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中文增速榜 > 软件类 > Lua

数据更新: 2022-03-21   /   温馨提示:中文项目泛指「文档母语为中文」OR「含有中文翻译」的项目,通常在项目的「readme/wiki/官网」可以找到

# Repository Description Stars Average daily growth Updated
1 apache/apisix The Cloud-Native API Gateway 8776 8 2022-03-20
2 jerrykuku/luci-app-vssr HelloWorld是一个以用户最佳主观体验为导向的插件,它支持多种主流协议和多种自定义视频分流服务,拥有精美的操作界面,并配上直观的节点信息。 1681 2 2022-01-09
3 ayamir/nvimdots A well configured and structured Neovim. 506 2 2022-03-17
4 skywind3000/z.lua ⚡ A new cd command that helps you navigate faster by learning your habits. 2232 2 2022-03-08
5 Tencent/LuaPanda lua debug and code tools for VS Code 941 1 2021-11-12
6 starwing/lua-protobuf A Lua module to work with Google protobuf 1299 1 2022-03-15
7 wongdean/rime-settings 接近原生的鼠须管 Rime 配置 1150 1 2022-03-04
8 SivanLaai/rime-pure 【rime 小狼毫\trime 同文】手机/PC一站式配置【简约皮肤\拼音搜狗词库\原创trime同文 四叶草 九宫格 拼音方案\四叶草拼音\四叶草地球拼音\小鹤双拼\极品五笔\QQ五笔\徐码\郑码】 279 1 2022-03-19
9 acecilia/OpenWRTInvasion Root shell exploit for several Xiaomi routers: 4A Gigabit, 4A 100M, 4, 4C, 3Gv2, 4Q, miWifi 3C... 733 1 2022-02-07
10 orlabs/orange OpenResty/Nginx Gateway for API Monitoring and Management. 2223 1 2021-12-22
11 threathunterX/nebula "星云"业务风控系统,主工程 991 1 2022-03-03
12 lisaac/luci-app-dockerman Docker Manager interface for LuCI 527 1 2022-02-26
13 ainrm/safeGate 一个基于openresty开发的安全网关demo 19 1 2022-03-03
14 jx-sec/jxwaf JXWAF(锦衣盾)是一款开源web应用防火墙 831 1 2021-10-11
15 linkease/istore 一个 Openwrt 标准的软件中心,纯脚本实现,无二进制依赖。支持其它固件开发者集成到自己的固件里面。更方便小白搜索,下载插件。更方便开发者发布插件。 157 1 2022-03-18
16 ssnhd/rime Rime Squirrel 鼠须管配置文件(朙月拼音、小鹤双拼、自然码双拼) 1016 1 2022-03-15
17 kiccer/Soldier76 PUBG - 罗技鼠标宏 兴趣使然的项目,完虐收费宏!点个Star支持一下作者![PUBG - Logitech mouse macro Support 12 kinds of guns without recoil!] 794 1 2022-01-24
18 Iorest/rime-setting rime 输入法配置 110 0 2021-10-03
19 KyleBing/rime-wubi86-jidian 86五笔极点码表 for 鼠须管(mac:macOS)、小狼毫(Windows)、中州韵(Linux:Ubuntu) 五笔输入法 453 0 2022-03-20
20 adamqqqplay/dota2ai This project is a improved Dota2 Bot script based on Valve's default AI. Relase on steam workshop as Ranked Matchmaking AI. This script has more than 1 million current subscribers on Steam Workshop. 231 0 2021-11-23
21 thenumbernine/hydro-cl-lua yet another hydrodynamics/hyperbolic conservation law solver, this one in LuaJIT using OpenCL/OpenGL 15 0 2022-03-20
22 horan-geeker/nana Lua http api framework 100 0 2021-11-20
23 d80x86/lua-resty-tofu a modern api/web framework 9 0 2022-03-15
24 ariwori/toomanyitemsplus 饥荒联机版控制台MOD。 15 0 2021-12-03
25 luastar/luastar 一个基于openresty的http接口开发框架或网关 134 0 2022-03-15
26 ywxt/rime-sunman 山人输入方案 4 0 2021-10-07
27 wofsauge/External-Item-Descriptions A mod for the game "The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth" that displays useful informations for items, trinkets, rooms and more! 76 0 2022-03-20
