Blockchain Based Asset Transfer Application
Spring boot Hlf Starter is a library I wrote.It provides an easy way to get your Spring boot application using Hyperledger Fabric Gateway SDK v2.2 up and running quickly.
Spring boot Hlf Starter Project Link:
I developed the backend of The Asset Transfer application using this library. Asset Transfer Application is a blockchain based fullstack application.The chaincode part of the application is written in Go, the backend part is written in Spring boot, and the frontend part is written in Angular.
The asset transfer application can be accessed from this link.
The swagger ui can be accessed from this link.
The hyperledger explorer dashboard can be accessed from this link.
You can login to hyperledger explorer with these credentials.
Username | Password |
admin | adminpw |
The grafana dashboard can be accessed from this link.
You can login to grafana with these credentials.
Username | Password |
admin | adminpw |
Kubernetes 1.12+
Nfs Server
Ingress Controller
Minimum 6 cpu
Minimum 10 GB Ram
Edit these files according to your nfs server configuration.
Replace with your nfs server ip
Replace /srv/kubedata with your nfs sharing path
Paths of the files to be edited
Copy deploy folder to your nfs server.
Go the path of deploy folder,run these scripts on your nfs server.
cd deploy/setup/nfs-server-setup
sudo chmod u+x *.sh
cd deploy/k8s
sudo chmod u+x *.sh
- Vagrant 2.2+
- Virtualbox or Hyperv
- Minimum 6 cpu
- Minimum 10 GB Ram
cd deploy
vagrant up
vagrant ssh nfserver
cd /vagrant/setup/nfs-server-setup
sudo chmod u+x *.sh
sudo ./
vagrant ssh haproxy
cd /vagrant/setup/haproxy-setup
sudo chmod u+x *.sh
sudo ./
vagrant ssh k8smaster
cd /vagrant/setup/kubernetes-setup
sudo chmod u+x *.sh
cd /vagrant/k8s
sudo chmod u+x *.sh
- Go 1.14.6
- Spring Boot 2.5.5
- Angular 8.2.14
- Kafka
- Hyperledger Fabric 2.3
- Couchdb
- Hyperledger Explorer 1.1.8
- Swagger
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- Vagrant
Şuayb Şimşek - @linkledin -
Project Link: