This is the scholars mate in python-chess:
pos = chess.Position() pos.make_move_from_san("e4") pos.make_move_from_san("e5") pos.make_move_from_san("Qh5") pos.make_move_from_san("Nc6") pos.make_move_from_san("Bc4") pos.make_move_from_san("Nf6") pos.make_move_from_san("Qxf7") assert pos.is_checkmate()
Legal move generator and move validation. This includes all castling rules and en-passant captures.
assert not chess.Move.from_uci("a8a1") in pos.get_legal_moves()
Detects checkmates, stalemates and draws by insufficient material. Has a half-move clock.
assert not pos.is_stalemate() assert not pos.is_insufficient_material() assert pos.is_game_over()
Detects checks and can enumerate attackers and defenders of a square.
assert pos.is_check() assert chess.Square("f7") in pos.get_attackers("w", chess.Square("e8"))
Parses and creates SAN representation of moves.
pos = chess.Position() assert "e4" == pos.make_move(chess.Move("e2e4")).san
Parses and creates FENs.
assert pos.fen == "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1" pos = chess.Position("8/8/8/2k5/4K3/8/8/8 w - - 4 45") assert pos["c5"] == chess.Piece("k")
Read Polyglot opening books.
book = chess.PolyglotOpeningBook("data/opening-books/performance.bin") pos = chess.Position() for entry in book.get_entries_for_position(pos): assert chess.Move.from_uci("e2e4") == entry.move break
python-chess is not intended to be used by chess engines where performance is critical. The goal is rather to create a simple and highlevel library.
However parts like move generation are in C++ (see the libchess directory) to improve the performance over pure Python code.
libboost-regex-dev and libboost-python-dev are required.
With easy_install:
sudo easy_install python-chess
From current source code:
python build sudo python install
python-chess is licensed under the GPL3. See the LICENSE file for the full copyright and license information.