28 whjiang/cqeb 超强二笔(超强音形、超强快码)适配RIME(鼠须管、中州韵、安卓同文、iRIME等输入框架) 23 0 2022-03-09
29 zhang-changwei/Automation-scripts-for-Aegisub A few automation scripts for Aegisub 21 0 2022-03-13
30 BlindingDark/rime-easy-en Rime / Easy English 英文输入法 139 0 2022-01-30
31 lyy289065406/ro-single-client 仙境RO传说-单机版-客户端(登陆补丁) 6 0 2022-01-29
32 shengnoah/blues Blues是一个基于Openresty + LUA的WEB演示框架 16 0 2021-10-29
33 DeadlyBossMods/DBM-Retail The ultimate encounter helper (for Retail) to give you fight info that's easy to process at a glance. DBM aims to focus on what's happening to you, and what YOU need to do about it. 163 0 2022-03-20
34 roninro/rime-wubi 鼠须管【五笔字型】输入方案 3 0 2021-10-12
35 Rubgrsch/EnhancedChatFilterMODFix A WoW chat filter addon for CN servers 6 0 2021-12-07
36 KURANADO2/hammerspoon-kuranado Hammerspoon 配置 59 0 2022-01-23
37 jerrykuku/luci-app-go-aliyundrive-webdav 本项目是go-aliyun-webdav 的Luci 控制面板。 42 0 2021-11-10
38 hunzsig-warcraft3/w3x-my-tower 【h-lua实践开源地图】我塔非凡 8 0 2021-10-12
39 EsreverWoW/ShestakUI_Classic ShestakUI for WoW Classic (1.14.0) and Burning Crusade Classic (2.5.2) 115 0 2022-01-19
40 AlejandroGiner/Lux-in-Tenebris A Europa Universalis 4 expansion mod built upon Beyond Typus 9. 22 0 2022-01-02
41 Eatsolx/nvim-lua 基于nvchad的配置 22 0 2022-03-12
42 Miaow233/Dingtalk_createLike 一个钉钉点赞小工具,使用FusionApp制作 3 0 2022-01-22
43 cloudwu/stellaris_cn Stellaris 群星 汉化 Mod 362 0 2022-03-01
44 XavierCHN/x-template Xavier's DOTA 2 modding template using typescript and react-panorama 47 0 2022-03-16
45 kaniol-lck/FusionHelpManual-zh_CN Fusion help manual in simplified Chinese translation 10 0 2021-11-23
46 defold/doc Defold game engine documentation for 69 0 2022-02-23
47 cfadmin-cn/cfadmin A lua web network framework. 253 0 2022-03-18
48 PanDownload-Fix/PanDownload-Fix PanDownload 修复版 66 0 2022-03-20
49 sg552/banana-waf 非常简单好用的waf 9 0 2021-10-26
50 super-goodman/lua-script lua 脚本 5 0 2022-03-19
51 musurca/IKE PBEM/hotseat multiplayer for Command: Modern Operations scenarios 14 0 2022-03-07
52 wubonetcn/luawaf A secure and privately deployable web application firewall(WAF).一个安全、可私有部署的Web应用防火墙(WAF)。 61 0 2022-01-14
53 CNMan/rime-data 新世纪五笔字型 for Rime 9 0 2022-03-17
54 oniondelta/Onion_Trime_Files 手機同文輸入法 Trime 洋蔥方案(注音、雙拼、形碼) 3 0 2022-02-11
55 qyh214/wow_addons_private_use World Of Warcraft Addons private use 魔兽世界自用插件 7 0 2022-03-20
56 denstiny/nvim-nanny - 20 0 2022-03-18
57 ck2plus/CleanSlate A community resource, clean base from which to begin mods for CrusaderKings 2 16 0 2022-03-18
58 sniper00/BallGame moon game server的一个使用示例,搭建简单的服务器框架 52 0 2022-01-26
59 WanKcn/HouTu 后土娘娘是中国古代神话中的天神,她掌阴阳,育万物,因此被称为大地之母,在这个文件夹里我将自己计算机组成原理、操作系统和计算机网络的学习笔记进行总结和整理,我相信这三门基础课程就像后土育万物一样,是我计算机更进一步的根基。所以我将这个仓库命名为HouTu 3 0 2021-12-13
