform=ios -scheme Test -derivedDataPath build SOME_FLAG=1 -UseModernBuildSystem=NO -archivePath build/test.xcarchive archive | xcpretty
Run the same two commands once again. This time, cache directory contains some zipped build products, and XcodeArchiveCache
is going to rely on them.
We've built our sample app using the cache, but does it really work? Since the app was archived, it's not going to run in a simulator - archive builds only produce ARM binaries. Still, we can install the app on a real device and check if it actually runs as intended.
- We need to create an
cd build/test.xcarchive/Products/Applications && mkdir Payload && mv Test.app Payload/Test.app && zip -r Test.ipa Payload && cp Test.ipa ~/Desktop && cd -
- We need to install that
to a device: go to Xcode - Window - Devices and Simulators, select the device which you want to install the app to in the left pane, press "plus" button at the bottom, below "Installed Apps" table, and selectTest.ipa
that's on your Desktop.
Finally, we can launch the app. Contents of the UILabel
on top of the screen come from StaticDependency
, which in turn takes these strings from its own dependencies - you can see it viewDidLoad
method of ViewController
. Tap the "Tap me" button - what does it say?