This demo is intended to display a sample use of Pixie Datasource Plugin for Grafana. This folder contains manifests to deploy and configure a sample Grafana application which displays information about a sample cluster.
- Define your secret file. Example:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: grafana-demo-secret
type: Opaque
PIXIE_API_KEY: api_key
- Deploy demo application:
kubectl apply -f PATH_TO_SECRET/grafana_plugin_secret.yaml
kubectl apply -f PATH_TO_PIXIE_REPO/k8s/grafana_demo
Since the the ingress manifests are configured to work with Pixie GCP DNS, you will want to configure grafana-ingress.yaml
with your DNS configurations.
If you don't want to use ingress configurations, you may delete grafana-ingress.yaml
, and change grafana-service.yaml
to change service type to LoadBalancer
kubectl delete -f PATH_TO_PIXIE_REPO/k8s/grafana_demo --ignore-not-found=true