60 HDoujinDownloader/HDoujinDownloader An easy-to-use manga and dōjinshi downloader supporting 800+ different websites 128 0 2022-03-19
61 TheOddler/FactorioWorld A mod for factorio that changes the map into a real-world map. 24 0 2021-09-26
62 DeadlyBossMods/DBM-Classic The ultimate encounter helper (for Classic) to give you fight info that's easy to process at a glance. DBM aims to focus on what's happening to you, and what YOU need to do about it. 83 0 2022-03-20
63 bungle/lua-resty-template Templating Engine (HTML) for Lua and OpenResty. 830 0 2022-01-14
64 foggyspace/NsePocsuite-lua 网络摄像头漏洞检测脚本.Nmap (Nse Nmap script engine) 11 0 2022-01-25
65 TerrenceFong/lua-xx 基于叉叉助手开发的一些脚本工具 4 0 2022-02-01
66 enderneko/Cell A World of Warcraft raid frame addon. 15 0 2022-03-18
67 starjun/openstar lua waf,nginx+lua,openresty,luajit,waf+,cdn,nginx 1048 0 2021-10-10
68 DarkEnergyProcessor/livesim2 Love Live! School Idol Festival Live Simulator 79 0 2021-10-05
69 openresty/lua-resty-redis Lua redis client driver for the ngx_lua based on the cosocket API 1685 0 2022-03-20
70 ASoulCnki/oauth OAuth Service provide by ASoulCnki(枝网) 7 0 2021-12-30
71 Ace-Who/rime-xuma 徐码/爾雅:三重注解、双重反查、屏蔽词组、全码后置、顶功版本…… 45 0 2022-02-17
72 DeadlyBossMods/DBM-TBC-Classic The ultimate encounter helper (for TBC) to give you fight info that's easy to process at a glance. DBM aims to focus on what's happening to you, and what YOU need to do about it. 9 0 2022-03-20
73 zhandouxiaojiji/skynet-creator skynet脚手架 9 0 2022-02-13
74 crispgm/dotfiles dotfiles to provision a new macOS with cosy dev setups 79 0 2022-02-28
75 yanhuacuo/98wubi 具备码元提示功能的98五笔配置文件(for中州韵) 29 0 2021-11-03
76 zhyupe/FFXIV-Packet-Dissector Wireshark plugins for dissecting FFXIV packets. 51 0 2021-11-09
77 maojunxyz/flypy-linux flypy(小鹤双拼)hooked under fcitx-rime、ibus-rime、Yong Input Tool. 18 0 2021-10-10
78 openresty/lua-resty-mysql Nonblocking Lua MySQL driver library for ngx_lua or OpenResty 649 0 2022-01-28
79 cissusnar/cpluginscript 快贴插件 46 0 2021-11-10
80 yuanyan3060/Arknights-Bot-Resource 明日方舟bot常用素材 10 0 2022-03-18
81 hongch911/WiresharkPlugin The H265 H264 PS PCM AMR SILK plugin for Wireshark Lua 46 0 2022-01-07
82 apioak/apioak Full Lifecycle Management API Gateway. 363 0 2021-11-06
83 Warehousing/Warehousing 🏗️ Mod for Factorio. Store all the things! (We heard you like boxes, you packrat you!) 28 0 2022-02-18
84 freeioe/freeioe FreeIOE is a framework for building IOE (Internet Of Everything) edge-computing gateway 开源的边缘计算网关框架. 讨论群: 291292378 76 0 2022-02-10
85 scomper/Rime 鼠须管配置 397 0 2022-02-02
86 PlexPt/factorio-chinese factorio 开源中文汉化语言包 4 0 2022-03-15
87 ElvUI-WotLK/ElvUI ElvUI for World of Warcraft - Wrath of the Lich King (3.3.5a) 285 0 2021-09-26
88 einverne/dotfiles vimrc 40 0 2022-02-07
