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中文增速榜 > 软件类 > Assembly

数据更新: 2024-01-14   /   温馨提示:中文项目泛指「文档母语为中文」OR「含有中文翻译」的项目,通常在项目的「readme/wiki/官网」可以找到

# Repository Description Stars Average daily growth Updated
1 chrislgarry/Apollo-11 Original Apollo 11 Guidance Computer (AGC) source code for the command and lunar modules. 55950 16 2023-12-29
2 leachim6/hello-world Hello world in every computer language. Thanks to everyone who contributes to this, make sure to see for contribution instructions! 10398 2 2024-01-05
3 KristianLi/Assembler_lab_homework 汇编作业 2 0 2023-12-21
4 Wokann/GBA_Cardcaptor_Sakura_SCdMG_chs Chinese translation patch of GBA game "Cardcaptor Sakura - Sakura Card de Mini Game (Japan)" 魔卡少女樱-小樱牌的迷你游戏 4 0 2023-11-07
5 mengning/linuxkernel 操作系统导论教学资料、《庖丁解牛Linux内核》配套资料 253 0 2024-01-11
6 retro16/acsi2stm Atari ST ACSI to SD card converter with a STM32 133 0 2023-08-24
7 VLSMB/CLANNAD-Side-Stories-Hook-Tool CLANNAD外传:被光守护着的坡道(CLANNAD Side Stories) PC汉化版 9 0 2023-11-10
8 doincli/esp32_obd_blue 主分支是obd组件 其它分支看readme 3 0 2023-07-27
9 bereal/AdventOfCode2020 Solving Advent of Code 2020, each day in a different language 24 0 2023-12-09
10 team-s2/summer_course_2023 AAA - 2023 短学期安全攻防实践开源仓库 30 0 2023-08-06
11 LuyuZhang00/Embedded-Systems 2022秋季《微机原理实验》:使用80386汇编完成七个程序。2023春季《嵌入式计算机系统》项目:基于8051的数字体温计/基于MSP430的心电采集计数系统 2 0 2023-11-01
12 tokai-student-rocket-project/H-58-Avionics H-58搭載計器 2023年度 夏季 能代 NOGO 3 0 2023-11-13
13 thu-cs-lab/supervisor-la32r LoongArch 32 Reduced 监控程序 4 0 2023-08-08
14 yewentao256/CSAPP_15213 CMU CSAPP learning; 深入理解计算机系统 7 0 2024-01-07
15 leomil72/LM80C A Z80-based homebrew computer withTMS9918, AY-3-8910, Z80 CTC, Z80 PIO, and Z80 SIO 91 0 2024-01-12
16 TG9541/stm8ef STM8 eForth - a user friendly Forth for simple µCs with docs 300 0 2023-08-05
17 fzf404/MiniSys 💾 Nasm 汇编写操作系统 10 0 2023-09-12
18 DANNHIROAKI/XJTU-COMP400627-OS 西安交通大学COMP400627操作系统课程 3 0 2024-01-11
19 weipeng2k/hot-wind 技术杂文集 33 0 2024-01-06
20 Lisadww/Assembly2048 汇編語言2048 3 0 2023-08-28
21 flyleeee/noob_hust_cs_20 华中科技大学计算机学院20级实验报告/代码——汇编实验;机器学习;计算机系统基础;算法实验;游戏设计;组原;计算机网络;软件工程;数据库;计算机视觉;操作系统课设 12 0 2023-12-16
22 flwfdd/BIT-Run 北理润 - 大三上汇编小游戏大作业 3 0 2023-12-22
23 xingji-studio/XJ380-Kernel XJ380操作系统的内核(汇编部分) 4 0 2023-08-12
24 SDGLBL/go-src Knowledge of go's internal implementation Go语言内部实现分析 7 0 2023-10-12

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