89 lisaac/luci-app-diskman Disk Manager for LuCI 236 0 2022-02-05
90 LufsX/rime Rime(中川韵)朙月拼音与小鹤双拼配置方案 4 0 2022-02-02
91 UsbPacketViewer/parser - 14 0 2021-11-30
92 lxfly2000/Acy-Font 自制手写字体。A hand-writing font set. 15 0 2022-03-20
93 penghcheng/docker docker 配置、集群等 4 0 2022-01-07
94 ONElua/AutoPlugin2 Next AutoPlugin 2 249 0 2022-03-19
95 siweia/NDuiClassic NDui for Classic WoW 72 0 2022-03-20
96 simonxlg/syncobj 可以增量更新数据的库,服务端用lua,客户端可以用lua或者js 3 0 2022-01-22
97 tkkcc/arknights 明日方舟速通 177 0 2022-03-20
98 IgorTimofeev/MineOS Home of MineOS and it's software for OpenComputers mod 480 0 2022-03-17
99 amorphobia/openfly 词库开源的小鹤音形 Rime 配方 31 0 2021-11-19
100 Solor/FreeUI A user interface replacement for World of Warcraft. 53 0 2022-03-15
101 hcaihao/FetionHelper 和飞信助手,实现了发送消息/图片/群聊,利用移动接口发送短信等。 5 0 2021-12-13
102 iDvel/rime-settings 自用 Rime 配置 57 0 2022-03-16
103 sumory/lor a fast, minimalist web framework for lua based on OpenResty 967 0 2022-01-04
104 lilith-avatar/avatar-ava 🛠️ AvaKit开发框架 16 0 2021-12-09
105 jpanther/dectorio Dectorio is a large mod that adds decorative elements to Factorio. 17 0 2022-03-16
106 openresty/lua-resty-limit-traffic Lua library for limiting and controlling traffic in OpenResty/ngx_lua 716 0 2021-12-10
107 sumneko/w3x2lni 魔兽地图格式转换工具 83 0 2022-02-14
108 taoso/vim Taoso's vimrc 43 0 2021-12-12
109 qwe7989199/RubyTools 日文字幕注音工具/Generate and add ruby in Aegisub 19 0 2022-03-15
110 IoT-ThingsCloud/luat-thingscloud-libs 这里是合宙模组 luat 方式接入 ThingsCloud 云平台的 lib 库,以及示例代码。 3 0 2022-01-09
111 sirpdboy/luci-app-advanced luci-app-advanced 高级设置,包括smartdns,openclash,防火墙,DHCP等。 37 0 2022-02-18
112 h-hg/fcitx.nvim A Neovim plugin writing in Lua to switch and restore fcitx state for each buffer. 20 0 2021-12-11
113 citizenlab/chat-censorship Data related to the investigation of realtime censorship 509 0 2022-01-18
114 sumneko/All-Star-Battle-2 魔兽地图-全明星战役 30 0 2022-02-14
115 awesomeusername69420/meth_tools Tools made for 5 0 2022-03-07
116 lxyoucan/nvim set up Neovim 0.5 +(LSP, Treesitter, fuzzy finder, etc) 17 0 2021-12-06
117 xiyoo0812/luabt 基于lua的AI行为树框架 12 0 2022-02-21
118 tianhongw/dotfiles config files for vim,tmux,awesomewm for backup 21 0 2021-12-10
119 tkzcfc/Kurumi cocos2dx制作的动作游戏~ 8 0 2022-02-06
120 thisdp/dgs Thisdp's Dx Graphical User Interface System (MTA Dx Lib) 44 0 2022-03-20
121 vmrp/MythroadSDK 老硬盘里翻出来的代码,斯凯mrp手机软件的早期研究(最早的mr格式据说是lua的变种Mythroad语言) 5 0 2022-01-11
122 astog/MoreLenses More Lenses - Mod for Civilization VI 42 0 2022-02-26
123 alawing/WhitePaws [插件][白爪cksky助手]熊猫一键,自动解定身,飞行饰品和马鞭,回能回蓝监控 6 0 2022-02-28
124 Kamikaze94/WolfHUD Payday 2 HUD 411 0 2022-03-11
125 brendonjkding/fgoScript Fgo script based on touchelf. 适用于越狱iOS的Fgo脚本 12 0 2021-12-25
126 yechentide/DSTServerManager Don't Starve Together dedicated server manager / 饥荒傻瓜式服务器管理脚本 / Bug反馈QQ群927694504 / 准备使用Go语言写个TUI版本 <-- 已放弃hh 12 0 2022-03-09
127 shagu/pfQuest A Questhelper and Database Addon for World of Warcraft: Vanilla & TBC 81 0 2022-02-21
128 HelloWorksGroup/FansBoard 开源粉丝面板 3 0 2021-10-13
129 Ponpon55837/Squirrel 鼠鬚管洋蔥純注音版簡化安裝與外觀設計 41 0 2022-02-24
130 Kiana1337/GamesenseLuaCloudloader 一个简单的Gamesense Lua云加载框架。 5 0 2021-11-18
131 ASC8384/myRime 我的 Rime 配置,适用于朙月拼音/小鹤双拼/小狼毫 /ibus 29 0 2021-11-14
132 422658476/MPV-EASY-Player MPV-EASY Player - An easy to use, modern video player based on mpv 473 0 2022-03-13
133 openLuat/luatos-wiki luatos文档 4 0 2021-12-21
134 DreamAfar/Rime-IME-for-iOS-iRime 这是个人的使用的iRime仓库,主要用于记录: iRime輸入法- 基于Rime输入法框架开发的iOS端Rime输入法 8 0 2022-03-04
135 ThinkerJack/Lua_game_scripts lua+触动精灵写的游戏王决斗链接自动挂机脚本。 4 0 2021-11-04
136 chenxuuu/receiver-meow-lua 接待喵lua插件的lua脚本仓库 12 0 2022-01-23
137 EvanMeek/dotfiles 所有的配置文件(持续更新) 22 0 2022-02-13
138 openresty/lua-resty-upstream-healthcheck Health Checker for Nginx Upstream Servers in Pure Lua 449 0 2021-10-08
139 FrSkyRC/ETHOS-Feedback-Community Feedbacks & suggestion are very appreciated on ETHOS of FrSky 64 0 2022-03-05
140 narc0tiq/YARM Yet another variant of the Resource Monitor for Factorio 46 0 2022-02-28
141 N0zza/MappaMundi - 7 0 2022-03-20
142 VgerMods/Pawn Pawn: find upgrades, do more damage, win. (Download releases and ask questions at CurseForge.) 7 0 2022-03-19
143 f8q8/luci-app-frpc frpc的管理界面 14 0 2021-12-03
144 SwimmingTiger/WowBigfootClassic 魔兽世界经典怀旧服大脚插件修改版 39 0 2022-02-11
145 tg123/RaidLedger A ledger for GDKP/gold run raid in World of Warcraft 12 0 2022-01-04
146 vRP-Official-Developers/dunko_vrp Dunko vRP V6.7 102 0 2022-02-25
147 Muscipular/cgmsv-lua cgmsv lua模块 13 0 2022-03-18
148 fffonion/lua-resty-acme Automatic Let's Encrypt certificate serving and Lua implementation of ACMEv2 procotol 95 0 2022-02-09
149 xkinput/Rime_JD 星空键道6是星空系列输入法中的一款音形码中文输入法方案,「Rime键道」是该方案借助RIME开源输入平台的实现。 27 0 2022-03-14
150 ryohuang/slim-wrt Armor for Openwrt 66 0 2021-11-15
151 shagu/pfUI A User Interface Replacement for World of Warcraft: Vanilla & TBC 243 0 2022-01-23
152 lirenchong/Rime_Settings Rime 输入法从简单到复杂的一套自用配置,会去隐私后不定时更新 4 0 2022-02-07
153 26F-Studio/Techmino Techmino:方块研究所唯一官方仓库(Github) 132 0 2022-03-17
154 IT1187541749/Rime-data 个人输入法仓库-备份 7 0 2022-02-13
155 cubercsl/rime-flypy 小鹤音形 Rime 挂接 For Linux 4 0 2022-01-26
156 ezhangjun/nginx-auth-cas-lua 静态的web站点或者第三方的web站点,通过反向代理(nginx)接入sso 6 0 2021-10-22
157 hunzsig-warcraft3/h-lua H-Lua SDK. This project has been stopped. 61 0 2022-01-02
158 Pergame35/Divergences Newest version of the Divergences mod for Victoria 2 77 0 2021-10-12
159 oniondelta/Onion_Rime_Files 電腦 Rime 洋蔥方案(注音、雙拼、拼音、形碼、行列30) 68 0 2022-03-20
160 EmmyLua/VSCode-EmmyLua Lua IDE/Debugger Plugin for VSCode 480 0 2022-03-18
161 MizukiBelhi/ExtendedUI ExtendedUI, as the name suggest, extends Tree of Savior's UI to what it should be! 21 0 2021-12-08
162 nybdech/skynet-qp-server 一个基于skynet的棋牌游戏服务端,也可以作为其他类型的游戏服务端 27 0 2021-09-23
163 Creckeryop/NOBORU Application for PlayStation Vita to read manga or comics 118 0 2022-02-27
164 Wolferos/Hearts-of-Iron-IV-The-Great-War The Great War has been created by Wolferos with the help of the Community. 82 0 2022-03-18
165 openresty/lua-resty-websocket WebSocket support for the ngx_lua module (and OpenResty) 449 0 2022-03-09
166 ybhuxiao/BadRotations_CN QQ群578928506,这个插件是在尽量不动badrotations的情况下进行汉化,支持9.x,有兴趣star一下吧 13 0 2022-02-25
167 remijouannet/graftorio2 (fork of graftorio) factorio mod for creating grafana dashboard 32 0 2022-02-21
168 TheDeNuke/Divergences-of-Darkness-Rework-Public - 14 0 2022-02-19
169 anjia0532/lua-resty-redis-util openresty/lua-resty-redis 封装工具类 108 0 2021-12-15
170 Pd2VoidTeam/VoidUI VoidUI BLT code and textures 9 0 2022-03-17
171 HahahaVal/easy_game 一个基于skynet的简单服务器框架 17 0 2022-03-10
172 copy0401/irime-bopomo-config iRime 設定 新增注音輸入法 及 注音鍵盤主題 8 0 2022-03-13
173 zkqiang/rime-dict Rime 词库 for 朙月拼音,700 万词条 5 0 2021-11-15
174 kurapica/PLoop Prototype Lua object-oriented program system and frameworks. 194 0 2022-03-16
175 tinymins/MY 剑侠情缘网络版叁茗伊插件集 104 0 2022-02-13
176 chenxuuu/LuaRobot 🌝可以即时运行lua脚本并返回结果的qq机器人插件脚本 4 0 2022-02-18
177 KikoPlayProject/KikoPlayScript KikoPlay脚本仓库 9 0 2022-02-13
178 siweia/NDui NDui for World of Warcraft 164 0 2022-03-20
179 denstiny/awesome-config awesome config file ,sava my config 25 0 2022-02-24
180 openresty/lua-resty-lrucache Lua-land LRU Cache based on LuaJIT FFI 383 0 2021-10-15
181 xiyoo0812/luaoop 一个 lua 面向对象机制的实现。 4 0 2022-02-23
182 tech-microworld/ws-cloud-gateway 基于 openresty + etcd 实现的轻量级网关服务 60 0 2022-03-02
183 jerrykuku/luci-app-ttnode 一个运行在openwrt下的甜糖星愿自动采集插件。 102 0 2022-01-24
184 zuorn/hammerspoon_config hammerspoon 配置文件 47 0 2022-02-26
185 bs10081/Rime-Cx330 適配小鶴雙拼、全拼、五筆:支持部分中英混合輸入、Emoji輸入、簡繁轉換、傳承字標準字轉換、UTF-8 GBK編碼轉換、200萬詞庫覆蓋日常絕大多數場景。 52 0 2022-03-18
186 payday-restoration/restoration-mod This repository is the home of Restoration Mod for Payday 2 25 0 2022-03-20
187 ElvUI-Cataclysm/ElvUI-4.3.4 ElvUI for World of Warcraft - Cataclysm (4.3.4) 23 0 2021-12-14
188 chenxuuu/lua-online 在线测试lua代码,无需后端。test lua code online. 16 0 2021-12-29
189 History-exe/Pocket-Game-Maker-v0.83 由白枫开发的PSP AVG游戏引擎PGM。经白枫同意后,上传做教程之用。 13 0 2021-12-30
190 rsjaffe/MIDI2LR An application and plugin to remotely control Lightroom with a MIDI controller 539 0 2022-02-15
191 k8scat/lua-resty-weauth 适用于 OpenResty / ngx_lua 的基于企业微信组织架构的登录认证 8 0 2021-11-24
192 fang2hou/ElvUI_WindTools Customizable Enhancement for ElvUI 67 0 2022-03-17

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